Random or rigged?

Because they used science to develop it. Eventually they let religious dogma get in the way and that’s why the scientific and mathematical developments of the Islamic world fell by the wayside.


There I just told you.

Until the birth of modern embryology through observation of the mammalian ovum by Karl Ernst von Baer in 1827, there was no clear scientific understanding of embryology. Only in the late 1950s when ultrasound was first used for uterine scanning, was the true developmental chronology of human fetus available.

So how come islam talks about it in detail? Explain this to me plz or u gonna tell me that someone randomly came up with the idea before this science time? I wait

And no part of medieval Islamic medicine involved the development of antibiotics, vaccines, or even the discovery of the microbial world which allowed for the foundation of either one. No part of this was related to the subjects I brought up, and no part of this is evidence that we had knowledge of any of these scientific developments long before they were actually developed by science.

A shutdown you cannot come back from

Link please? On both your quote for the history of embryology in the 20th century and where “islam” talks about it in detail?

What happend? I thought u would respond

The day u read aome n got more info, come back n talk, now u just like every other athiest n chriatian, dodging everything

So the game isn’t rigged…right???

I shuffled a BUNCH of bombs into my opponent’s deck. He has 14 cards left in deck and 7 of them are bombs. He’s a Warlock at 10 health.

3 draws in a row he draws into anything BUT a bomb.

sure this isn’t rigged.

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Yes. The odds they didn’t draw into a bomb were (7/14) * (6/13) * (5/12), or roughly 10%. Far from statistically meaningful.

You probably would have said the exact same thing if the Shaman got EVIL Totem, Questing Explorer, Licensed Adventurer, Novice Engineer, Zephrys, or Sandstorm Elemental on 2 as well. You even mention later that they have Invocation of Frost, which is another two-drop that I bet you’d call them out for if they played it on 2. That’s a total of eight potential Turn 2 plays (nine if you count Sludge Slurper into Lackey) that all fit beautifully on-curve and all of which are cards you probably would have whined about.

Yes. If you’ve ever played Battlecry Shaman you’d know that the deck has to have a bunch of low-curve minions to work.

The funny thing is that this one instance of invoking renders all the other ones pretty pointless.

LUL. Get good n00b.

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This amount of hipocrisi is really funny. You know, if you constantly call out people for, say, using ad hominem, do not do it yourself. You are (again) just discrediting yourself.


How sure are you? Gonna need citation for this.

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Wow! Does not say anything game-related though. Gonna need a more definitive citation.


It doesn’t have to say anything specific to games, or Hearthstone. That you can’t put two and two together is not my problem.

That you cannot understand and provide what I’m looking for is definitely not my problem. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Developer insight on how players are matched, Year of the phoenix announcement saying that players will be matched using MMR, Blue post answering questions about matchmaking and explaining that the description of MMR in Battlegrounds similarly applies to Ranked. I wish we had access to the old forums because Jesse (the old community manager there) had on multiple occasions confirmed the same thing I’m telling you now.

“Players are paired using MMR”, is the official explanation, hence it is the status quo. Any claim to the contrary is laden with the burden of proof. As Madmax brought up, the “status quo” (that is, the set of likelihoods and distribution of games/draws that you’d expect from the system that Blizz claims) serves as the null hypothesis of whatever experiment you perform to test the randomness of the game.


So rigging isn’t rigging when explained in an official post?


My point is that there is little to no evidence for rigging in the manner that a number of players here suggest. I never said “game isn’t rigged”, only that “if you believe something is happening that the devs haven’t said is happening or said isn’t happening, you are the one laden with the burden of proof and not the skeptics who oppose you. There is no reason to take your opinion seriously until you fulfill that burden of proof”, and that opinion stands here.