Missing cards after update

So much this. I called this forever ago when they refused to fix the collection issue for years. “New” cards, cards that seemed to be missing, and then the whole dust issue.

Now the whole core thing, and cards missing that people have had for years, and the big explanation is going to be some gaslighting “you never had those cards (or you dusted them all together at the SAME TIME!), silly players” and we’re supposed to buy, like some mandela effect, that most of the playerbase hallucinated having them.

This is just an excuse to screw people out of gold, dust, and real money they paid for years.

Screencap this, folks, because it’s going to get worse before it gets better!


It’s kinda weird to me that usual forum users haven’t this issue: if it was a global bug we would see everyone, especially people who usually post here, saying they are missing old core cards.

I’m not saying new accounts or not frequent posters aren’t trustable, but maybe they don’t know how the core set works, which is reasonable considering it’s a new thing.

Note that not believing in someone isn’t a rude thing, but believing everything you read without questioning if they know everything they need to know is foolish

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What’s their end game? If they’re a bunch of “fakers?”

“Wow that sucks” is about all they would get here. The company barely responds, if ever, so it couldn’t be to get free stuff, compensation, etc. Visibility from the playerbase is about all it accomplishes.

If they wanted attention, there’s literally a half dozen social media sites where posting a better story than “my hearthstone card is missing” would get you more sympathy, attention, and even free stuff (if that was your goal).

The default setting (from some) seems to always be “doubt first, doubt always, then doubt again” then follow up with some gas lighting when that fails.

I posted about missing cards back when the dust issue happened (more than the ones they took), and the usual suspects howled to the moon because I couldn’t provide a complete inventory. From people who themselves admitted they couldn’t track their entire card collection.

Now, the company does a big shift right on the release of anew expansion, and it’s literally the basic plot of a heist movie: do something when everyone’s attention is distracted by something big and shiny, like the launch of a new card xpac, the new year, and everything could be blamed on “core set blah blah blah.”

And the culprits quietly sneak away with their stolen goods.


Lots of my cards are missing as well since yesterday’s update. Most of my decks are broken now with 1 or 2 cards greyed out. First noticed that Brightwing was missing. I am SURE I am missing more than this but so far I can tell that I am missing: Webspinner, Lock and Load, Nordrassil Druid, Menagerie Warden, Ancient of War, Ashtongue Battlelord, Possessed Villager, Enslaved Fel Lord

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When making a deck, if a card exists in both Core and another set, the game will default to the Core version. Ingame decklists point to the specific version of a card (in part to allow for non-golden/golden distinction), which means that when a card leaves Core, decks using that card will show as missing cards even if you have the non-Core versions of those cards.

So if you actually have those cards in their non-Core form, you need to remove the (non-existing) Core version first and then add the non-Core version.

It is worth remembering that a couple of cards were removed from Core that didn’t exist prior to them being added to Core: Nordrassil Druid (Druid, Rare), Pursuit of Justice (Paladin, Epic), Crimson Clergy (Priest, Rare), Ritual of Doom (Warlock, Rare), Enslaved Fel Lord (Warlock, Common), War Cache (Warrior, Rare), and Warsong Outrider (Warrior, Common).

To get those you have to either open Wild packs or craft them.


I observed the issue on my account, too. I just knew what the reason was.

Three of my decks had something missing. One of them was Brightwing, which I guess I just didn’t own. The other two were cards that I actually do have, but the mapping broke after the core rotation somehow. To fix it all I had to do was search for the missing card by name and re-add it to the deck.

But it’s also understandably confusing and unintuitive, especially for anyone who hasn’t paid close attention to how Core works.


I don’t think that’s the case, I never suggested that they’re missing because people dusted them. I said it’s much more likely the cards are being filtered out of view, and hearing that the deck lists track Core versions of cards separately than the pre-Core versions only increases that possibility/probability. I don’t think that they’re actually missing from the collection, I think that they’re being hidden by the game trying to be helpful and completely backfiring on that goal. And it’s a crappy problem for Wild folks to experience.

how do we get them to fix it, or how do I access my cards? Either way we need some kind of fix since we “own” these cards but now have no access.

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I had it before then too. I never dusted it as it’s one of my favorite cards to use. It’s showing I need to craft it. :rage:


Good eye catching the weridness. Those who’re not fimilar how the fourm works and interact on a friendly level to everyone who is on the forums may have some confusion when certain problems arises like “Where’s most of he players psot about X” like you just stated “if it was a global bug we would see everyone, especially people who usually post here, saying they are missing old core cards.”

You see, Not every one is on the forum where most people are playing instead of interacting on a forum. Blizzard made the choice to move all thier foucs/devs to soical media platforms this move is hypercirtical by nature. The whole point of having a Heartstone forum is to interact with players. So, when new players come to the foum they see hardly anyone just the few regulars. Soical media platforms choose to go greed by becoming something other than a soical media platform. Like a plubisher platform becoming creator while keeping the publishing part there have to be a seperation that is stated by law. There’s many examples of this like Google and AtAT.

To “question everything” also has a second meaning atatch to it where nearly everyone doesn’t know this. This can happen when nearly everyone take the saying as face value. Everything is often use lightly and humans don’t know everything so making that into a saying is the foolish part. Without explainning the whole message it is hidden away with implying. Even with implying there’s still layers after that which leads into confusion. When figure out it is a hypercritical message made in a black and white viewing. No different than saying “Treat others how you want to be treated” many layers with this one.

This is where something doesn’t work when we like it to come into existence. Techincal problems can effect all over the place meaning not everyone will have the same issue. Ever heard of peer to peer? You touch on global that’s just one way it can effect others. Problems can delete stuff depending on the situation and what cause it. My cards are gone from my wild deck for example certain cards in my collection that I own from getting in packs 1 year and months ago are effected. I’m a returnee so I didn’t want my whole collection so I started fresh regianning the cards I once have. No where in my collection, in the dust collection to craft, nor the main website shows my cards. Not sure if others knew the main website has change drasticly not all of the cards are there. Selecting manually doens’t show up I’m pretty sure this isn’t a bug for the website.

With this said it doesn’t negate existing cards being remove with out piror notice in WIld and sometimes not returning them. This has been done for years if one pays close attenion to Wild. There’s times the cards come back thorugh problems and other stuff. So, there is a UI issue and a serious issue when rotating expanison out regardless of what mode.

I know this sounds crazy to new players speaking about it I wish it was true. They can make it so only standard is effect by this not that hard. Yet they haven’t…

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If the coding was decent it would check to see if you have a non-core version of the card not tell you the card wasn’t available until some weird level when you check on it in a deck. Sort of like ‘If core card rotate out then replace with with non-core duplicate if available.’


Oh man don’t get me started on the problems with the UI and core cards - I’ve accidentally crafted 2 legendaries I already had because they were showing as ‘missing’, plus some epics :frowning:


set display to wild card//convert deck to wild

search both as crafted and not crafted(see if you need to replace core version to non-core)

if 9 months ago you had
Baron Rivendare(Core) AND
Baron Rivendare(tagless)

if you did disenchant the non-core back then because you thought the core cards was given to you…then you screwed yourself over

i play wild and none of my card are missing…this is a huge mistake i seen BOTH streamers and some forum user make back then…they thought of it as perma gain…not as LOANED cards…honestly its hard to believe that many ppl failled to understand what LOAN mean

at best…consider yourself lucky if they ever allow you to recraft them at the disenchant dust value…what likely gonna occur is they might run a script to track ppl who did that blunder 7-11 months…then give a limited period of time to recraft them…lack the dust to do so ? then you be set into negative dust value

how did streamer make that mistake ? i thought they were more likely to read patch notes and announcements than most HS players

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Oof, that sucks, man. That definitely shouldn’t be a problem players have to worry about.


I’ve ended up on this messageboard because I’m trying to find out why my War Cache and Kurtrus cards are missing :frowning:

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That is dumb. If two copies of the card exist it should always default to the regular not core version in decks you make.

I am missing Brightwing, Nordrassil Druid x2, and who knows how many others. I know about those for sure because they were in decks I was using. They vanished with no explanation and no addition of dust.

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I am having the same issue just noticed today several cards i once had before core rations even became a thing i am now having it show me i need to craft! @blizzard, no its not that i was given them for free i have all cards pretty much after Goblins vs Gnomes and over 40k dust if i needed to craft any to complete my set! So your coding is taking our cards on rotation even if we owned them threw buying or crafting pre rotations! Big issue when people spend alot of money on your game!!!

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This is why they didn’t fix the “new card” bug for years.

And of course, they will continue to ignore players’ posts that something very wrong happened here, the usual crowd will gaslight and defend the company’s actions, and the company won’t make the playerbase whole.

Time to clean house, microsoft!

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