Can I just say, the golden cards are not bad, there giving you cards, you get more than you would have before, now you don’t have to keep those regular cards. It might not be ideal that there giving you non-disenchantable cards, but even if you don’t like golden, there helpful. Especially the epic
They are cosmetic copies of cards you already have or will have collected with little to no effort. So no, they’re not really helping you
They really made those diamond cards look cheap and tacky. Hopefully they rework the design.
I have no idea what game you are playing. I have completed my rewards track and make about 100 gold per day by doing my daily quests, playing games, and completing darkmoon faire achievements. Then, every week, I get weekly quests that grant me about 2 levels (3000 XP) for another 100 gold. Before I completed the track, I was earning gold and packs quite frequently, and it was exciting to grind knowing I also had a cosmetic reward at the end instead of opening a pack with no big goal in mind. As someone who doesn’t play arena, I don’t fully understand your frustration I guess. All I can say is maybe win more? Sounds like you might just be bad at arena because you could be gaming the system better than any other system Blizzard has put in place if you just win.
Yes my OCD looks at them and they look all out of shape. They aren’t rectangular lol - well vaguely I suppose. I like the sparkly effects just have a card border. Personally I’d rather just be able to dust them if I get one. I don’t want to have an odd Diamond and few Golden Cards I can’t get rid of. Who owns my collection and says what I can do with it anyway…? oh wait - that’d be Blizzard lol.
There is only one daily quest that gives you 950XP on average, that’s far less than 50 gold, since you need 1500 XP for a level up. If you’ve purchased the EP booster for real money that’s a different story, but even with a 20% EP boost you’d not make more than 1200XP per quest, which still isn’t 50 gold.
To repeat what you said: I have no idea what game you are playing.
That’s so low value that it’s even funny that you point it out as something special.
Let me tell you that in the old system we could make these 100 gold every single day just by playing the game. And yes, on top of quests. And yes, those quests instantly gave us 50, 60 or more gold. Not just 2/3 of it.
So you can make 100 gold every single day without quests in the old system by winning 30 games a day. Assuming you are playing perfectly with a 57% winrate deck, you are playing about 47 games to do that. On the low end, lets say each game takes 8 minutes. In total, you would need to play for 6.3 hours per day to get that 100 gold every single day by playing the game you are talking about. That is very unrealistic, (for me at least) and limits how I can play the game.
Lets say you play 2 hours per day (around what I play) with this 57% winrate deck (that I definitely don’t play). Rounding up, you win 9 games per day or 30 gold. Plus your 60g quest is 90 gold per day. For 7 days, this is 630 gold of pure grinding. Every week, we get 3 weekly quests that each grant ~100 gold (~3k xp when including natural xp gained with time it takes to do the quest) after completing the track. To match the 630 you made in the old system, you need now to earn 330 more gold through the week, or less than 50 gold per day. This is about the same as 1 daily quest and 1.5 hours of play (assuming 400 xp per hour). Not sure what you mean by the weekly quests being low value. In short, gold rewards are similar for time played, but you get more in-game flexibility with decks and modes, as well as cosmetic rewards.
Well, currently you can only obtain 400XP per hour. So 6 hours of playtime would equal 2400 XP, which translates to way less than 100 gold, as you’d need another 600XP (1,5 more hours) from there on to get past 3000 XP.
That means that no matter how much you play, you always would be ahead in the old system.
To be absolute precisely,
400XP would equal 13,33 gold. That’s what you earn now in 1 full hour of playing the game.
Could you make more than 13,33 gold in the old system within one hour? By far!
That’s just exactly 4 wins. And the weekly quest that we get now can’t catch up with all the gold you lose just by playing everyday.
One average daily quest in the old system: ~ 60 gold
One average daily quest in the new system: ~950XP = 30 gold
Actually the weekly quests (plural) that you get can catch up with all the gold you lose per day as I stated in my previous post. I see your perspective-- on a day to day basis you are not wrong, the xp system is slightly worse. Luckily, you play the game for more than 1 day:
Think in terms of a week here. You need 600 extra XP per day to match the old system. You get 9k XP per week, given in chunks of 3k. We can use 4200 (600*7) of this weekly XP to fill up the 600XP daily gap you mentioned. We now have 4800 extra XP we gained, while playing the same amount of time as we did in the old system. Now, when you factor in the 950XP for daily quests (*7 days for 1 week) we have 11450 XP or or ~380 gold. This is indeed less than the theoretical 420 weekly gold you get from old system daily quests (60 g * 7). But, again, you are playing this 57% winrate deck in constructed only for 6.3 hours per day. If you play that much every day, I concede my point and you are right, the old system grants you about 50 more gold in the most un-fun way imaginable. But, as I showed in my last post, for shorter (more reasonable) amounts of play, these weekly quests make up for the value lost.
This is all calculated post rewards track as well, meaning there are other benefits gained along the way the old system never granted.
Edit: Made a mistake in this whole post, I accidentally kept calculating with quest + gold by playing value from the old system as “just the quests alone”. I’m too lazy to re-calculate everything as this conversation is done anyway, but just skip my posts as they’re wrong.
That’s not true.
7x 60g = 420g for daily quests
7x ~30 gold per day by winning 9 matches = 210g
= 630 gold.
New system:
7x 950XP = 6.650XP = 221 gold
1x 3000XP = 100 gold
= 321 gold
Now “just playing the game” comes into the calculation.
You’re now already 309 gold behind the old system.
You can only earn 400XP (=13,33gold) per hour by playing.
This means you’d need to play Hearthstone 309:13,33 = 23 hours a week to catch up with the gold from the old system. That’s almost one whole day - of being inside matches! No breaks, no qeue time, nothing, because only time spent inside matches counts.
I only calculated 9 wins a day which is super low and probably already halfway done just by doing your quests. You probably want to actually play the game after doing a quest and will exceed 9 wins quickly, and with each one it’s getting worse and worse for the new system. Because for every 3 wins more, you’d need to grind almost one hour to catch up.
Just by quests alone the old system gave you almost twice the amount, 630 gold instead of 321 gold.
Just by playing the game itself you’d easily earn more than 13 gold per hour, as you make more than 3 wins in 1 hour, while you’re tied to 13,33 gold per hour in the new system.
So no matter if you only play 1 hour per day or 3, you’ll always be far behind than in the old system. There is no way to catch up, it’s mathematically impossible.
should be 3 x 3000XP = 300 gold. You get 3 weekly quests per week, do you not?
Yeah I completely agree, they just don’t belong or fit with anything in hearthstone. If the border was at least the same shape as the current legendaries I would probably be able to look past it, but its just so… out of place and bad. It is a bit ridiculous that it cannot be dusted, personally It makes me not want to buy the tavern pass just so I can avoid having the card in my collection! I would rather the regular/gold version of both cards.
Well one gives 2500XP (the win 5 ranked games one) and the two others are always 1750XP (hearthstone.gamepedia .com/Quest#Weekly_Quests)
So we change my calculation to
New system:
7x 950XP = 6.650XP = 221 gold
1x 6000XP = 200 gold
= 421 gold
That’s 100 gold more in total but my point still stands! Then you’re still 209 gold behind the old system just by quests alone. Plus the daily fallback by not earning more than 13,33 gold per hour, which sums up over the course of a week or even a month a lot.
Will I be able to buy the reward track to get Diamond Samuro before I redeem my preorder bundle, so that Samuro won’t be one of my bundle golden legendaries?
It’s amazing, that despite this simple math that anyone should be able to do, there are still people thinking the new system gives more gold.
Guess it shows that the smoke and mirrors work. At least on the target audience.
Contents are decided when the pack is opened, not when it’s bought. As long as you don’t open it until you’ve bought the pass you should be fine regardless of when you buy it.
I think the issue here is you seem to think it’s easy to earn 13.33 gold per hour with the old system. That’s 4 wins. Playing a 57% winrate deck perfectly means you need to play 7 games (4/7 = 0.57 which is desired winrate). 7 games at 8 minutes per game is 56 minutes.
Not sure 4 minutes is by far. So in the old system you are locked into a top tier deck just to barely save a few minutes for your gold value. Sounds fun. This establishes its very close to the same amount of gold for time played, where the new system rewards you more consistently (for wins and losses with any deck) verses the old system only rewards for wins (heaven forbid you go on a losing streak in the old system)
Using the 2 hours per day metric from before, in the old system 13.33 gold per hour yields 26.66 gold per day or 186.62 gold per week. Now, using the 400 XP per hour for 2 hours a day, that’s 800 XP per day or 5,600 XP per week. 5600 divided by the 1500 XP per level for 50 gold means you get 3.733 payments of 50 gold, or 186.67 gold per week.
All this is after you complete the track, not to mention the better rewards along the way. There is no daily fallback, and you get to play whatever deck you want or even different modes whereas all of your metrics you claim make the old system better were completely dependent on playing a 57% winrate deck perfectly.
So woke. Glad you aren’t one of the silly sheep like me that enjoys cosmetic rewards and a fair system that rewards similar gold more consistently, without having to play the same deck on repeat like a bot.
Incidentally, I, too, am glad I am not a sheep. Never said you are, but if you think you are, who am I to argue?
I do enjoy fair system. HS is yet to provide one.
In the old system, I have never had to play same deck repeatedly to gain more gold per hour than I am earning currently. It consistently took me less time than now to earn gold.
The sentiment was heavily implied when you said
i.e. someone thinking this system is comparable to the old one. Now I agree the overall system isn’t perfect, but it isn’t worse than the last one. Complaints I have with the previous system I still have (expansions cost too much especially with mini-sets, new player experience is weak, certain deck archetypes are really unfun to play against, etc.) My wording may have been a bit off, fair was relative to the previous system.
It’s interesting you claim you used to earn more gold per hour than you currently do. Where are you on the rewards track now? Have you actually tried playing for an hour and really tracking for yourself the XP you gain every match? Have you considered maybe you are actually just playing the game less than you used to? Unless you are actually tracking your daily hours and gold winnings and have been since the old system, I find it hard to believe you are actually making less overall.