More Minions like Malganis PLEASE!

Death straight from hand is one of the worst ways to lose in HS. I’m talking the kind of game where you have TOTAL dominance of the board, and the other guy hits you in the face, MAYBE, once in the ENTIRE game with a minion… but then he just keeps launching stuff from hand, and going face via spells and battlecries, etc. It’s an absolutely stupid way to lose, because once someone starts playing like that, the game might as well be single-player.

Malganis is one of the few minions in the game that can prevent this. There are a couple others with similar effects, ofc, but none of them are widely available, and besides Mal, the others are largely considered too heavy to add to most decks (Animated Armor comes to mind).

Given that Malganis came from the GvG set, and is still relevant in the game today, I think something with a smaller body would see play in many different decks. Even if it was just a 2/4 for 3 mana, similar to Brann.

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Mal’Ganis is an expansion card (GvG).


Oh-- I guess you’re right… Well, he’s still been around for a while.

cards such as malganis instead lets you mill heavy into fatigue without taking damage, because thats such a fun and interactive option

What expansion is violet illusionist again ?

lets just say that there is a reason blizzard hasnt made any continous hero immunity cards since then

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I don’t think there is a deck like that in the meta… The last time I remember one of those decks being dominant was prior to the nerf to Archivist-- whom no one plays anymore, to my knowledge.

The meta is simply too bursty for that sort of game to be played… And tbh, at least the fatigue game you could defend against. So, YEA… it is preferable to what we have now.

Except that you should not always be able to “defend against”.
This game is about proactive play and when it stops you just get at 1 hour or more of resident sleeping.

No one likes to watch , no one likes to play and are a nightmare for tournaments to an point that archivist elysiana is banned at many non blizzard tournaments.

I have to disagree strongly; if you’re sacrificing gameplay for the sake of convince, that’s going to lead to a pretty poor experience.

not atm no, but there was back when those immunity cards existed

Except that no sacrifice is being done.

Longer games not means better gameplay.

Actually longer games are more forgiving because any choice has to have less impact in order for the game to last longer.

In shorter games you often get put at do or die situations were you actually have to solve situations with just what you have at your hand.

UH-HUH… Because Pirate Warrior is the epitome of skill… :wink:

If your primary reason for suggesting that the game shouldn’t have defensive cards-- COMPARABLE to their offensive counterparts-- is that you are going to lose sleep, then it sounds like those kind of games challenge you.

He’s not saying the game shouldn’t have defensive cards, he’s saying the game shouldn’t have cards that negate fatigue

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If you dominate on table, this guy is exactly you need:

PS: Mal’Ganis won’t save you from Mechatun or Uther of the Ebon Blade.

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You don’t want matches to drag on into fatigue turns more frequently because of immunity.

You think you do, but you don’t.

Trust me on this.

Have to disagree.

Game become long is the result from various decision. Decision that usually being unforgiving for picking it wrong and resulted in hilarious fast death.

Yeah, being stable as control is making the game easier. Its because thats is the win condition.

doesnt need to wait for the cthun. Multiple voidlords against DH or hunter usually means win. Which is the reward for picking various strategic moves with defile and board clears earlier.

Or a custom game mode where you enable “Anomaly - No-Face: Heroes are Immune while they control minions.”

No, because the only way a 9+ costing minion is getting played, let alone 6 7 or 8, is if it’s cheated out, or affects the board or your mana or so.

Mana cheat makes cards like Ganis playable, and w/o mana cheat unplayable.
What they need to do is accept mana cheat took over hs, balance the most op mana cheats, balance the most u/p mana cheats, and balance many cards that aren’t getting played bc they’re not supporting a mana cheat package.

Also, armor is another way to take on things like mage, it’s why druid sees play, it has ferocious howl, an auto include in every druid deck ever including even druid it’s so necessary.

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CLEARLY, you have zero idea what you are talking about sir:

If he hadn’t burned the 2nd cube, I would have had enough Malganises (Malgani?) to survive his final N’Zoth-- Or he would have died sooner as a result… Sadly, this is the only game I have ever had the privilege of taking this far.