No Coldlight Oracle nerf?

Your post is literally nothing but complaining about a mechanic you don’t like. You really tried to gaslight me and say you didn’t complain? Oof.

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Try again…I see that you can type words so I’m hoping you can comprehend them…as they say, third time’s the charm

The account is a troll.

They have piles of alts to dodge their bans. Don’t take anything they write seriously.


You might want to reread what he said…
He was giving you a heads up on the OP, you got mixed up he wasnt talking about you.


They’re not very strong with reading comprehension

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It literally could be interpreted either way like they were either pointing at me or responding to me. I guess you can take that as a win as you’re desperate and fragile enough to try to. Again nobody cares or agrees with you.

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True, I only have 960 :blue_heart: in 1300 comments

I get that because I was intentionally vague.

Yep. Don’t feed the trolls.

Most of those are you liking your own posts on your alts, though.

As much as you might like to believe that…I have never done that. Otherwise I’d have…9600 likes, not 960. Unfortunately for those who enjoy wrongly and needlessly denigrating me, all of my likes come from other people. But I do appreciate you think so low of me, maybe it’s a reflection on yourself? :thinking:

The truth is that what is played is a combination of both rational and irrational factors. A deck that performs better will generally be played more, but the smoothness and fun factor of the piloting experience is also important and quite arbitrary. There have been many metas where the best deck is below 10% popularity.

Generally speaking, irrationality in deck choice goes down as rank increases, but it never gets all the way to zero. In high Legend, decks that feel better the more skilled you are tend to be very popular even if that feeling doesn’t provide the highest raw winrate. I like to think of these as “Rick and Morty” archetypes, because their players think they’re oh so smart.

Why do you guys keep falling for these? Every thread they make is just to troll the forums.


Which is why it got reported and removed for trolling…yet reinstated once someone moderating the forums looked at it and realized, I’m not trolling, and you all just enjoy being rude and unfair to me. Like, I get it, I say things that are true that people don’t like or don’t accept. That does not make it trolling (far from it). I honestly expected better from you all. Then again, I guess that’s my mistake.

You already admitted that you do in another thread, and when other people complimented you on the trolling, you liked those posts specifically.

If you’re not doing it now, then that’s your fault for setting the expectation that you do. Now that you’ve already admitted you do it a ton, you suffer the consequences of your own actions by not having other people take you seriously.

You’ve essentially cry wolfed yourself into this position.


Show me? I may have been drunk or something? Because me trolling is far out of character and not the norm, as anyone who knows me here, knows.

See above

See above

See above

Again, please be better on these forums, if you are able. It’s tiresome dealing with some of you. Just block me if you can’t handle the truth

This is your thread talking about how you say “did not cheat btw” from a previous post that was deleted where you said you would be using this lingo as a troll.

I fell for it in that thread, and Skizzy came in to even mention that he finally caught on to what you were doing. Trolling by saying you lost to a deck that you really just used.

Even NeonGhost complimented you on the trolling and catching people (including me)

And here you are ADMITTING IT to NeonGhost that you were so good at trolling you had to then spell it out that you were even though you try to act like it isn’t trolling so as to dodge another ban

Here is Skizzy, once again, knowing that he knows you troll

Furthermore, the ENTIRE thread is about trolling and everyone in there knowing you’re doing it.

For example:

And you liked that post along with several others who hinted at you knowing what you are doing.

This is Skizzy knowing you told him before you would be trolling and that he would be calling you out on it when you did.

In either case, you already admitted to Skizzy that you would be making posts about decks that “didn’t cheat” and the real entire post was just about a deck you personally played. That IS trolling. Making a non-sincere posts to illicit reactions from people.

I believe that is enough examples and links to prove my point.


It is precisely because he is a troll that we must stop talking to him.
Of course he is a troll and he knows very well that he is a troll with all the faults of a “perverse narcissistic” and lying troll.

He even tried to make people believe that he is autistic, which is of course not the case because an autistic person is never sarcastic and does not lie.

We must ignore him (not answer him at all) and report each of his troll messages when it is obvious.


Is that trolling? I’m still trying to figure out what trolling even is as evidenced here

Still haven’t figured out what trolling even is, btw, no one has been able to answer me

NeonGhost is one of the worst people on these forums (no offense NeonGhost, besides, I believe NeonGhost would agree). Hardly someone worth considering as anything but a troll themselves (whatever a troll even is)

Do you have someone actual/trustworthy to reference?

I still don’t know what trolling even is, so idk how I would know

I’ve never dodged a ban :person_shrugging:

Skizzy is barely better than NeonGhost, though I will allow you to use them in this case

My criteria for liking posts is irrelevant

The “didn’t cheat” saga was not trolling at all, it was a quest for justice against the wrongdoings and persecution of innocent well meaning people on these forums by people like you from being wrongfully banned

It is indeed enough examples, though as I’ve written to all of them, I’m not sure you really made much of a point at all…I will say that hey, at least you tried though, and that is indeed commendable.

I told you what trolling is.

When you post something insincerely to illicit a reaction from people.

Thus, when you post something and are not serious (like you did when you said you faced someone who had deck X but it was really you who had that deck), just to see what people will say and illicit a reaction, it is trolling.

And acting like you don’t know what trolling is when practically the entirety of the internet world knows what it is, is trolling.

Acting like you can’t open packs because it says it is available in July, but yet claiming you’ve been playing this game for years and years is also another form.

You know what you’re doing.

I didn’t have to make much effort in proving it, because practically all your posts are proof enough.

Asking for a Coldlight Oracle nerf when it’s a card that sees play in like 1 out of 300 games in wild is exactly something an insincere poster would do…and then acting as if you are surprised there is no nerf to it as if there would even be a discussion of said card is also insincere.

You know what you’re doing though, so pretending to play innocent isn’t really going to work with me but I’m sure you’ll get a bite or two with the fishing attempt.


But why do you keep talking to him ?

You know the phrase “don’t feed the troll”?
All his answers will be troll answers, you just have to ignore him, for ever.


Okay, whew. For some reason people report me for trolling, but if nothing else I am sincere. Probably why all of my posts that get improperly reported for trolling end up getting reinstated, now it makes sense, thanks, I had no idea and it took forever to get an answer to what trolling even is. I’m glad I’m innocent of being insincere like that :relieved:

As for the rest of what you wrote…it only follows if I were, indeed, a troll, which you have just established by your definition that I am not. I appreciate you for this! :palms_up_together:

Because I am not a troll, no matter however much you desire me to be one.