My account got banned - how do i appeal this?

Someone didn’t read the op.

The one where ropers try to justify why they shouldn’t be banned, apparently.

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Allowed has nothing to do with it Derkan. It is still rude behavior!

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Another reason why there should be actual customer service and not an AI giving you the ChatGPT response while masquerading as human.

Hopefully you get unbanned and compensated for the stress they put you through. What an unscrupulous company, willing to ban without genuine proof provided to you.


There should be a “report for botting” when doing tickets.


Hey man, I remember seeing a post you made about Hearthstone being the best card game. I totally agree with that statement, but this is Blizzard we are talking about. A quick google search will tell you everything you need to know about how modern Blizzard treats their IPs. I do not think you got banned for leaving the game, but to Blizzard’s lazy faulty ban detection algorithm. It would not surprised me if there were a lot of false-positives from last month’s ban wave and as usual, the complaints were swept under the rug.

My condolences for your account, but you will not get it back unless you have insider info. Customer service for Hearthstone is pretty much non-existent (again just google blizzard ban by past month for more info.) There are those who played since beta that were banned unfairly, and eventually just moved on from Blizzard games, myself included. You should take a break from anything that reminds you of the game (forums, reddit, etc) if you are still feeling upset or even angry. Good Luck!

Instead of adress my issue they ignore evertything i say and give tell they are acting in accordance to their policy I HAVE BEEN UNRIGHTFULL ROBBED OF MY ACCOUNT THIS IS A DISAGRACE FOR THE FIRST TIME I AM DISGUSTED AT HOW I AM BEING TREATED THIS IS WRONG.

Earl Rufus
Hi my account got banned because i was botting this is not the case i was closing the app instead of conceding normlay and i was conceding at the start of matches because i was just so mad at the control warrior clearing my board and the blowing me up.

I know i was wrong and ive been in a bad state of mind but i did not bot this i did not do i just play alot of hs thats all i dont work i play all day please can i have my account back i promise i wont close the app instead of conceding again

Being afk while closing the game is not botting please be fair to me i am innocent i love this game i dont want to lose my progress please forgive me :confused:
14 minutes ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
14 minutes ago

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment


Almost 6 years of my progress lost because they cant properlyt identify what an actual bot is.
I play allot of hs and other games sleeping only a few hours thats my issue.
But i can tell you 100 percent this is mistake they have made a mistake i am innocent and i cant believe they didnt even bother to reply to me.

Its easy to say yes we worked in accordance to our policy well what if you falsly ban somone you cant just say hey its in accordance to our policy you need to reply to what i said im extrmely sad il create new account but hey i gues i cant play for too long or accidently close the game migth be flagged as a bot.

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Yep same BS response I got. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Bingo. Because if this is botting…so is roping. Simple as.

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First of all don’t make it worse for yourself in case you don’t even know what they think it happened. THEY DO NOT PERMANENTLY BAN YOU FOR CLOSING THE APP OR CONCEDING; it would be insanity if they think that’s bannable and they do not think just closing is permanently-bannable; there is definitely a trigger for literal cheating/botting here.

Now unless you do not cheat: start by making sure you don’t have third-party apps like autohotkey or even official mouse software etc that can produce macros or repeaters of keys etc (battle net has a built-in scanner for cheats in case you don’t know and it probably has false positives too).

Sorry if im upset in my response but im a man of integrity i pride myself on it yeh i make mistakes but i admit them as i have done many times when i make apology posts a man who lies to himself is a fool and im no fool i want to be clear.

I dont cheat period if you dont believe me then thats irrelevant i wil admit to what i did wrong as i clearly did i wil not admit to botting i did not bot or use any auto software i dont need to bot i play alot of hs ask my friends.

In fact ive been up all night as uausl i dont sleep alot i dont work at the momennt if bliz alogoritm takes this into account then its a mistake.

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Stop being defensive; it doesn’t matter what we think here and nobody at Blizzard will care about our opinions; I’m trying to help with the technical details here.

Do you play at a Desktop? See if you have some odd things running in the background that could manipulate input of mice/keyboards(and do a virus scan).

I dont have any of those stuff installed i just log in and play hs i do have an antivirus but its the free version.

Im not on the defensive but you people know me you can gauge someone who they are on forums i dont hold back on who i am here i try to be positive but like any person sometimes i fall short thats why i was tilted on ladder i know ive been wronged i wil stand on this point because its the truth i wil not admit to something i did not i refuse.

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Did you give your account/password to a friend? Maybe they cheated, or maybe they had a desktop filled with bad sofware picked up by the battle net scanner.

No i wil make it clear i did not break and coc with regards to acount sharing or botting they made a mistake to think a company cant make a mistake is not a good place to be at i have defended them when they are right this is not one of times.

Il stil play hs but they made a mistake they made a massive mistake and i would urge them to fix their bot identification algorthem sory for the typo

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If you actually didn’t do anything wrong, ask them in a ticket to at least reduce the penalty from permanent to something else (the minimum is a week apparently but they can ban for 6 months too).

Also if you have a real life person who is good at computing: ask them to check your desktop for any software that can be detected as manipulation of mouse or keyboard input.

Thanks i wil got nothing to lose.

Customer service is non-existent, all the messages he sends are already recorded messages. They ban players unfairly.

Robbert Kotick fired all the game’s GMs to increase profits, Blizzard and Microsoft are the companies of shame.


May I remember you that the topic is about a reason to get banned ? And that my initial message is about quitting being an unallowed way of ending a game ? Opposed to roping beeing an allowed way of playing the game ?
It has everything to do with the topic, unless you wanted to talk about something else entirely.

just want to note: abusive conceding can get you ban…its view as intentionnal deranking to reach legend more easily(they added that rule to the ToS in like 2021-2022 i think)

i did suggest some guy on the forum to cheese for his legend some years ago(b4 blizzard made it bannable)(think my post was caught and added that as a rule not too long after)…so dont mass concede no matter how much you hate your match up(1 game out of 5 should be safe to concede b4 8-10 turns has elapse but not more than that)…beyond turn 8-10 should be safe to concede anytime if its an obvious lost

by 8-10 turn i mean you both are at 8-10 mana crystal

and do not play nothing at all either, they can scan you purposely trying to loose if you play nothing for too many turn in a row

however since your flagged as botting i’am guessing you didn’t get flag as intentionnaly deranking yourself…if you rly didn’t bot keep trying with the tickets untill a human actually reply…and if you do get unban, careful to not concede too much in a row because you may end up ban again