Did you make Legend

Not even want a balance patch right now.

I’m understand that there in fact are things to be adressed but i’m rather play the game as it is than the alternative.

With that said i’m got legend around 1-2 days after nerfs doing most of the climb before playing 1-3 games a day.

And as for buffs
I really don’t think i’m wanna see most of the stuff blizzard could buff into viability.
It is all weird stuff like Giants rogue or spell mage.

I’m prefer that stuff on meme territory.

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My experience…

got a 2nd day legend (400), tanked to 9k and now i’m back to 1k on EU

Chilling on 300 NA, God knows how

EU much, much tougher

Also, ladder is just Mages now, lol

We back to MageStone xDD

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I got it with Reno DH a few days before the set launched, and the deck conveniently got stronger after.

350ish games with DH to go!

But I can get to legend with tier 4 decks these days.

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i made it to plat

rank isnt really something i aim for

fun is my only goal

i lost to a quest warrior today(the weapon quest) it was a fun game


I’m stuck at Diamond 5 with Plague DK which is the only full deck I have as a f2p player.


EU server.

Early Legend in Twist, while it was still more or less fun — I believe it was BRM when I made it to top twenties or something like that, of course, subsequently somewhat lower since I haven’t played since Gadgetzan — dunno, don’t care about that meaningless number.

Some bottom Legend late in the month while returning to Standard after the rotation and expansion’s launch. The long version of the story available via the link. :grinning:

Which just isn’t great right now.

Fewer bots, perhaps? :grinning:

Bunch of Wheel Warlock for me, especially when playing with DK. That class needs some nerfs. :grinning:

Top legend is also easier xD No bots in legend, so how am I stuck on 1k on EU and top 200 on NA? Will prolly finish better than this, i just started playing

What is important is I got my 11stars for the first time xD Next month, anything is possible.

It makes Sense to play mage when many oponents are Wheel Warlock and shopper DH.

The class has acess to both burn against Warlock and freeze against DH without weird teching.

I was playing highlander meme decks all month and i still made it to legend ez, thats no excuse…

I made Legendary the night before the new expansion went live.
I was running Blood DK all season and hit Diamond 1 once but was never driven to push it.
When Blizzard un-nerfed the cards before the new expansion, that one week window created the best opportunity for control decks like mine.
The Prince and the naga tutor were both reverted back to un-nerf mode. People were trying different things.
Then I hit 5 straight wins and reached legendary.

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Holy, EU is unplayable again xD

7/10 DH-s

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Sure about that? :grinning: Since when have they not been able to climb there?

One could debate which populace has been ‘enlightened’ more by ‘modern educayshun’ [1] :crazy_face: , but what is the point… Since when has skill played a decisive role in this game anyway? :rofl:

At top ranks, it would seem that allegedly rigged matchmaking and so on have a greater impact anyway. :rofl:

Besides, with bots abounding, the overall level of the whole ‘legendary’ league is obviosuly lower, isn’t it? Thus, this tendency (namely, fewer bots being on EU than AM servers and so on) would pertain to virtually the whole ladder, I’d think.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM

If you think there are bots in top 1k legend, I don’t know what to tell you

If you think there arent bots in top 1k legend, IDK what to tell you.

Delusion of grandeur is my starting point, but after that…

You are still wrong. Top 1K has had bots in it for a long time now. Yes, even in standard.

In the late Classic, for example — absolutely, I’d consider below approximately top 300 a ‘bot tier’.

There were reports of bots climbing to high ranks in other modes as well.

Yes, I heard about that chinese bot who won last year’s world championship

Oh wait

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Are you actually in top 1K, or even top 10k, legend right now to confirm this with personal experience?

Because if there are any bots in T10KL then that’s news to me.

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There are no bots in top 1k legend.


I made Legend with Excavate Paladin just before the balance patch.

Easiest climb & earliest achievement I ever had.

Logically, it should be more difficult this time.


Yes, there are.