Is it even possible to save Twist

Should have just kept Classic instead.

Isn’t the point of Twist to make old cards great again?

Isn’t something like Paladin much more OP there, btw?

Me neither, although in a different way than you. :smirk:

What ‘trust’ are people talking about? How… naive must one be in order to trust this particular enterprise, especially given how many times they had betrayed whatever trust some players might have harboured?

I still buy Mercs packs with gold, since there’s little else for me to spend it on, apart from maybe some skins, but there aren’t that many that I want that badly right now… And still waiting for Elise to become available, as sort of promised, btw — speaking of ‘trust’.

I think their rationale was enunciated well enough — Duels have been particularly hard to maintain.

In this light, they should have just kept Classic, btw, since it was static.

That’s what this forum character does all the time — playing the white knight for them. :rofl: Can’t be bothered to provide links — yet again — this time.

Yep. Except it was Yogg. :grinning:

The rhetoric one, you mean?


It’s peculiar how some characters living in their own personal bubble speak about ‘nobody’ and ‘everybody’, as if they had investigated every single player… Or, more precisely, they just called those who did these things (whatever it was that they did, doesn’t matter) ‘nobodies’.

To every single one of these types who are putting such labels on others, a question (probably a rhetoric one, too): do you truly, in your hubris and delusion, believe yourself to be a somebody ? :smirk:

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