Regarding Unauthorized Bots

And once again, pro company poster does coc violating post with language that a non pro company poster would have a mod swooping so fast it would make your head spin (complete with a “LANGUAGE EDIT!” note for good measure). Note the crickets when they do it. Also note, you’ll see their posts like this (even “final warning” offenses) still up years later.

Called it:

And of course all of this to distract from the fact that once again, the company can’t fix a problem it’s had for years (not “months”), and tells people “do as I say, not as I do)” about bots in their game.


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Observation: It is way cheaper to claim hundreds of thousands bots were banned, than to actually find them and ban them.


Who would actually do that? A scummy mega corp lie on the internet? Next you’ll tell us governments are doing it!


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Sales must be down… finally a funny thread tho. Thanks for doing so much … nothing.


Pretty much happened the moment they started dumping bots in the game: it was an admission they were hemorrhaging players. And no small amount either.


Well, the devs brought this on themselves by making the game more and more unbalanced to the point where most of the pro scene has quit and most people don’t care about anything but BGs, which even now are somehow suffering from rapidly increasing power creep. I truthfully don’t see a way Blizzard can salvage this mess without admitting they’ve screwed up, which they won’t do.


Pretty much. And players have hated it since they gutted most of what was great about it, and made it p2w garbage.

Right? From the same company that had the board’s infamous “we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing” about their years of workplace harassment. The whole company is rotten to its core.

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Just got matched up with 3 bots in the last 5 games. Thanks for wasting my time Blizzard! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



Just played these three, right in a row. Same stupid pirate rogue deck, same rope burning tactic, and same reaction when “their” hand was full of Mister Mukla’s bananas. Take far left card, hover red arrow over minion, don’t do anything, select far left card, hover red arrow over minion, don’t do anything. Repeat until rope burns and ends turn.

Soooooooo either A) Activision sucks when it comes to banning bots, B) bans only last a few days (since ya got to make the game look like players are actually playing it) orrrr C) Activision is, like 99.9% of the time; flat out LYING.


I highly recommend everyone take this, along with any and all other statements made by activision blizzard, with the utmost skepticism. Believe the bots are being removed once you no longer see any bots, and until then their word is absolutely 0 evidence that they intend to do anything about it ever.


Well it’s been 24 days since GnomeSayin started this thread. Anyone think GnomeSayin will ever post in this thread again? I bet they haven’t even looked at it since they posted it.

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why would they ?

oh and someone on reddit said several players who had bot accounts on discord were banned

before that someone posted he was banned for botting but he wasnt (nobody believed him)

Sad but true, most likely.

Maybe years of lies from this company about "improved communication” for starters.

All bots are blizzard bots, blizzard is making fun of you by coming to talk about it to make people believe that “your complaints about bots concern us” when it is just trying to drown out the fish (well the morons) so that you continue to spend in store.

Hey Activision! You missed one!

got1124#1360 - and your s#itty game shut down before I could properly report it.

Oh and there needs to be a better report feature rather than though the s#itty game, numb nuts.

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It’s a blizzard bot that you tried to report, now the blizzard bots appear in the list of recent opponents except when you try to report or invite to the friend list, the game crashes.

All the bots you encounter are BLIZZARD BOTS.

Why should the Community Manager do their job??? Lol!

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well most posts are off topic or emoji spams

schyla and least other 2 posters here are the only decent posts i saw

did you bother reading at least half of the posts in this thread?

Just face 5 bots in a row in wild rank diamond 8.

3 with two capital letter which make me thing they are blizzard bots and two illegal bots playing bot totem shaman like always.

So yeah … This statement of blizzard is a HUGE LIE. They handle bit like they did in the last 10 years by pretending they do so we stop complaining.

This is PATHETIC. 5 in a row and you try to tell us you do something about it. I’m tired of those lies.


60 responses and almost a months time and not one reply. Over 75 percent of my matches are against bots. Absolute horse crap.

The reason y’all do nothing about the bots is because it kills wild which is probably the goal since you really can’t monetize it. Not to mention twist is a giant fail too. Can’t wait to play one of three decks.