Reason I don't want to quit Hearthstone

Yeah, and how sow, the aptly mentioned sunk-cost fallacy notwithstanding? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you could always take breaks, it can be refreshing, I have done it a several times though sometimes I come back to find the game in an even worse state than it was when I left.

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:grinning: Exactly. And some are wondering why certain players prefer Classic at this point…

Oh I played Lords of Magic, so I know this kind of game, that might be on my agenda for another time.

Well for me gwent is still pretty decent, actually the current community seem to enjoy the game more so than the hearthstone community do judging by the energy you get from forum posts.

I agree that classic is still probably the best mode to play, it’s just it is fixed and I believe the amount of time you can enjoy the mode for is finite. Whereas with Gwent there will be some balance changes and that will shake up the meta, there are so many cards that it would take me years at this point to get familiar with them all. Yet it’s not quite like how cards are being dumped on you all the time in standard and only hardcore players can keep on top of this, just minor point shifts that might bring Syndicate decks back in flavour for instance. I think blizzard are so out of touch with their average gamer, if for example the average player is playing 3 times a month, they basically play a new set of 150 or so new cards every 12th time they log in and I personally hate that. Wild seemed like a happy medium because adjustments were a little slower, but they have basically let it die, they don’t think about it at all when they bring new cards in.

TLDR: Overall I think the average hearthstone player should be playing classic mode, wild is dead and standard brings out new cards too quickly.

You know, I keep ‘hearing’ (or actually, reading) this kind of argument quite often. The thing is: there’s a certain old game called chess (of course, you can’t even begin to compare its depth to HS, but still… Even some grandmasters actually played HS in their leisure time, although spending time this way is probably questionable in terms of helping their career), and even a while ago a certain guy called Bobby Fisher, who actually knew something about chess theory, unkile your typical forum ‘expert’ — in fact, he developed substantial parts of it during his era, raised concerns that chess would be ‘dying’ or so due to how well-known the opening theory is and such, so he invented something called Chess 960 with randomised strarting positions, with the idea of avoiding this problem. The thing is, many, if not most, strong players seem to hate it, and even if you see them occasionally do it just for the sake of big money (they’ve got bills to pay, too), they tend to quickly converge to structures and positions similar to those from classical chess, if possible — which is not surprising, given how balanced and harmonious the original position is, unlike many of those random ones. Oh, and speaking of theory — despite phenomenal advances in computer chess (I’m not even talking how far chess theory has advanced since the era of Fisher), there are still breakthroughs happening occasionally.

This may be too big of an analogy, but still something to consider. Besides, I’ve written what I think about those who think they ‘solved the meta’, don’t feel like repeating it now.

Melitele forbid, with the course they seem to have taken…

That is true.

Ha, how much of the Gwent community has remained, I wonder, and what kind of players are left? I’m no expert in WoW or even a player, but I’ve read and heard about all that Shadowlands stuff and so-called ‘simps’ — this could be a fitting analogy with current happy gwenters.

PS I’m a bit tired at the moment, sorry if this post has turned out less clearly written than it could have been.