No Coldlight Oracle nerf?

I see they are nerfing some cards which is fine and everything but I noticed there is nothing about Coldlight Oracle? It’s an absolute menace of a card especially with those Druid and Rouge mill decks now I’m even seeing Priest use it to copy and mill also, how is it remained unchanged when it is clearly a terrible experience for the game? No one wants to see their win conditions and deck burn away into fatigue, and Coldlight Oracle is the main card responsible for this. I’m just surprised it wasn’t touched for this balancing patch, do you think maybe they just missed it or something?

It’s good, neutral card draw. The popular ping mage lists run it. Seems pretty balanced

Idk what this ping mage is, That isn’t the problem with the card. It is the Miller Druids and Rouges and Preists now too, it needs a nerf.

Using your hero power as a means to end your opponent. Like if a mage was able to reach 10 atk on a hero power.

People enjoy any kind of deck archetype. Just because you don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean others can’t. Also mill isn’t even in the top 20 decks in wild.


Yeah I mean I understand what it is I just never see it and idk what it has to do with coldlight oracle

Must be trying to get to that hero card by using cold light oracle to also destroy your cards.

joking aside, the mill druid became a major threat, one blocked my way to diamond 1 with the tourist who repeats the dew process and the mage area that leaves you buried in the sand,

I still could have beaten him if he didn’t burn my dk… and i need to know if I can beat him with my aggro decks to give a better judgment…

Ever wonder why it “isn’t even in the top 20 decks”? Because people don’t enjoy it…not because it isn’t strong. You played yourself :man_facepalming:

Probably not because Druid can just ramp and ignore everything you do since they gain a billion armor

Armor? What’s that? :scream:

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My aggro decks carry a special hatred against sorcerer aprentice magicians, with double rebuke, loatheb, among others, although I didn’t find many, I did rape many highlander and dorian druids along the way…

Ping mage is the only deck I’ve seen in wild recently that runs coldlight oracle. That’s what I was trying to say. I remember mill rogue from years ago cause it was one of my least favorite decks to face as a greedy highlander mage, but I can’t remember the last time I faced one of those

That cards not even a issue. Its like the people complaining about the most boring class in the game paladin. Its a noob stomper nothing more.


Spoken like a true bronze. lol no. People will play what is effective in a meta. If it was overpowered or broken it would be in the top 20 at least. You’re just upset you got beat by it so you ran to the forums to be fragile. Oof. Cringe.

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Don’t be so rude with him, is a rigged claimer,
a mere spectator of a decision simulator…

Yes, armor. Anyone who runs platebreaker even in ETC have a lower winrate overall than if they didn’t, so :person_shrugging:

I play banana watch tower defense 5 mill rouge a lot which does abuse coldlight oracle with togwaggle and gang up and of course shadowstep and breakdance and vanish and etc, but I also don’t play this game a lot so yeah maybe not many play miller rouge anymore

Then why am I posting about it like it is?

I am legend

It is, in the same way a GUN is overpowered or broken in a game of rock paper scissors. Most people are normal and play rock paper scissors like normal but then someone says GUN and no one likes it or finds it amusing except the person with the gun

If you knew me at all you would know this is not the case like at all


You’re not legend if you’re complaining about mill in wild lmao.

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You are clearly not legend (or very good at reading comprehension) if you think my post is complaining

They didn’t touch any non-standard cards, I know you play wild but this is a “standard” balance patch plan designed for standard problems, better luck next time

Omg I didn’t know Coldlight Oracle wasn’t in Stanedard, I forgot that is the only mode