My account got banned - how do i appeal this?

Oh, they are not idiots and probably knew what they were doing. ‘It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents, pounds, shillings and pence.’

I beg to differ. Those ‘black swans’ are all around us. We’ve probably got no idea how hubrtistic we are in the assumption that we are so knowing and have seen it all.

I’d say this species is mostly smart — often very much so — post factum only.

Not sure I understood your phrase (keyboards with ‘autocorrection’ playing tricks on you or something like it?), but the topic-starter has most likely been rebuffed by a bot (doing the ‘copy-paste’ thingy, yes), not by an employee.

Have you not seen it in the other topic?

Take a good look at these:

So much for the Micro$oft strart… Although, gotta say, personally, I haven’t been suprised about this one at all.

Or perhaps you just don’t know ol’ Boba on this forum like I do. :grinning: