Regarding Unauthorized Bots

What he said. I really don’t see the problem with blizzard’s bots.

Blizzard bots never cheat, rope or spam emotes. Players who use bots do. That’s a huge difference.

If you think they are too easy to play against, either concede or take the easy win on the ladder. Its your choice.

I do think blizzard should acknowledge bots as such, and having a different colour font seems a great idea.

Being able to check a box that avoids bots is also a great idea. If people want to queue longer to avoid bots, that’s fine by me. Alternatively, players could be allowed to quit a game against a blizzard bot with no penalty if they do so during the mulligan phase, without using the mulligan. But probably better to just allow players to avoid the bots.

Also, on the plus side, blizzard bots don’t concede, so you can get achievements against them.

When we report a player, do we get feedback on what happened?

That would go some way to reassuring players that you do take bots (and other problems such as abusive messaging) seriously.


I don’t know if it’s true or not, read this on another post so get the salt shaker ready; but the poster stated that reporting players doesn’t do anything. Again, I’m not sure if this is true or not.

I recall reading someone posting at length about the technical side of it, basically showing that it was a “feel good” button. But when used it actually did nothing. Can’t find that post again.

If that’s the case, can I please refer anyone from Blizzard to my previous post?

there is no reasons they give feedback on bans , first becouse i dont think they consider single reports but may consider a player reported by multiple players … so most of reports will remain without feedback anyway second becouse some bot can stop play or are so bad they stay at low ranks no one reports them so you end ban accounts that are not a real problem .

for the report not working for what i know it was true when it was first released , blizzard said it in the patch , like "we released a interface update that has this button , but is not supported server side so it does nothing " but i think months later they enabled it.

There’s really nothing more to be said. Unless this is some sort of MOBA or arena shooter or something where you may need to practice, there should be ZERO bots, or as close to zero as realistically possible. End of story, there’s really nothing else to say about it.


I’ve been reporting the same account for a month now and it’s the same deck same delays it’s 100 percent a bot. Your ability to detect it a joke… Leoooo#21695 look up the game play record blizzard it’s all there…

If necessary, feedback on reports could be automated. They could have a response that says how many other users have reported the same player, and that action is only considered if a player gets reported by a certain number of players.

And if you try to report a bot… the automated response could simply say that it is a blizzard bot, and blizzard bots don’t cheat.

Facebook gives feedback on reports, and that is full of people reporting other people not for cheating, but for petty reasons. Why can’t Blizzard do the same when there is an accusation of cheating?

And now, quietly unpinned and left to sink into oblivion.

Typical team 5, and actiblizz.

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came here and logged in for the first time in years











And without answering my question:


Any response?

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Well I’m glad that at least this problem is being addressed publicly instead of being swept under the rug. I’m doing my part and reporting every suspected bot I see.

EDIT: Oh, this was a joke post. LOL. I should pay more attention to when these announcements are posted. It’s been 2 months, no perceived change. Nice job!


oh yeah. that’s the ticket.

lol. pirate rogue is so broken that bad bots probably have close to a 50% win rate just playing everything from hand and going face.

plague DK is a decent counter, but then people play the “destroy cards that didnt start in your hand” minion, making the DK deck tricky to play.

of course, HS has always been rock, paper, scissors, but at least it used to be people playing.

just another reason why I am F2P after m any years of being a whale.

April Fools!!!


Ahhhh, isn’t Activision just the best when it comes to pranks?

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:laughing: this is so this blue post.



Soooo tell me again how these are Blizzard Bots….

HamasGoBoom was right. LIARS! LIARS!


Humm, what are the " Unauthorized Bots "?

So, this joke of a company admits there are " authorized bots "?

If yes, i want my money back. I want to play against other people.


I been a hearthstone addict since ungoro.
I hit triple legend this month and Im a fairly good player.

Last few months I started suspecting that the people im facing are not real players. Especially in wild. So I started seeing patterns.

Players do not say belo, they always play agro. Even when they are completely destroyed they don’t concede. I can have a full board with quest mage and 5 quest in hand and these even shamans will keep dropping a 2 drop and giving it windfury like the game might turn in their favor. This is not real salty player behavior. But a obvious robot. And its sad because Im loosing interest fast in your game. I hate single player and this is really single player.

I also stoped buying the preorders because of this. Plz fix ur game fast. I cant keep playing this way.


The problem has gotten worst not better as of the first month of 2024. Cheers to that, hopefully Microsoft buys you guys out and does a better job of regulating change. I doubt it but one can hope right?

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