New warrior brann issue

Well guess what ladies and gentleman? With Astalor gone, we still have Reno, Boomboss, Odyn to worry about but here’s the kicker. A NEW CONTENDOR HAS ARRIVED! CHAOTIC TENDRILS!!! There are only TWO, yes you heard me. TWO 10 mana spell cards in standard at the moment… Table Flip… and SUNSET VOLLEY! You need to release a hotfix to disable tendrils because Brann Warriors are abusing a 1 in 2 chance to do 60+ damage in a single turn… and I will not stand for it… Astalor was bad because it did 28 damage a turn with Brann. With tendrils being 1 mana and they have endless ways to copy it… they have so many sunset volleys. Either remove sunset volley or bring in a horrific amount of 10 mana spells to offset the 1 IN 2 CHANCE of taking 60+ damage a turn. Literally new Brann Warrior is worse than the last now…


Maybe the Tentrils could be nerfed so that everytime 10 mana is reached it starts again at 1 mana if another Tentril is played.

Just like the excavate cards. Once the legendary treasure is reached it starts over again.


Dks are broken and thas the only thing I get when I play my warrior brann.

You guys are coping so hard lol

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Except that Chaotic Tendrils are NOT new. People are using them as a replacement for Astalor.

Ask yourself: Why was this not a problem before rotation?

uh reno and odyn dont benefit from brann double battlecry

Let’s try to read more than the title next time Boreas.

That would be horrible. It only takes 4 activations to get the legendary excavate treasure, it takes 10 tendrils to get a 50% chance of Sunset Volley.

However, for an effect that is supposed to be “random”, 50% chance is just BS. There needs to be more cards in the pool. Of course, small card pools are often a problem just after set rotation.

But how do you do that? You either include every collectible spell in wild format (which might be overkill, but it would be fun I guess), or you have to make some arbitrary decisions on which spells are available.

However, the bottom line is it doesn’t need to be nerfed, for a very simple reason. Getting up to 10 mana spells is supposed to be a win condition, and presumably the tendrils were designed with that in mind.

Once again (as stated by the OP) the problem is cards that “restrict design space” by making other cards stronger than they should be. And Brann is to blame for that.

Shudderblock could also be OP with tendrils, but they thought of that, and Shudderblock cannot go face. But it can help the tendrils ramp up to 10 mana pretty quickly.

Another one?

How in the world does a Warrior stack up 10 tendrils in the first place? Am I missing something?

You can get 8 if you have 2x 4-drop + brann active, and you need 2 standalone ones

If you have that in your deck, it’s a highlander, tier infinity deck, it should lose by default

100% winrate in 10 games vs warrior, btw. Feel free to ask me for suggestions how to deal with it. Right now, I think I’d just be wasting my words

Always bring two Rats in your deck against Battlecry and OTK meta

You only need to play 5 tendrils after Brann to get to the 10-cost spell. Run one tendril plus Eye of Chaos to get 4 more, Zola Tendril or Eye for more Tendrils. I’m trying this out cause I love tendrils and don’t have enough new cards for the Shaman deck I wanna try at some point

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Well, good luck to you, you’ll need it with that crap in your deck xD

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Oh yeah, it’s gonna be garbage. Already lost a game lol

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Even nostalgic cliown with zola is alooot of damage.

Oh no, it would sure be a shame for Warrior to leave the bad decks Odyn & Brann Warrior and pick up Tendril and dominate. Please don’t do it Warrior players … :smirk:


Sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through just so you can Wheel of Death yourself


Oh, man, I hope that happens. That would be hilarious


You can do 24 damage in a turn with clown and best of all it isnt even a coinflip. Seems weird to complain about tendrils.

Game is just broken on so many levels.


I’ve seen that happen. unfortunately it worked in their favor because they played boom boss next and now they had six perfect cards to draw. That was definitely a loss for me

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Because before rotation the 10 mana pool was robust and had a lot of bad hits, but now it only has two spells; table flip and sunset volley. Guess which of those two is the one they wanna see cast over and over and over?

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