My account got banned - how do i appeal this?

Why have the option to concede if it is forbidden to do so?

Everyone is free to concede if they wish, we are not in a dictatorship.

Blizzard is a company that spits in the face of players by banning unfairly.

This business is 100% against the law.

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Donā€™t bother mate.
I donā€™t know what you did exactly , i got banned because the last month i was just waiting for rotation spamming the daily quests and roping to get exp.
I know thatā€™s lame and i know people facing it get annoyed, but blame Blizz for making such a progression system.
So like, no bots whatsoever, just me not playing as youā€™re supposed to play.

Apparently thatā€™s enough for you to get banned.
Again, donā€™t bother and find a better game to play

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It seems to me they were either hacked or they got a rogue moderator wreaking havoc.

Aerthis just spam them with tickets.
The ā€œpersonā€ replying to you is probably a bot, thatā€™s why they are unhelpful.
Spam them until a human responds and forced to look into your account.
As long as you havenā€™t done anything youā€™ll get your account back.

dont forget people can get punished for spamming tickets

Punished how ā€¦ theyā€™ve already lost the account.

Roping is not a violation of the rules of the game.
Closing the app instead of conceding is not a violation of the rules of the game.

Neither of those things are why an account would be banned or suspended.

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Point to the tos where it says you canā€™t close the game.

Same rules apply: if leavers get punished, ropers do to.

Because the number of people here who reported being criminally threatened by the staff who bot spam cut/paste responses that have nothing to do with their tickets has been pretty high.

Better to get a lawyer and report them to your representatives. Because nothing in the tos says you canā€™t close your game.

And it wouldnā€™t hold up, because of how often their spaghetti code crashes the thing on itā€™s own.

going by what i read so far peope were acting like bots with timed plays like the guy who did it on adventures

the game itself flagged him for doing the exact same thing many many times (he said he used a timer )making it look like he was boting

others seems to have been banned for roping several players and got reported for boting
many of us rope others once in a while without getting banned probably because not many report us

that probably means they did it so often they got dozens of reports per week

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Thats all i did my friend i will be fighting to clear my name however long it takes i did nothing wrong i did not bot i wil fight this to end.


One thing is for sure, they may not go bankrupt because they ban a few people unfairly, but theyā€™re not helping themselves, either.

The customer service is terrible, one of the worst Iā€™ve ever encountered. Iā€™m yet to see an unjustified action being reverted. It just doesnā€™t happen.

Here is one this gives me hope that justice might prevail.

Lol after 29 days and God knows how many ticketsā€¦ I would have given up long agoā€¦

Itā€™s just not worth it. If Iā€™m not appreciated as a player, Iā€™ll find a different game where I am.

Companies seriously need to send their employees back to school to learn the basics of marketing and CRM.

Point to the moment you said you knew how to read

This is hypothetical, not absolute, Iā€™m not the voice of blizzard Iā€™m just giving my opinion

Why would you apply the same rule on 2 different things ? Thatā€™s not how rules work.

So, trolling and deflection. No actual response.

Ive reached out to ridiculous hat on reddit i am looking for a way to contact other persons of interest on twitter

I am willing to go to such lenghts because i am innocent of what they are acusing me off i just need an actual person to look at my account and realise this was a mistake.


I concede all the time they want to perma ban everyone who concedes they will not have any actual players in the end.

Good luck from what I hear Blizzard employees really donā€™t care about anything anymore.

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Seems to be their end game: killing all the modes and banning real players while not actually addressing the botting issue.

Typical actiblizz.

If microsoft wants to save the game, they need to clean house A.S.A.P.!

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Calm down; I know how to deal with Blizzard support; Iā€™ve done it a billion times especially in my decades at WoW.

First of all donā€™t talk incoherently; they are boring people at their jobs; just describe the problem.

At first they inevitably copy-paste something useless; just reply ā€œnot enoughā€; insist again.