Missing cards after update

I have several cards that are missing after update. The reason I know this is because decks are missing cards. I still see what cards they were, but they are ghosted. I have searched every card name in every category, and they are just gone. There were like two that were still there that I removed the ghost named cards and reattached the card, but most are nowhere to be found. I received no notice of cards being removed from the game with a refund.


Iā€™ve noticed something similar with Baron Rivendare (which I got years ago and never got rid of). It is listed unknown with unlocked at level 41. I already have the card.


Rivendare rotated out of core today. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s what happened with the other cards. 20 or so are out, while 30 or so went in.

As a reminder, as of last year everyone gets the Core set for free, but if it changes the no-longer-core cards disappear, unless you also had them previously. You can still craft them now, I believe, but since theyā€™re not standard they may not be as useful, unless you had them in a wild desk.


Same situation, I have like 5 decks that are broken for no reason. Using very old cards.

I have no idea what ā€œcoreā€ even means, I just play mostly in the casual room using wild decks because it is fun and I enjoy the variety.

This just seems like a complete dick move from Blizzard to screw over casual Wild decks for no reason. There is nothing at stake, itā€™s just for funā€¦ why screw over the casual ā€œliterally nothing is at stakeā€ room?

I donā€™t get it.


Also missing at least Rivendare, tried to put in a ticket on contact support and cant submit. But I posted on the tech forms. Nice to talk about this here but place a ticket!

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You had your ā€˜coreā€™ copy in the deck - you just need to replace it with your real copy. You shouldnā€™t be missing any cards.


But well as far as sorting we are Zero. At least I thinkā€¦ So in Wild as the sort I type Baron and I get Geddon and the blubberā€¦ not showing me Rivendareā€¦ So I know the sort works on common and legendary. Wild should show me allā€¦ I tried rivendare, I tried deathrattle and looked at 4 cost cardsā€¦ so shouldnā€™t I agree with but unless I finally have dementia what am I missing? Slightly annoyed at bliz not you so seriously if you see what I may have missed please for the love of G let me know want to open pacs and make decks butā€¦ also want to know what I may be missing!!! I was about to buy the tavern passs but will all the game problems lately now thisā€¦ think I may hold off. Went from excited for the release to where the heck is one of my favorite cardsā€¦ so off to play Valheim for a bit. You all have fun dealing with thisā€¦

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Missing old cards tooā€¦ like the Paladin Card ā€žPursuit of Justiceā€œ in normal and goldenā€¦


So it gets worse. I have owned him for YEARS! and not only is he gone he is craftable which would seem to indicate that I am missing some FRACKING cards. And my dust sure as hell is not reflecting it.


Yep, a couple decks got missing cards after update. Not sure how many cards vanished, but the ones I know for sure are Brightwing, which is greyed out as if I never had it, and Unbound Elemental, that appears red and with the message ā€œNot yet playableā€ (I have already found out the problem with this one and fixed my deck)


hmm i remember one card glowing blue as if was trying to convert my old decks to standard but it was normal after closing and opening deck edit again

The exact same happened to me - I went through and took screen shots of all the cards that were screwed up/missing, but Iā€™m not exactly sure where to send this to, or who to ask about whatā€™s going on. Why are my cards justā€¦ gone? Does this happen every now and again? Because a roommate of mineā€™s been playing for years, and he kept saying he had certain cards but came to find out he didnā€™t, even though he swore heā€™d built decks around said card at one point. Soā€¦ any help would be appreciated!

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Iā€™m missing Ritual of Doom, Flesheating Ghoul & Enslaved Fel Lord from my decks. May be missing more but those must be the only ones Iā€™m using.

I looked in the book and the Flesheating Ghoul was there so I replaced it but the other two arenā€™t. So I guess maybe Ritual of Doom & Enslaved Fel Lord may be from Core & the Flesheating Ghoul was bugged most likely because Iā€™ve had that one forever & it should not have gone away.

So for now it looks like there is at least a bug of some sort but some might be gone by design because of Core sets too.

Iā€™ll try and figure out if Iā€™m missing other cards that I donā€™t know of because I havenā€™t been using them.

P.S. I only play Wild too so maybe this is just a Wild thing as far as we know.


Iā€™m missing cards too and I mainly only play Wild


Same here, several cards destroyed.


Remember that you got them for free, so you didnā€™t really lose anything that had a cost. You can craft them for Wild if you want, but everyone gets access to the Core set for free while itā€™s active. After a card is no longer in Core, theyā€™re back in relevant Wild packs and craftable. The Core set is a free evergreen loaned set of cards. Anything you had before it was in Core, you have afterwards (again, assuming Wild mode), but anything that was loaned is unloaned when they rotate out. It may be frustrating to some Wild players, but remember that you also just got a whole bunch of new cards for free, too.

Remember that some card filtering options will not be visible depending on the game mode you are looking at. If youā€™re looking at a Standard deck, the cards and set filters only present in Wild will automatically be suppressed. If youā€™re looking for cards like Rivendare that rotated, you either have to specifically be in a Wild format deck, or looking directly in your collection from the main screen with no deck selected. They try to help this by flagging old decks as Wild when the rotation occurs, but itā€™s another case where the UI/UX side of thingsā€¦ isnā€™t the best at conveying that information. If you convert the deck from Wild to Standard in order to use it in Standard (easy to do, as it will tell you you need to convert it in order to use that deck again), it removes the Wild-only cards from that deck list, and their existence will be hidden while editing the deck because they arenā€™t usable in that format.

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So first question to all these people. Did you dust stuff when the (janky, badly implimented and sorted) core cards came out? Jasmeraliaā€¦ how sure are you that we all (since several mentioned it) deleted or dusted our Baron? And that this is not some bug with core changing? Would we not have had to dust 2!! Since we got one in Nax. Not 100% sure your wrong but I do not remember dusting 2 dam Rivendareā€™s.


In case you didnā€™t know this when this problem happens with missing cards for the reason of rotating expanision or cards itself or both out it is common for Wild to be hit of the same issue regardless of the mode. It is a bug for Wild decks a bug that can be prevented yet it still occurs. Relating to finding the cards in wild it can also happen when cards are not in the book even though one search every button of to see select cards. This isnā€™t a helping feature. When editing the decks to be standard back to wild at times doesnā€™t work, although what youā€™re explained for ā€œStandardā€ is true doesnā€™t change the fact Op fact still stands as a major issue even when some one has brought it. They get wild cards by paying gold /buy to add wild cards to their deck. If we are talking about stardard only then you have a point but this is a known problem since the game came out.

The conveying information has always been an issue with the deck helper and involing the UI side of things. Wild is last to be fix. Iā€™m tired of seeing the same bug happening to Wild mode only. Played this when the second expainson came out since then been seeing this issue in Wild.


I had brightwing before the rotation of the core set, so I checked in my wild collection to see if it was still there and it is.

Be sure you are looking at the wild collection and that you didnā€™t dust the card in the past


Same here. Brightwing (regular Legendary), Mirror Entity (golden), Shadowform to name a few. ā€œHoly Lightā€ is red. Never seen that before.