People Roping Every Turn

Just concede. Weak arena deck? Concede. Poop heroes to choose at battlegrounds? Concede. Useless treasures at Duels? Concede.

Play ranked with meta decks till you puke.

Pathetic excuse.

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All of them, of course. I mean, I want to win, and my opponent using mana goes directly against that.
And my opponent wants to win, but I use all my mana to thwart their efforts. Well, unless I play a meme deck, which is about 90% of my games.

I had to concede a game yesterday in ranked standard because priest player was roping me every turn for no good reason that I could see. Estimated the game would of gone on for a couple of hours if I didn’t concede. It is like they are holding you hostage or something.

Same thing happened vs. a hunter player but at least the game didn’t last as many turns so didn’t bother me so much. The priest one though was just too much. Taking the whole turn to discover a spell or otherwise just letting the rope burn out. Why do they do this, are they just sick minded or something. European server.

What a good exercise! Keep fit at the same time. I should try actually. In gym can play HS on mobile.

I think Main reason people still Roping is to annoy other people so they get a free win and they do it on hire tires just be toxic

way I see to fix it is if someone rope 2 times in a row they stuck 15 sec turns till they go through 4 turns in a row without burning out

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I have had this happen to me at least once every few weeks in ranked cause that’s all I play. Sometimes I can tell its a bot but other times it is someone just being a jerk. Which I do not understand why they are basically holding you hostage, probably hoping you quit for a free win?

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Intentional consistent time wasting roping with multiple players reporting a player for doing so should at least warrant temporary bans. I still stand by this to this day. This is unacceptable and wastes everyone’s time. Especially when done in ranked.

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i guess it becomes subjective. I was playing normally when someone added me to accuse me of roping, when I wasnt familiar with the deck which is new for me, and i needed to consider my options. But in most cases, i could make decisions quickly.

One option Blizz has is to reduce the rope time if the past 3 turns has gone to roping stage or something. Relying on reports by players end up being too subjective.

You are dumb asf, imagine needing all the time in the world to think and play a card at “turn 1” you can’t be for real. I’m playing constructed and getting roped in diamond 6, you are clueless, play more ranked please otherwise, you have nothing to say in this comment section

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Every game has toxicity, each of them have their own form. League has chat and pings, Overwatch has vc, and so on. Hearthstone has roping as toxicity, you can squelch people if they spam emote if they’re being dicks, there problem solved, but how will you stop them from roping intentionally?? How do I know it’s intentionally?! Buddy I’m playing in high diamond, people do not need 40 seconds to play their cards at turn 1. They rope you intentionally by waiting for the turn rope until the last second then end their turn, yea they did end their turn. If they are afk then they’d be given 15 seconds turn 2 after the rope fuse actually goes through without them ending their turn, that’s how the system works, meaning they’ve been online the whole time. So far, 10 people have roped me in diamond, it is not against the rules cuz it hasn’t been implemented yet, people want to climb to legend asap and this nonsense trash is delaying them. It is certainly a toxic behavior, and if Blizzard tolerates it, they’ll lose players.

I watched the championships on youtube. The pros did it every turn. It seems like some gamers take the game more serious then others.

Wow, we have a necromancer in our midst.

No, it is not. The fact that you personally dislike it doesn’t make it toxic. Are you bothered by people using all the time they are allowed to use by the rules? That is YOUR problem. Not the game’s problem.

Kids these days have no patience, and demand instant gratification.

Funny thing, I havent encountered a “roper” in ages. Not even in diamond. Probably because such things don’t bother me in the slightest. /tinfoilhat I bet they can sense it!

I just don’t know why, when the “turn button” is green, that it doesn’t just automatically change turns. That would get rid of ‘some’ roping. Some people tend to take their turns then proceed to rope.

With all the dropped connections and initilization crashes I get a few problem free turns in each match, usually.

Personally, I want something that STOPS the timer while this trash game loads back up. Your turn dead stopped. People who cry about a person using their time are babies, go find an auto battler if you have time worries. Snap averages 4 min games. I am sick of losing because of a crap program that closes itself for no reason, starts downloads in the middle of my BG or match, or drops connection with full wifi and full 5g mid game. GENERALLY when Im going to win…hmmm…

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You’re responding to a comment made over two years ago; you are dumb asf.

The problem is the turn timer is too long. Other digital ccgs use 60 second timers (at least the ones where you only play cards on your own turn do, otherwise you get a different type of action timer that’s more complex). Hearthstone’s one is 75 seconds. Do you know how often I encounter ropers in other digital ccgs? Almost never. In hearthstone it’s more often than not. Now I realize blizzard communities are inherently more toxic than other gaming communities, but surely the extra time has to be contributing to encouraging trolls to intentionally rope.

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Based on what, exactly?

I often need all of my time; the game feels “rushed” as it is, I don’t want to be rushed even more.

I disagree. The majority of ropers are players (and botters) who incorporate the rope into their game play as a form of abuse and strategy. This is why Battlegrounds was created. Now that battlegrounds has become less attractive with the introduction of Undead, players are looking back at other modes for their gaming fix.

Most hearthstone players, for the most part, expect a 10 to 20 minute match that may on occasion run long, to 25 or 30 minutes when they are on their lunch break, enjoying their morning coffee or in the evening when it’s time to wind down and chill after a long day. We live in a world where we are conditioned to operate on schedules, by the clock and in this day and age, we are used to having pretty much everything instantly. To encounter people who deliberately break unspoken social rules, it’s very frustrating to deal with them when they push our buttons one too many time. Games are played for FUN, to relieve stress, to wind down and relax. The roper is creating an environment where the aforementioned are interfered with.

People who disregard standard social norms deliberately have no respect for other people, their lives or their time. It’s not breaking Hearthstone rules but it is a form of self entitlement and abuse. To drag anything on that should only take X amount of time to the point where time has been doubled or tripled, it’s not a personal issue, it’s an interpersonal issue, on the part of the roper.

Is it? Conceding the game can be done in mere seconds. Voila, you prevented your own “suffering”.
Unless losing the game is what actually frustrates you, and the “played for fun” is just a figure of speach.

You just broke several in your post.