Regarding Unauthorized Bots

It’s just there to reassure you, so that you continue to spend. If he really wanted to remove all the bots, he would have already started removing their bot.

Just sales pitch.


There’s been literal bots with the same names in wild for months. Doubt there’s any bans. Over 1/4 my games are against bots.


I think more expansions Blizzards do - more bots we will see. Cause it begins very expansive to play this xd. Developers seems dont think about this balance.

so, what about bots? I know them by names already yeah xd.
And question - Ive played today VS player with name Someone#123400001234 . Sure I wrote fake name, case it - player had 12 numbers after # simbol. Is it mean something? Number of bots before him? xd may be someone knows.

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this isnt the only game with bots issues so how did other games do it how do they let players know reports do something ?

TBH the Blizzard bots are hilarious.
You can play Commander Ulthok when they have a full hand and they will literally kill themselves because the script that Blizzard use will just play any card if it has the resource to do so.
Its hilarious.


Depends, which games do you mean? I don’t know of many games where botting is a problem tbh. You can’t bot in games like League of Legends. Is botting really an issue in MTG? MTG bot programming would have to be 100x more difficult because of how player interaction works.

Botting is an issue in HS because everything you do is done on your turn and you don’t ever have to interact with your opponent on their turn.

Botting is a thing in mobas such as league, though it can be pretty obvious since they have inhuman precision/speed akin to aimbot in shooters.

Depends whether you just need the bot to function or if you need it to actually be good at the game. No one has ever made a bot that was good at any ccg (including hearthstone).

I’ve noticed a big uptick in obvious bots in the last few weeks (the lack of think time is a dead giveaway). The nice thing is it usually means an easy win for me lol. I wonder, though, is that the reason that the Innkeeper AI doesn’t remember the little he used to know about how to play? Were there bots that were using him to play somehow, so you dumbed him down?

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This game is trash. Been playing it for so long but battlegrounds is a Fing joke right now. What happened to the fun times before all this bs has been brought in. Fixed it soon or you lose players. Trash trash and more trash


??? I’ve literally never seen a bot, if your running into bots that bad maybe you should look at yourself and ask why blizzard thinks you need that much help to win

For several months I’ve mostly only played quest decks. And concede when I complete my quest, which I concede is rude, but the decks aren’t designed to win, so why waste someone’s time.

At some point during the summer I switched from Casual to Standard, since one of my decks was actually winning games. And then lost more games.

So the appearance of bots happened only in the last few weeks. Now I don’t see bots, and I’m playing against many new-looking players with legit bad decks.

So Blizzard’s MMR system does seem to be functioning in some way to give new players a good experience.

This thread is about unauthorized bots, however. The convo about Blizz bots is a tangent.

At the risk of sounding contentious (which is NOT my intent), what’s so bad about the bots? I don’t mean the Blizzard bots; I understand the reason for them and I understand the objection to them. I mean the player bots. What’s so bad about them? I know that some players have used them to farm XP, but does that really give them any gameplay advantage over another player? It’s not like botting in WoW where they can accumulate resources which can offer an actual tactical edge over other players. An XP bot just gives a free win to the player opposing the bot. I’m not seeing a problem here for the players.

Because it turns a multiplayer game into a single player one. The bots play pattern is brain dead, they take an entire turn to make simple plays, and when you only have time to play two or three games and literally all of those games are bots you feel like you wasted your time here.


That’s fair. I suppose the free win is of little consolation when you’re playing 2 or 3 bots in a row. But how is that different from playing a Blizzard Bot?

Also, at what rank are you seeing 3 farm bots in a row? I’m a pretty mediocre player (D10-D6 typically) and I can’t recall ever seeing 2 bots in a row, nevermind 3 in a row.

Legend, albeit a laughably dumpster legend in an attempt to play against decks that aren’t boring meta crap. Although I typically play horrible decks so my winrate is bad, along with literally conceding against decks I don’t want to play/bots. I actually only have seen a couple “blizzard” bots. Most of them are pirate rogue even shaman gibberish name bots that are plaguing wild. It’s not different than a blizzard bot though, neither should exist and is indicative of the state of this game.

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Ohhhhhhhh this is an early April Fools joke, isn’t it? Haven’t laughed this hard in a decade. That’s a real good joke, Activision. Good one.


“We take (issue) very seriously; we hear you and we’re acting on it.”

The new Soon™ for this decade.

So much this. I still remember their “botters are paying for the sub too” nonsense. Until a mass exodus of players left and the subs reflected it over the issue, and they finally decided to take action.

I only regret that I have but one upvote to give.

Whoa! Listening to player feedback and actually improving the game?! Just where do you think you are?
; )

“you think you want (bots removed), but you don’t”

-actiblizz, since ever

That actually requires integrity on the part of the people in the company and those who run it. From a company like this where the lead dev can openly post exploits streamers were banned for doing (even accidently), and a board that says “we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing” to years of workplace abuses…among a whole host of other issues, integrity left this company a long time ago.

This, just another hustle post meant to make it look like they’re actually doing something.

“If we told you anything about how we were doing something about the problem, it would make the problem worse!”

Imagine anyone telling you that with a straight face in anywhere except top secrect military operations.

And the standard “but muh other companies” from a member of the actiblizz defense force. Defend, deny, deflect, harass. The typical actiblizz and their defender’s strategy. Note how many times when there’s an issue brought up here on the forums over the years, they have their posters swarm the thread, name calling, harassing, and making every manner of post that would get anyone else banned. Even so called “final warning” offenses according to the coc. And yet, they still get away with it.

Have to ask yourself who benefits in that situation? Certainly not the players. Certainly not the forums, which they go on and on about how they want to “maintain a fun and safe game environment for all our players” but let all manner of racist, homophobic, and outright threatening posts be made against people who dare point out the some part of the game isn’t what it should be.

All to distract from the simple fact that once again, the company can’t fix a problem it’s had for years (not “months”), and tells people “do as I say, not as I do)” about bots in their game.


You mean, those are NOT Blizzard bots?
You mean the SweatyPants or KittenPaws or WonderMage or those 2-word names, aren’t blizz owned?

Bc yeah in Ladder, you can see an ocean of bots, you lose once, and 2 bots come straight, and said bots can’t be added, don’t have player-tag, always-ALWAYS play ultra aggressive and try to spend all of their mana. They behave exactly, to the tea, like an adventure mode practice Bot.

And no, apparently, I’ve been “silenced” bc when I try to add anyone (humans too), the game dies “Your last match was saved, Restard Hearthstone!”. It’s been like that since TITANS launched, so a silence wouldn’t make sense. How can I report when apparently, I don’t have access to user options to other ““players”” ?


The fix is very simple for those that purchased the Tavern pass then they don’t play against players that haven’t purchased it through matchmaking. I don’t want to play against bots of any kind when I’m playing this game.