Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern

What we’ve learned over time is there are many Hearthstone players who really care about cosmetics

Where? Where are these players? Do you even look at what people say here? :joy:

I hope for your sake you don’t talk to people in real life the way you talk here.

And lord am I thankful I don’t have to deal with you in real life.

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I want to pay for cosmetics. But this is ugly to me. And it looks like the direction they are going with cosmetics just doesn’t appeal to my aesthetics at all. It makes me worried that more cosmetics will come out in this style and I will have less reason to spend money on a game I love. Also there is so much animation here that if this skin is used on you, it could affect how much time you get on your turn or could be too much for someone’s computer/phone to process.

Ultimately, it’s a character I could not care less about, in a style that does not appeal to me, so, even if they gave it to me for $5, they would get none of my money. I am hoping for more varied styles in cosmetics because lots of different people play this game and want to spend money on it.


Hi. I care about cosmetics. This skin is not what I want and I wouldn’t pay for it if it were $5 and I wouldn’t use it if it were free. They need to consider that they have a varied audience with lots of different tastes.

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This is all blizzard is anymore. Regurgitated content and microtransactions. If you’re dumb enough to pay for this and I come across you, I’m roping you every turn

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you do know they literally know how many people buy cosmetics right ?


I think if “Time” really IS “Money” then a LOT of people here are richer than Elon Musk.

Or, alternatively, they don’t care about wasting what they already have. Just as long as they can let everyone ELSE know about it.

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Why do people get Collector’s Editions of an upcoming game? To Show Off Their perceived status. If you have the minipet of Diablo or the Thor in WoW its a flex on other wow players that you got the original Vanilla collectors edition of wow from 2004 or you got the special edition of starcraft 2 when it released. WoW only players cant ever get these any other method than to spend money with Blizz at the right place and right time.

This cosmetic is pretty much the same idea, spend money here and now, and you get this Ragnaros skin. They wanna flex on people either now or later. Their discretion. and years later when this isnt sold in the store and is just a greyed out box in the collection people will be making threads at random intervals asking to make this available again or to make it purchasable with gold…

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short queues

we just had an expansion released yep not death

i played dead card games before
20 min queues and nothing from devks in 8 months

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