My account got banned - how do i appeal this?

I wil do that i rly am innocent i wont let this go til i get a reply from a human person and my account gets looked at and verified that they made a mistake however long it takes.

You’re the one asking me to prove things I haven’t claimed, trying to fit sqare rules on triangle situations, and not responding when asked for clarification…

Someone forgets the scolling up part of their browser lets one see the previous posts.


and an admission you just lied about the “not claiming” part would be nice.

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You mean the previous posts I quoted myself starting every thing with a theorycal approach of everything ?
“I’d find understandable to”
“If it was the actual reason, and it was provided, I’d understand.”
Yeah sorry that you’re too lazy to go back to that part where I cleary stated that my opinion was based about that starting theorical point.
I’m not excusing myself for you not being able to read a discussion in its entierty.

Now :

I’m still waiting for your explanation on why a THEORICAL rule about leavers punished for wasting other players time in a non-equal scale, should also be applied to ropers that are using their allocated play-time for themselves just as their opponent can during their turn.
Or maybe you think your opinion on that take is not relevant for others to read and you just wanted to be as annoying as you could when seeing someone having an opinion that is not yours ?

Hi. Sorry to see this happen to you.

I really don’t feel like reading through the entire topic, although a quick look tells me it’s full of rubbish, trolling and so on, as usual (you can probably safely ignore most of it :grinning:), so lemme get to the point.

I’ve heard about this matter a few times on Old Guardian’s channel. The thing is, sometimes innocents do get banned, and appealing it can be… tough, but doable. The main message to take away was the following: you’d probably need to sumbit multiple tickets (all the success stories in his experience have involved this), until your case gets to a real, actual human — then it’s likely to be handled well. I hope this bit helps you. Good luck!

PS To think of it, I’ve been reporting not only obvious bots, but just about anyone I don’t like (or virtually my every opponent :rofl:), hoping they’d get autobanned — justly or not :grinning: , although the former option is more likely, but of all people, they had to block you like some cute puppet. What a shame indeed…

Thank you sparky i am just truely sad atm i did nothing wrong sparks :confused:

I never doubted it for a second. :wink: But I also thought you’d be quite FRUSTRATED about it, so I thought it important to log in and leave this tidbit.

So, one more time: take it easy, be persistent and keep sumbitting tickets until you case gets handled by an actual person (and not a bot, an auto-replier or something like it), then it might be eventually solved.

This is what Blizzard is, they ban whoever they want without any proof, they are given the power to ban the toxic community just need to win a game against (angry) players to take reports and take a ban.

Their banning system without human verification is illegal since you have innocent players banned.

This company deserves to be taken to court.

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I don’t think the game will delete an account if the user has never used it, just admit that you used some illegal software and cry to them! Because I read a lot of threads from users reporting that they are going to abandon the game because of the bots!!

I never used software i never botted i wil not admit to botting as i didnt bot, being tiltled and going afk conceding or just closing the app is not botting.

Also i dont work atm so i play alot more then average player.

Lastly when im this bad state of mind i come to the forums theres further proof im not botting cuz im like yeh guys need help i feel frustated you can look it up its on forums so no i am not botting sory for repeating myself.

And that this doesn’t result in a ban for abusing the report feature shows how broken the system is.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!

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Then more power to you, my friend!! Fight for the truth to the bitter end! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

I hope for you that you will not be unfairly banned because if that happens and you come here to cry, we will tell you that you have used banned software.

Don’t worry about it, I would never use something that would risk losing the account, so it will never happen to me!! Now this guy used it, got caught and is crying!! What proof does he have that he never used it?? His word?? I already wanted every user on this forum to be identified by their current rank in the game, just put a border on the figure with the color of their rank.

cestea go click the report feature in game and tell me what you see as reportable :wink: “intentionnaly loosing”

Why would rank prove anything about cheating? They can be Legend and cheat to rank, they may be Gold rank and still cheat (maybe they only collect gold).

Here is my proof that i did not bot

Firstly would a bot run hs replay no.

I will agree i probably had a mental breakdown for doing what i did

I made a post on forums about it.

I got tilted that i kept not hitting diamond and conceded alot of games tyurn 1 i closed the game and instead of conceding my last game vs the paladin mayb e the warrir.

I won my last before i forgot i played another game of hs because i was playing another online game at the same time

I sent them another ticket on top my other ticket they refuse to answer me i am innoc ent i tell you.

Earl Rufus
My account was banned for botting but this was not the case i was merely burned out from the meta here is hs replay with all my replays now tell me why would i bot and open hs replay you can clearly see i played some games conceded some and in some cases just closed the app

This is not botting this is me being tilted please revoke my botting account ban

11 hours ago
Earl Rufus
i played versus the death knight then i saw two warriors and i got so angry i went afk because all they do is play removal.
And i got tilted from going up and down on the ladder please revoke my account ban please i am innocent.

I am innocent yeh sure i should have just taken a break when i felt burned out from the game but this is not botting.

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Can you guys see my replays or do i need to make a screenshot what happens when you click on the link.

I said that to the other thread, but since others may be reading. Your replays from there do work (for other people) but only if you copy-paste the full replay link; so basically just click on a single replay; copy paste the full web address (the one which ends with some “gibberish” code at the end).

same exact thing happened to me 2 days ago and im also in the process of exchanging emails with their bots probably but i don’t think anything will come out of it . i admire ur persistence though.

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