Battlegrounds Patch will contain a DH nerf

Exactly my concerns. They effectively need a complete reset of the meta by nerfing EVERYTHING.

At the very least nerf the crap out of the stuff that dominated last rotation like rainbow DK and Brann, as well as plagues because well rainbow DK is plague DK now.

plague ? that deck is terrible why would you want it nerfed ? it even loses to rainbow mage

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Because it’s going to result in a bipolar meta with Brann warrior countering everything and plague DK (whichever form you like) countering Brann.

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Somebody wasn’t paying attention in the Badlands meta…

Plague DK reached tier 1 because Brann is insanely strong and everything else got nerfed.


The only thing potentially busted about DH is getting a 3 (or 1) mana mag and mabye the 3 mana inquisitor. Everything else about the deck is fine and its just one of the many decent performing aggro decks in the history of hearthstone. Warlock can still put out at least 2 6/6s on turn 4 as well so the minion stats can’t be the problem.

I really hope they dont overnerf it like they did with paladin but I have little faith.

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I miss when set rotations were power resets, and not just a spring board for stronger things.


Great. So 10 days until DH nerfs (who even plays DH anymore xDD it’s yesterday news xDD) and then 2 more weeks of shamanizing, at least

Whatever have I done to God for him to punish me like this…???

Coming up, Warrior, shaman and plague DK meta. So much better lol.


So it’s a cost change not a card change. Almost guarantees the weapon or demon have increased cost.

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Significant probability of changing the cost reduction on the weapon from 2 to 1. But yeah, it’s going to be relatively simple.


I could see that as well. It does pretty much the same thing delaying the overall effectiveness by a turn.

I have all the cards needed to build the DH deck except for the 4 epic cards. Should I go ahead and craft them still or should i hold off since they might just kill the deck. The other only viable deck i have is Plague DK and that deck is on page 3 of the HSReplay deck (sorted by win rate) - so it’s rather underpowered. The top are dominated by DH, spell token hunter and wheel warlocks.

i think that was what a lot of players wanted. I am neutral but either way, some people will be unhappy.

Nah, mon… How about something like this:

Well, there’s still Aggro Hunter, though, but…

Brann — yes, perhaps, but what’s wrong with Rainbow DK? It’s decent (about 50-50, perhaps) against, ironically, Aggro DH, Odyn Warrior, but weak against so much stuff: singleton Warrior (!), Wheel Warlock, even Sif Mage etc.

Exactly my sentiment (for example: Anyone tired of third turn 6/5's - #17 by SparkyElf-2852 , Returning to Standard now? - #21 by SparkyElf-2852).

Tough to say: if they nerf the weapon, you might be out of luck.

That deck does have some ‘building blocks’, such as The Primus, Helya, Pit Boss Reska, for more competitive DK decks at the moment, so you might consider saving up your resources in order to build a better DK deck — provided it’d be ‘playable’.

And nothing for hunter lmao… only thing keeping it in check is nothing right now lmao

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Hunter is op but on the ladder for 1 token hunter there is 3 agroo demon hunter. So that is why token hunter doesn’t get any attention.

Also hunter overall doesn’t see much play in this meta. They will not nerf it.

I’m currently making the most of playing DH before the nerfs.

IMO, its Umpire’s Grasp that needs to be nerfed. A 5 mana 6/5 Window Shopper getting a 5 mana 6/5 is mostly (see below) not OP. However, a 3 mana 6/5 Shopper getting a 3 mana 6/5 demon is OP. Window Shopper gives a double discount, multiplying any mana cheating from Umpire’s Grasp (or anything else).

So, I would say the mana discount on Umpire’s Grasp needs to go. TBH, a 3 mana 3/3 with deathrattle: draw a demon is probably good enough… assuming the deck has plenty of demons. But cutting it to 2 mana and 2/2 would probably be better.

I say Shopper’s effect is “mostly not OP”, but of course that depends on the available pool of demons, which means it does potentially “limit design space” by allowing high cost demons to be effectively mana cheated, albeit at smaller stats.

However, it seems obvious that Magtheridon Unleashed was designed with this card in mind, so its not “limiting design space” that much… MU is designed to be a high roll for Window Shopper. Remember that at the moment, there are 11 demons that can be discovered by WS, but we just lost 3 sets to rotation, and as more sets are released this year, the demon poll will be diluted.

Anyhoo… Demon Hunter has other ways to reduce mana costs, and Window Shopper will always get double value from any such reduction. I guess nerfing WS to 6 mana AND nerfing UG to a 1 mana discount would also be good.

So… I’m hoping they do nerf Window Shopper as well. I pulled a golden copy, so an (almost) free legendary would be very nice. Maybe nerf its stats to 5/5 if it stays at 5 mana, or buff it to 6/6 if it is nerfed to 6 mana :smiley:

Either: Nerf Umpire’s Grasp mana cheat by 2
Or: Nerf UG mana cheat by 1, and Window Shopper cost by 1.

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Tinkmaster Overnerf, is that you? :grinning:

Yep, with a 27% chance (1 - 10 * 9 * 8 / (11 * 10 * 9) = 3/11 ~ 0,27).

Is that even a word? :roll_eyes:

As for what the nerf should be, in my opinion — dunno, it wouldn’t even be my prime candidate (Pipsi Paladin is the real meta tyrant (well, one of) ; a bit more seriously, perhaps, problematic Shaman stuff is still there), but I suppose making the Shopper a 5-5 would be just enough to make it less of a power outlier, although they might just kill it all to satisfy the community and make Rexxar the one true king of aiming for the face again. That’d be kinda sad, with yet another class disappearing into obscurity once again, since the DH has virtually nothing else in terms of good stuff.

PS Maybe I’d prefer something like 4-5 even, but tradeable.

UPD: The formula was not rendered properly, corrected it.

If they just move grasp to a 2/3 weapon there’s no more major issue here. If you can’t handle a demon a turn early you have bigger issues than dk.

Dunno why I bother replying to random posts like that, but anyway…

Yes, there is.

“Let’s remove all the tempo from a tempo deck” — what is the point of it, then.

Something like what they did to Hunter previously (, i.e. tweaking some stats a bit, is okay, or else it’s a typical overnerf.