Rewards Track Refresh & Diamond Cards

Wow. That’s so awesome. So glad I scheduled all the daily play time to get them! So will next expansion in a few weeks to a month have the same freebies if it still needs adjusting? So I can skip a day or two.
In my defense, I’m moody today and don’t mean to be acting like a sarcastic forum troll. Without the sarcasm…

Will the people who played consistently to finish the track and accrue gold get anything for all the levels achieved? and a side note question that may have an answer somewhere else; Are you moving the oldest 3 standard expansions into wild? IF so, is there any arcane dust coming our way or is that only when cards are actually retired or put into hall of fame?

the rewards track got a lot of criticism but actually I like it quite a bit. I made what feels like a ton of gold, but what I realize and I hope you and others do is that a good portion was from the achievements awarding xp. Now that they are done and only the larger long-term ones are left… Just hoping it was factored in. Even playing the dailies a little a day and knocking out the weeklies I made it to only 177 out of, what I think it said was lvl 250 (or 500?). If the track didn’t change it would of def been 50 levels or so less next expansion refresh.

I don’t like diamond cards. The cool thing about golden cards is that you can get a shiny animated version of any card. Diamond just feels like you have people working overtime to find out how to cash in on people’s desires to be “exclusive”, and it’s only for 2 cards that are kind of meh. Diamond borders also contrast with the Hearthstone game board in a way that I think is an eyesore.


Last time I checked there was a total of 11000 XP hidden in MDF Achievements. Some are stupidly specific and hard to pull off (like the Oh My Yogg! lethal) especially since they only work in Ranked & Duels.

Expect a similar amount in the Barrens Achievements.

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Has the cost of the Tavern Pass been announced yet? Will it be purchasable with in-game gold like the Battle Pass?

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An alongside the very specific ones, there are grindy ones per each class, nevermind for Legendaries which you can pull later on from a pack here and there. The old hidden achievements (like get 100 wins, collect all Classic cards etc) were permanent. Why not keep the Darkmoon Faire and later ones? At least while they’re still in Standard. Feels bad man…

The real reason?

To push players towards getting each new expansion as they release.

Well it’s a bad strategy, because of the level of specificity and grind for many of them. And you can’t do them in Casual or Tavern Brawl either. The same way they removed or nerfed quests like Play 10 Old Gods, Get Top 2 in BG and now re-rolling the 5 Ranked wins, they could adjust achievements too.

Which achievements will be reset for the new rewards track?
For instance, will I keep my “place 30 hats on one creature with Derryl in Battleground” - achievement?
So if some remain, will I instantaneously start at level 50?
I need some clarity, help a brother out :slight_smile:

Only Darkmoon Faire achievements will change during the new rewards track, and the only change is so that Darkmoon Faire achievements no longer reward xp for the reward track.

With each new expansion, Blizzard wants to focus on the most recent cards, so the achievement/xp system is designed to reward playing with the cards from the most recent set. We have had 4 months to do the Darkmoon Faire achievements, and we’ll have 4 months to do the Barrens achievements. It really wouldn’t make sense for Darkmoon Faire achievements to award xp for Barrens reward track.

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So I can conclude my previous (older) achievements will count towards my progression on the new track?

If I understand your question, the answer is “No”. Are you talking about completing an achievement and not claiming the xp? Because if you do that, there won’t be any xp once the reward track refreshes.

XP is XP, daily and weekly quests from days before will carry forward and reward XP on the new track. Faire achievements do not grant “Faire XP” but just XP. This focus just reeks of a BS excuse, similar to why most of the achievements do not grant XP and they said that “they don’t want players to feel a need to go back to them”. The achievements make you play a lot of grindy or specific combos whhere you might not have the cards or the time to go through them all in Ranked and Duels. Not allowing them in Casual and Brawls is another thing I don’t like about them. Solem’s video on them was reaching pretty much the same conclusions. Grindy, needing all the cards and not worth the concentrated effort. And they won’t even allow you to get that XP long term.

They are also completely optional. I agree that it would be better if they were able to be completed in Casual (brawls maybe not just because some brawls would make some achievements way too easy to complete). I was done with almost all of them by mid-januray, but I focused on them heavily, and I don’t really care about my rank. I also knew back then that the xp would go away once the new reward track was launched because they have said that this would be the case from the beginning.

Do Achievement Points actually do anything? They sit there at the top of the screen but as far as I can tell, they’re pretty useless?


No. They’re just to look and and watch the number go up when you do random things.

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I somehow missed when they said that the XP will go away, amid all the outrage about the new economy and the Reward Track early bugs. I saw that it’s more profitable anyway to rank up in Wild than chase the grindier ones in Standard Ranked and just losing games. So we have Achievements that don’t do much, or those that do most be done fast and sacrificing Ranked games. Not very cool.

I got a lot of my achievments in casual duels as well, since with smaller decks it was easier to draw and play the cards I needed.

You are probably just best focusing on the achievements that grant XP (ie for Forged in the Barrens) and if you hit any of the non-rewarding ones as you go, great! That said I am slightly OCD so hate seeing ones not completed!!! Like at the moment - I have done all the Battlegrounds ones - but Queen Wagtoggle has vanished from play so I can’t complete that one. #annoying haha

Yeah, my OCD also gets me hot and bothered with such issues. What got me upset is missing out on potentially later XP. It’s not like it’s a lot (11K minus what I already got) and it also needs sub-optimal plays. People AFK-ing and roping are more rewarded, you know?

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^This. I was gonna comment about the very same issue. There are 10 golden cards - skins basically - which are worthless to most of us. Thanks for convincing me, at this point, as I was still pondering, not to purchase the bundles and RT in the shop. I’ve quit Wow after a long time playing because of too much bs#it, and I can say thanks for helping (me) do the same with HS. =)