No Coldlight Oracle nerf?

That’s true enough. I was mainly replying for OTHER people to see that aren’t aware of his tactics.

I’m done in this thread now. If that doesn’t convince them, nothing will.

And his response afterwards only solidifies the trolling.


I can’t imagine how big of a loser someone has to be to become a troll. Getting off on annoying people on the internet is just pathetic.


I agree. It’s even worse when people call and report others as trolls when they aren’t, like what’s up with that? The forums should be a place to discuss shared issues, work together to figure things out, and support one another, not bring people down and lash out. I guess that’s a big ask with some of the people here though, sadly.

And now for my final act, I give this gift to all the other people reading this:

Behold, from the very mouth of the person who claims to not know what a troll is and is “genuinely asking”


None of that shows I was trolling. Lets break it down. If I ever troll, it will be obvious. So where is the obvious proof of me trolling? Despite your best efforts, I’ve yet to see it. Next, asking if someone is trolling? Idk why that is even relevant tbh. Now, you’re the troll here, as they fed the troll. Who is this referring to? I certainly can’t tell. Finally, asking the question, troll confirmed? Ditto. Means what, exactly? It shows nothing, except that there was a troll that I was replying to, who falsely accused me of trolling.

Again, as you just showed, if I ever troll it would be obvious. You’ve tried very hard thus far, but have still fallen far short. Well?

I appreciate your concern, but I know what I’m doing.


Trolls are empty people.
They try to fill themselves with other people’s emotions, but of course it doesn’t work.

It’s true that they are pathetic.
The best is always to ignore them even if they try several strategies : to make people feel sorry for him, to provoke, to say anything, to annoy, …

They are not only trolls on the internet, in real life too, they are psychopaths.

Sometimes others don’t care because in reality, the troll has absolutely no importance to anyone.


You sure seem to know a lot about trolls…compared to me who is still trying to figure out what trolling even is (though I have at least recieved one answer about it now by Sylla, I’m not exactly sure how trustworthy they are with the definition they gave)

Just sorta odd :thinking:

But we are (still) on a thread created by a troll, so this will be my last post here.

And we should not go on ANY of these threads anymore, except to say ONCE that the op is a troll.

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But I created the thread and am not a troll…I guess that means you are wrong, sorry. I appreciate your efforts however futile, God Bless :saluting_face:

Bro, every time you post it’s about trolls. All day everyday, you’re thinking about trolls. Do you have your PhD in trollology yet?

Whatever troll it is that you’re thinking about all the time, man oh man. Talk about living rent free in someone’s head. They have got to be proud of the number they’ve done on you. Maximum emotional damage.

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The narcissist who found a stupid and false pretext to attack me because I already told you to “eat hay”.
Also on this subject !

I had a doubt about you, but now NO, you are just an a—ole (I censor the word because it is rude).

And I’m NOT “bro” or “man”.

(With once again a “stranger” who liked your message then deleted his account) LOL

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And yet your very existance annoys me ,down to your favorite color.
If you could just stop being a pain that would be great.


I was gonna insult you but I love Office Space references so I’ll give you a pass.

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You are the only narcissist here.

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No need to talk with “that”, I’ll ignore “it”.

There you go another reason then lmao.

Almost a year to get her maskless they want people to return bad.
And btw Xbox might buy MK just like they did with Hearthstone.

That Suicide Squad game lost WB so much money that they want to sell their games divisions.

I blame the Batman freaks like you.

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I hope in the new confirmed story expansion of MK1 that Kitana gets killed in the worst way possible lmao.

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Does anyone know what this is talking about? I’m either too smart or too dumb to decipher it

you guys don’t have him blocked? really?