New warrior brann issue

Yogg offers to fill your hand with them, right?

I think the “issue” could be “solved” if they simply BCd twice with the appropriate mana spell. So, for example, if the tendril is on TWO mana, it casts two TWO mana spells, not gain the THREE mana tier from the first time.

Is this an issue in the game. No, absolutely not.

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The tendrils part of that package is complete bait. You are better off going with the standard package and putting Odyn in ETC. mixing in the small mech package to resurrect multiples of them later on is a much better plan. Fizzle has become a very important card in brand warrior now since the removal of all the easy ways to otk somebody with that deck.

Why the hell would you put Odyn in ETC. You hard run that sucker.

The tendrils are the only reason I have any interest in playing Brann warrior at all

An easy way to solve this is to buff “SUNSET VOLLEY” to 9. This way it can only happen by chance at 9 mana, and wont be repeatable.

they are still bogus wincons

We dont want to kill the tendril card completely just nerf it.

Trying to be fair.

Then again, being hit with 4 of these suckers on T8+ is never fun because like the 4/8 that deals 8 dmg to random targets yet always seems to majority hit my face

Sunset always comes up when I dont have a feel to absorb damage and leaves behind a 10 drop to deal with.

Bran warrior imo takes no thought to play. Board clear after board clear, Reno when it’s too much, and basically win from there. Double zilliax (to heal to full again) double excavate, which means legendary with two minions, double Bomboss. The deck has too many ways to stay alive when Bran is involved.

Because there was no Sunset Volley? And there was for sure mire than 2x 10 mana spells in the pool? And Astalor final version costs 8 mana compared to Tendril’s 1. So yeah.

I have to chime on this one. I think that Zilliax + Brann combo is gamebreaking and I don’t think it should be allowed.

You spend 8 turns prepping lethal for the next one and suddenly he heals for 24 and has 3x taunt+lifesteal 6/5-s on the board.

It’s just gamebreaking and doesn’t allow much counterplay. Only combo decks can win against that, if them.

Double-posting much? :grinning:

Is part of the singleton Warrior deck that is actually supposed to be beatable by Warlock… probably not much else. Plague Death Knight could also do things, but it’s not really playable on the ladder, and the reduced Plague package seems to be insufficient and is usually too late for some reason (Warrior has the hidden ability of making Helya one of the last cards in the deck) — I think I might have had better results with DH than with this against those kinds of Warrior decks.

The way I see it [1], [2], the problem is not Zilliax, but Deepminer Brann himself: it’s a card that can be played with anything, be it Odyn, Tentacles, Boom-Boom-lord and whatnot — anything goes and is OP, and if it happens, usually at 6 mana, the card in question instantly makes Warrior unbeatable, untouchable, unstoppable and destroys the opponent’s hero, at least morally (yep, self-repetition again). I’ve already suggested (see the references above) nerfing it at least to 15 mana, but so far it’s been running rampant.

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UPD: Just smashed the face of one such ‘deepmining’ guy with the DH — feels so good. :grinning:

I usually play against a friend greedy things, to have late game battles, something ive noticed is when Brann comes in play, the game turns to much one sided, and stop being fun,
So as much as i love play Brann in ladder, i think there is a bit of a loss of tempo that could be increased like to put it at 7 to make it feel more fair, but that would be enough, taking into account that standard has OTK decks that probably in the following expansions they will compensate with more disruption (i hope another theotar) powerful cards…

The real issue is the tiny spell pool available atm, especially at higher costs. This is also why Mage 8-mana Yogg spell is actually winning them games atm, because it has a very good chance to high-roll and give them nothing but beneficial spells. It sucks, but it’s something we’ll have to deal with until the next set releases and expands the pool a bit (and hopefully Blizzard adds more spells that have negative effects). The idea of making Tendrils cycle back to 1 mana after 10 might be a temporary fix but seems rather harsh considering how often they end up getting junk spells as you power them up and you’re basically wasting mana just to see the tendril kill itself or your other minions…or smack you on the face with a spell. As bad as Tendril decks feel to play against, I think we have other decks and cards atm that are more problematic.

Ugh, really?