People Roping Every Turn

I have started to come across this far too frequently now. I uploaded this video to YouTube for all to see, not only is this something incredibly annoying it absolutely makes me not want to play the game. So what I have done is when I come across people or accounts who are roping I then delay and keep them there as long as I can, I have absolutely no problem doing HIIT in between turns. Should I result to doing HIIT exercises in between turns, no absolutely not, but the way I see it, I am most likely going to get the win and since I am already in this hell I would rather continue slogging through it then force it on someone else. Even when I have the win conditions in hand I just clear the board and delay delay delay, I think it was a tough district attorney who said “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”. There have been matches where I have physically been able to do an entire HIIT routine which is about 30-45 minutes long for one match of Hearthstone due to roping. While I commend myself for staying active I shouldn’t have to result to doing a full workout while playing Hearthstone to pass the time. I’ve included a link to the video I uploaded to YouTube. I really hope Blizzard does something about this because I refuse to sink anymore money until this has been fixed.


The problem with “do something about this” is actually knowing when someone is “doing this” as opposed to “thinking about plays and using their allotted time.” Sure, we can usually tell. How do you do it programatically?

Bots can often be caught readily, but people who actually play cards and make decisions but abuse the rope don’t look a lot different than people who play cards, make decisions, and use the rope.

It looks like you were in casual. Why not concede?


Alright I want to address some things you pointed out.

  1. There is a system already in place that LITERALLY tracks when you rope. However, the system doesnt trigger it unless the opponent didnt press end turn. So the system is already tracking roping. Make it so that if someone ropes 3 turns you have 15 seconds to play then your turn ends, it’s quite a simple fix just tie the reduced timer to the rope mechanism vice the end turn button.

  2. I can almost guarantee that people arent utilizing their full time every turn unless they are those extended animations. I can count probably on one hand the number of times I have utilized 3 full turns to make plays. You can watch some high level streamers such as Thijs, Kripp, Frozen, Kibbler, or Ryu, they tend to utilize most of their time but that’s with stream interactions and what not, however they don’t generally utilized 3 full turns to play cards.

  3. Because I shouldn’t have to concede a match to avoid being roped. It happens in rank plenty of times too. Additionally, I was trying to complete the daily quest for spells which I wasn’t going to go into rank with spell mage


Roping is not against the rules. You don’t like it when your opponent uses all the time he has available? Well, I don’t like when my opponent uses every mana available. Demanding to punish your opponents for using all their time is the same as demanding to punish them for using all their mana.

Resource is a resource. I do understand this concept might be hard to understand for some people.

yeah, that’s kind of the point. In case you didn’t read my full statement nowhere did I state that it was against the rules, my statement was derided from how annoying it is and how it discouraged me from wanting to play the game.

I do understand this concept might be hard to understand for some people.

Additionally, the two are not equivocal. 10 mana and 75 seconds are not the same. See, my point is as ridiculous as yours.

The silliness of your statement aside, I will say that it isn’t against the rules, you are right, neither is it against the rule for me to spam threaten every single I can, but that type of behavior is toxic just like roping so we shouldn’t be enabling these things to continue to pervade the game. It takes a simple search on the forums to see the plethora of posts dedicated to how frustrated a substantial portion of the community is in regards on this issue.


Nope. Using all the time you are allowed to use is in no way toxic, just because you personally don’t like it.

I do understand that concept might be hard to understand for some people though.

As for the plethora of forum posts, people complain about almost everything in the game. By your logic, toxic are also (but not limited to): aggro decks, control decks, combo/OTK decks, priests, hunters, demon hunters, demons, warlocks, warriors, paladins, mages, rogues, weapons, tech cards, lack of tech cards, long animations, turn time too SHORT (because of long animations), randomness, discover, stale meta, only 30 hitpoints per hero, only 30 cards in deck, games too short, games too long.

Tens of forum posters in no way represent millions of people playing the game.

You know what Horatio, I just typed rope turn and over 100+ returns popped up. You can also go to reddit and see 100s more so I havent a clue what you are talking about. You just have to type it and search…

I do understand that concept might be hard to understand for some people though.

Yeah people do complain, it’s almost as if the customers get to dictate what the want from the producers. Remember that time when Blizzard came out with the new EXP system and a majority of people protested and Blizzard changed it. That’s how change happen you vocalize your discontent. By your standards we should never complain and just shut up. And yeah people complained about aggro demon hunter and blizzard nerfed. people complained about spell mage lunacy and blizzard nerfed, people complained about shaman and elementlul not being playable and blizzard changed it. Change is driven by feedback and once again I can’t believe I am saying this but

I do understand that concept might be hard to understand for some people though.


Well, by your own admission, people complain about the so called “roping” longer, and more, than about the new exp system. And nothing changed! So, the complaining actually doesn’t make the change automaticly happen.

Don’t put words into my mouth, I’ve never said this, or anything like this. Complain all you want. But expect people to point out the errors you make on the way.

SOME change is driven by feedback. Some by Blizzard analysis over time. But if you look at everything people complain about, and everything that has been changed, you find out only a minority of what is complained about has been changed. Minority.

I can’t believe I am saying this again, but

I do understand that concept might be hard to understand for some people though.

I know that playing a game against someone that isn’t following the “rules” can definitely be annoying, to say the least. That said I would like you to consider this; If the player was taking their entire timer however they were actually playing cards as well, would you feel differently?

If you feel:
A) That it is okay; then the simplest thing to do is understand that you are merely taking the most painful perspective, that is they aren’t playing the game properly and shouldn’t be allowed to do so, when the reality is that you just won a game that you might not have otherwise.
B)That they shouldn’t need as much time to make those decisions; then the real issue is turn length and not roping, which I would disagree with. I like the turn length currently.
C) The game is about “fun” and as long as the other person isn’t being “toxic” then they can do what they want. This one right here is a real problem. I do agree that a game should be “fun” and in fact I’d argue that games are becoming less and less about the “fun” of the game and more and more about the “fun” of winning. Hence the endless tournaments and destruction of everything Warcraft, but that’s another thread…

I guess the TLDR; of it is the issue you are having is personal. Yes, it’s shared by many people however that doesn’t indicate that a free win isn’t enjoyed by say someone like myself. They need to take time-played out of the XP track that’s essentially it.

Hope you enjoy your future games.

Sounds like. Good plan: play hearthstone, get swol

Okay the first issue I see here is that your playing casual. So just concede and move to the next match, it does not impact your ranking cuz there is no rank in causal.

It’s a problem when your playing in Ranked, because then if you concede it impacts your rank.

So by deciding to stay in a casual match against someone who is roping, you are indirectly enabling them to continue to do this.

Like the fact you allowed a match to go 20 minutes in Casual against someone who is roping is beyond me. You let him do it to you.

#2 The second issue is that you posted a thread about ropers, which is one thing, totally legitimate" But you’re not playing a ranked GAME!! IT’s casual.

#3 IT’s Casual… JUST CONCEDE and move on to the next match!

There’s no need to put yourself through the annoyance of someone who’s going to rope for xp in casual.

I’ve started reporting roping bots, players that do nothing each turn other than armor up and rope, there are occasions when they put minions on the board and then never use them.

Europe is has a bunch of scummy Warrior bots lurking at D5 and it’s a massive fun leech.

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I created a bug report and post my replays on it every time I come across one. They change things up, sometimes they are other classes.

There is a simple explanation to the roping issue and it all has to do with the way HS has made this game. The majority of people left playing this game are pay to win types. Pay to win types have a very high chance of being bullies. Bullies are the only people who have fun with this game anymore, you can tell that from several things, their deck choice, their in game behavior and their forum posts. If you doubt that then I would suggest taking Psych 101 and then revisiting this game. Heck, just read some of the replies to your post here and you can clearly see it, and yes Horatio, in case you were wondering, I’m referring to you with that last part.


So anyone who has a different opinion than you is a bully then?
I have never intentionally roped, and even when I do need to think a bit about plays, the rope is a very rare sight on my side of the battlefield.
I am also a free to play player.
And I play mostly meme decks.

So, you are wrong in three different ways at the same time. Amusing. Perhaps you should take a psych 101 too? Or take it again, because if you did, you didn’t pay attention.

As I stated in one of the previous “roping” threads, posting complains on the forums about roping is actually validating the “efforts” of those, who rope to “bully”, creating the kind of response they hope for. Ignoring such “bullies” is the worst thing you can do to them. Perhaps you should search for it, and read it.

roping for XP is a common thing nowadays and its annoying, no matter its ranked or not, those players should be banned, not only especially because of roping, but using 3rd party application to control the game.
There is a big difference roping and playing vs roping and not playing (and just increase the round time for more xp), i have a friend on my list who is doing the bot thing for 10 or more days without pause on the bot…i rerported him…guess what happened…nothing…roping with his warrior still without a single issue ruining other players game and time

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy

Have you had many games in which someone uses all their mana just to spite their opponent?

I’m confused by all the roping complaints. I play 100-200 games per month and don’t remember ever playing anyone who ropes every turn. I always play ranked though, so maybe it’s more of an issue in casual.

I’m somewhat concerned that people are talking about me. I tend to play slower than my opponents do. I definitely don’t rope every turn though, and I’m not trying to bully anyone. I just like to consider my options and apparently don’t think as quickly as most.

Maybe you are lucky or maybe you are not playing wild. I encounter at least one bot player every week in wild ladder. I usually play at late night, maybe more bots are active during that time. They are clearly not human, because they do nothing meaningful but just to waste your time. You can even see the players are doing some very strange things, like repeatedly clicking the hero power button and clicking the hero avatar, or repeatedly looking at cards of its hand from left to right one by one. All the moves that it makes happens at the start of the turn. It is not like that it “thinks” what to do and acts. It acts then it idles.

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