Random or rigged?

Gonna need citation on these.

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Here ya go, hopefully this fills your quota.

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Ran out of constructive things to add? Shame. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I could say the same of you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

tbh I’m just tired of the conversation. I’ve made my position abundantly clear and the opinions of the “game is rigged” side are right here and known to be contrary to what Blizzard has claimed. The burden of proof is on them, and if they want any out of most players to believe them then they’ll need to fulfill that burden. That’s about all there is to it.


Gonna need citation for this… and the ones before as well…

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le sigh


So personal experience isn’t important?


You know what? I’ll just provide a source on the matter, seeing as you seem to enjoy asking for those:

When evidence is contradictory to predicted expectations, the evidence and the ways of making it are often closely scrutinized (see experimenter’s regress) and only at the end of this process is the hypothesis rejected: this can be referred to as ‘refutation of the hypothesis’. The rules for evidence used by science are collected systematically in an attempt to avoid the bias inherent to anecdotal evidence.

It’s all laid out here. People inherently suck at finding patterns and wind up inherently biased, so anecdotal evidence is (rightfully) never taken seriously in matters like this one.


Look up the bullet galaxy and the other ways we have measured dark matter. It’s an interesting subject.

“We have an algorithm that runs in the background that pushes all decks towards a 50% win rate”

This is by definition “rigging”

if you are using a means other that standard MMR to “push” my deck into a matchup where it is NOT favored to win, then you have effectively “rigged” the game.


But it is what blizz acts on. The experience you claim isn’t taken seriously is what these expansions and changes address.

Blizz mostly acts on the data they collect (I believe I already provided the source on this too) and very rarely the subjective concerns of the playerbase.

More importantly, the basis that Blizz uses for balance patches and expansion design is quite literally unrelated to the topic at hand. When it comes to scientific endeavors and determining whether something is true or not (e.g. whether the game is rigged), there’s a scientific process that is generally followed (as I’ve laid out and sourced) that seeks to minimize the impact of personal anecdotes and instead follows the most logical path to truth. A burden of proof is placed on the party that opposes the status quo, and if that burden isn’t satisfied then there’s no reason to take that party seriously.

so the whole position of the company is to discredit the idea and anyone who might speak up on the matter. Nice ethical approach there…

*waves hand in front of your face…

“These aren’t the statistics you’re looking for”


I vote Rigged.

Just faced another HIghlander deck.

Queen Alexstasza dropped on 9 again!

Yep yep, now drop Alexstrasza for 0 cause yep yep teehee teehee look what the game gave to me! Victory!

Hearthstone =P

It has to be rigged because it’s completely out of the realm of probability to have the Scamqueen in your hand by turn 9! Would you like some chips with that salt?


Take a deck of 52 cards. Reduce it to 30. Mark one of the cards Scamqueen. See if you get it on turn 9 EVERY TIME. Yep. I bet its there 100% of the time. Tell Blizzard to please the stats! And not fudged one either. Because they would release fake ones to try and disprove what we know.

I still say…RIGGED!

Faced Secret Rogue and shock and dismay! The Jeweler was ready to go out of the gate as needed. Betting any money if the truth was ever released we would all have the hard evidence everyone wants to show that it is indeed rigged.

But then we would all play it as is. Just want Blizz to admit it’s rigged.

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Funny thing is, I’ll bet money that isn’t the case in Hearthstone either. Will you tell me, with a straight face, that if I build a random highlander deck right now, and play a hundred games with Alex in the deck, that I will get Alex in every game by turn 9? Would you be willing to admit that you’re fundamentally wrong if I can show you a single game where this highlander deck doesn’t draw Alex by Turn 9?

The funny thing is that the claims you make should be stupidly easy to prove anyways, regardless of whether Blizzard showed us their stats or algorithms.

And we just want you to be honest :/.


I happen to play the Scamqueen in my Shaman deck and here’s just one game from last night where I didn’t draw her at all:


You just lost your bet.


Ah, a fellow Highlander Shaman afficionado!

I too would like to offer the last five games of Hearthstone I played:

Note that despite every game lasting until a minimum of Turn 9, I only drew Alex in one. zuljin is either lying, trolling, or some whacky combination of both. Definitely not op tho.


Which can come from surveys that players answer based on their experience/anecdotes.