Returning to Standard now?

Alright, smashed my way casually into some bottom-legendary ranks… :grinning: I suppose it might qualify as my first double ‘Legend’ in a season — and the first time doing the achievement for Ranked Standard, but that is of little import.

What can I say… The ladder there is much easier than some others I’ve played — going for that early Legend in the current season of Twist (the rank was somewhere in the 20s back then… somewhat lower now, of course, since I haven’t played since the ‘Gadgetzan’ day — yep, I was rushing to play some nostalgic stuff while it was still cool for me), for example, was quite something, the previous season was also a bit tense sometimes, even Classic outside the bot ‘fiesta’ (somehow the streak between D5 and L could be especially bad — riddled with bots, often with basic decks; maybe it’s that famous ‘matchmaking’ of theirs… Below that or in higher Legend you’d ecnounter some actual players) could be challenging, but this… As for bots, I’ve been quite suspicious, but a number of those opponents looked more like really casual players — emoting, doing goofy stuff and whatnot.

As for the deck — reminded me a bit (in terms of its ‘feel’) of the old aggro Rogue I played in Classic… Not that greedy nobrain-faceroll-APM-goblen-yolo-rogue netdeckuhs loved copying, but the true aggro one (and probably the only aggro deck I deigned to play at that point; 'twas the one with Coldlight Oracles and all that good stuff) — although it’s more about maintaining tempo and pressure than tricky or bursty combos, that’s the difference, and also with some more ‘comeback’ options if you’re overwhelmed on the board or something like it. Looks like a good aggro deck — nothing more, nothing less; not bad, not ‘busted’ or unbeatable, although a bit quirky: those Window Shoppers just have to get into your hand when you’d not want it… Besides, there’s the randomness of discovery, of course, but that’s how it goes with modern HS, I guess, and on average it’s not that bad.

PS Okay, had a little unlucky streak after reaching that bottom-legend, but that could be a fluctuation.