there was a tavern brawl like that, what happend was that people only played the biggest minions the could find (4 mana 7/7 that cant attack existed for example) because your opponent had to attack it. it works similar in yugioh and works well, but the game then needs to be designed around the fact that the minions have to battle each other first
Bolf ramshield was interesting card but I think it was slightly misdesigned to be useful. It felt was rather poorly statted as something that could be cleared out just hitting face and worst is just skip turn for whoever played it.
Game have not seen many if any minions that give benefits if your opponent ignores it and instead goes face. For example every time your hero takes damage, heal (or gain armor) your hero for 1 or 2.
It would be better of course but I don’t think that’s necessary. At least not for a fun game mode. I guess when it comes to “competitive play” of spikes/tryhards then yeah maybe. But even then you could even have the option to slightly adjust all the cards. At least when it comes to simple changes in mana and attack/health that would be doable. So it could even work in a competitive setting if people really would want that. But I was more thinking of casual games just for fun. And for that I think it could work just fine. I don’t think you need extremly specific cards to make a fun game mode work. But when it comes to “competitive play” you’re probably right and such people should stick to normal Ranked.
I agree 100%. Destroying your opponent at turn 7 means perfect play, true “skill” and not doing mistakes.
Some might grumble its because uber highroll of starting hand and lucky early turn draws while your opponent isnt blessed by such luck but these guys are just sore losers and bad players.
I would even propose making decks to consist of only 15 cards. Because why to have 30 cards? It would make the games last longer and it would made the game boring and without a skill.
I can’t post links, but just imagine that gif of Jameson from Spiderman laughing and asking “Are you serious?”
The reason aggro is so popular, is because it’s consistent; you don’t have to plan for NOT having your win condition under “X circumstance.” Matter of fact, you don’t even have a win condition; the entire goal is to prevent the other player from ever building up to theirs.
The downside: You are ENTIRELY dependent on rng PREVENTING the other player from drawing his answers to your constant pressure-- The answers which any current netdeck runs in droves.
Because you lack a win condition, aggro decks are not decks you play to win, they are decks you play because you are afraid to lose.
There’s about a 90% chance haargroth was sarcastic
I would make it 99.9% chance