Cards missing after update

Since the last update I’m missing cards that I used to have. Cards I didn’t dust b/c I liked using them. I’m sure there are cards that are missing that I’m unaware of b/c I didn’t use them. On the forum there are others. I went back and looked through my decks after the forum post & there are more cards that were missing or red. I fixed the red issue. How do we get the cards back? They’re not in wild either. It just shows I have to craft them & I didn’t dust them.

I opened a web ticket & the GM said I never had those cards to begin with. That isn’t correct. All my decks are custom, so If I don’t have a card (which means it would need to be crafted) I can’t add it to my deck. I have 1 mage deck with Coldarra in it but it’s now greyed out. I have a greyed out Brightwing in 1 paladin, 1 hunter, 1 druid & 1 mage deck. A greyed out Shadowform in a priest deck. A greyed out Pursuit of Justice in a Paladin deck.

I can’t post screenshots here, or I’d post images with the cards IN my decks, but greyed out.

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Pursuit of Justice didn’t exist before the Core Set. As for the other cards, are you sure you had them before the Core Set was introduced?

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When did you start playing?

Coldarra drake is a really old card, for example, so if you started playing recently there is a very high chance you never had the original card.
The one we had access to last year was a free copy, but it was only temporary.
If you had also the original coldarra drake, you should still have it.

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I started playing just before the Witchwood expansion came out. I have greyed out cards in some of my decks. All my decks are custom I’ve made myself. So, * I * put the cards in the decks myself. Since these have become greyed out, I have tried to put cards I do not own (those I have to craft) in my deck & it won’t work. So, if it’s in my deck, I had them & I put them in there myself. They are no longer available to me since that update. My dust hasn’t increased.

Since last year there is a ‘Core Set’ in Hearthstone.
The Core Set is a free set of cards given to everyone for one hearthstone-year.
Some of these cards, are cards that had been in previous - now wild - expansions.

When you filter e.g. for ‘Murloc Tinyfin’ you can find the card in the ‘Core Set’ but also in the ‘League of Explorers’ - where it has been released originally.
So you can have it twice, and except the watermark you won’t see the difference in your collection.
Also the one from the ‘League of Explorers’ is always hidden (‘overwritten’) by the other one unless you specifically search in the League of Explorers set.
The Tinyfin from the core set can’t be crafted or disenchanted - it’s just there for a year.
The Tinyfin from the League of Explorers can be crafted and disenchanted.

With the new year of the Hydra the Core Set was updated.
The Coldarra Drake was in the old Core Set from last year and is originally from the ‘Grand Tournament’. If you put it in a deck previously, likey you put in the Core Set card - not the one from the Grand Tournament. Now that the Core Set is changed, only the one from the Grand Tournament remains. So the card you previously put in your deck does not exist anymore.
You need to update your deck to use the original one instead. That’s what I had to do with many of my decks. If you do not have the original card in the first place, you have the issue you describe.

I have the same issue. LOTS are missing. Pursuit of justice is a great example. I was using two golden ones and they’re gone now, blue in the deck on the right in the collection screen. Blizzard is casting it off to being only core cards but it goes way beyond that. It’s NOT JUST core cards. You can’t ever take a break from this game? This has happened before. To that other guy I’ve been playing since before the first expansion Curse of Naxxaramas or however you spell it so it’s not because he’s a new player providing he even is one. Being on the recieveing end of this really sucks… because even if it’s fully corrected you’ll likely never know that it was, and in all liklihood, it never will be fully corrected given the response.

Yes, Pursuit of Justice is indeed a great example.

It’s a card that DID NOT EXIST before in a loaner set. So if this loaner card is removed, it’s gone because it DID NOT EXIST before. Why do you think you’re entitled to a card that DID NOT EXIST before the core set?

Yes, it’s gone, because it only existed in the core set. No one had it after it rotated out because it didn’t exist before the core set.

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Actually Pursuit of Justice is a poor example of missing cards. Pursuit of Justice was a brand new card added to the Core (2021) set. This was mentioned by the poster you responded to.

Pursuit of Justice is not based on any previous existing card. So, if anyone, New or Veteran, wanted it now, they need to craft it.

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