Mercenaries – What’s Next

3 hour, no more no less.
with average of 1 mercenaries reaching max level / hour.
fighting pit style.

who ever build training hall[these so called building for future update] for hero exp really don’t know how to farm exp.

i would change my mind if they increase mercenaries level cap from 30 to 99.

this concern is understandable,

i played Realm of the mad god and their end game content is something i don’t really like since you will be instant killed without being able to do anything.
[0.5 second delay from latency really get you instant kiled]

it would be annoying if mercenaries going that route of so called [very hard]

the blackrock mountain on normal already annoying enough if you don’t play some specific strats.

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I’ve spent 95% of my time since this mode launched grinding tasks, just to get a team at a place where I can really test them out. I barely feel like I’ve even “played the game”. The idea of doing this for every merc is mind-numbing, and when you just added four new mercs all I felt was stress. So yea, I can’t imagine I’ll play the mode much longer as is.

The single best thing I think you could do to improve the mode is to just let tasks be a coin bonus, and remove task requirements from weapons entirely. Just have weapons unlock at levels 10, 20 and 30. This way we could quickly get mercs in a “playable” state, and worst case we’d be able to buy our way to maxed out mercs if we wanted.

I was talking about PvE as the only two times I have not left the Fighting Pit because it was taking too long to find someone was I got my butt slammed and the other the person conceded the moment I got there with my 2 of each color team, for which I got nothing (because this was after that patch that had little actual thought to people not win trading).

As for level 99 - that should be 60 as that is the max level for character in hearthstone (and classic)

also have same experience with you and i got my own solution.
which is actually to join these concede gangster.

my average queue is 7 minute and got instant conceded by other player and got 0 reward point for the win chest.

if they increase max level for mercenaries to 60,
i won’t bother buying the training hall because it’s bound to be easily useless.

based on the description it’s just auto EXP earner.

Yeah at this point I’ve just barely ground my first craftable legendary, anduin, after months, when 4 more came out after maxing the f2p millhouse and Samuro and sitting with a 300 coin weaksauce velen and 200 coin geddon That only does 2-4 damage + no rag fire combo triggers vs their 20-30s, and going… “is this even worth the time? I can’t face even level up top tiers that well. I literally have no second fire merc. My power levels are determined by whatever is f2p grindable. Absolutely Anduin has a delay, I’m just using f2p mill house varden krush aoe spam. I can’t afford maxed mercs, only 1 of 3 ability spam comps who just happen to be aoe.”

I want to love the mode, but it does feel like a wallet extractor gacha or a 1000 hr grind mode. It’s like if osrs runescape launched with only tin rocks to mine, and you couldn’t pick experience earned in any skill, and you just repeated it over and over 1000 hrs unless you bought xp lamps that could just give you cosmetic xp icons instead of adding content.

Which as we both say as presented the Training Hall is totally useless as leveling via grinding is so fast. Say what you will but as aggressive as its ads are Raid Shadowlands is more generous with its daily rewards.

If the Training Hall gave us coins with with to upgrade our equipment it would better.


I feel like it has been months as well, but it actually only came out 3½ weeks ago.

The repetitive grind is one of the reasons I gave up on it.

During merc announcement it was said, that lvl30 is max level on launch.
So they definitely planning to increase levels, which have to come with higher ability levels and possibly new artifacts. So we will be able to spend all our cariel coins at some point)

Dont know why noone suggest it, PvP mode is screaming “draft”. I play around 7000-7500mmr now, and face the same 3-5 compositions ain 90% of games. And the game itself is not as deep as regular HS standart.
I dont know about lower ranks, or players with a small upgraded mercs collection, but for me PvP becomes less and less exciting over time because lack of variety and inability to react on opponents warband.
Hope blizz have long-term plans on adding draft as PvP mode, because it can add so much variety and strategic depth into this simple game


I agree, they need a draft mode for PvP for Mercs, similar to that of Duels or Arena.

They could even use at as a coin dump. Allow players to purchase a Mercs Draft pvp ticket with extra rare coins they have with their maxed out Mercs, e.g. 500 rare coins gets you one entry ticket. You’d earn random coins for playing, and if you win several rounds you could earn packs and gold.

I was talking of completely different draft. I am talking abut picks and bans like in MOBAs.
6v6 hero game with a pool of 50+ fits it well.
I dk how many players have enough merc pool to play it, but I am sure, that there will be demand on this later on

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let’s take it to whole another level and make it into 5 player vs 5 player.

Yikes, i really should have elaborated a bit more on what i meant. But too late for that now so i’ll keep this short. First off i should say i agree with pretty much everything you said regarding Mercs as it is right now. But i believe Mercs would have benefited from being it’s own game because it would have (presumably (you never know with Blizzard)) been a much more substantial game. Rather than the somewhat shallow side mode we ended up with.

Change prio list from mercenaries to undoing a lot of the powercreep and/or introing counterplay strats that are not cheat your own mana faster?

How about redoing ladder to make it pair off rank, and redoing rewards to be simple, like gold, in small numbers, instead of this xp system?

Not giving away all those gold cards which caused nobody to notice other gold cards bc everyone has so many free gold cards. not rotating classic bc now there’s no class ID bc it will take over a year to memorize each classes current core set compared to what we’ve cemented in our brains for 6+ years. just go back to normal classic what we had, not the rotation, undo it.

How about redoing a lot of the underwhelming skins or just deleting them?
undoing a lot of the art nerfs? the emote situation putting sorry back in and wow taken out? how about not limiting arena to like 6 sets or whatever tiny amount it is and not pooling the cards so its actually random like it used to be and so fun because of that?

just some ideas blizz.
undoing illucia for wilds sake would be great.

There has to be some pipedream to get arena and constructed back on top of your priority list, instead of “other modes” and “shop bundles” and “more skins” and such? You know, its not too late for xmas to get arena and constructed going, its ok to undo poor choices like the ladder restructure. if something wasn’t done well you can undo it, its a digital game.

your friend,
and my dog, my dog’s your friend too, he’s really friendly.

ps don’t do streamer prerelase parties they explode the fun in the content on launch week, you’re giving the fun to streamers and then everyone is exposed to that so us non streamers don’t have fun playing unexpected ideas we only get served already seen ideas and cards.

If u’d go halfsies on a 2k-ish expensive cam w me then i can afford to stream and make a youtube video which ups the chances of being heard. nobodys watching budget video quality in 2021 so like its min 5g’s to stream (at least) streaming is a rich person’s job. it looks good to sauce over random money to randoms from the internet it would up your pub image so much right in time for holidays. i know.

Please add ways to spend coins, maybe changing to other character coins or purchasing portrets. Have some characters fully upgraded, but 1000+ coins that nowhere can be spended now

Blizzard, please, Mercinaries need another play mode then PVE and PVP. We need some kind of infinite dungeon run, where every fight gets tougher and tougher. It can reset every week and you get bounties depending on how far you came.

Pvp is fun, but only with maxed characters and very limited viable comps. Recent PVE is for grind only.

Also, some stats we could explore would be cool.

What’s next?

Hopefully, something worth coming back for.

To be quite honest, I’d rather give my money to EA these days, and they are frackin terrible as is. I play on PC, so I have also started spending more time on my Steam and Xbox Live.

Can even go play MTG Arena and enjoy myself much more.

Maybe Pokemon Go or something.

Anything, right now, that’s not Activision-Blizzard is worth a try at least. Hearthstone has been the only remaining title of theirs I played until now. They’ve already ruined WoW, HotS, Overwatch, Diablo and CoD for me. Every time I go to hit the “Play” button on the desktop app, I end up remembering how little I enjoyed my last dozen or so attempts to get anything done in HS/Mercs.

Want to balance mercenaries for pvp ?

  1. make attack a real threat
  2. make taunt a real pain for casters
  3. reduce damage for Aoe
  4. up life of summoned creatures
  5. reduce initiative effects and give them to more mercenaries

And for me specifically : up demons and orcs :slight_smile:


would be awsome man.

stop buying and start playing more or play a different mode… easy fix :slight_smile: