Mercenaries – What’s Next

This is 100 percent the largest issue with the game.

Love this mode.

I have not followed the “loot/gambling” laws in the US for a couple of years, but I would venture that this might be problematic.

I currently have 5 characters maxed out and am sitting on 3,000+ coins for them. 200 of which I was just given from an epic coin purchase.


The upside to their current algorithm:

the difficulty of getting legendary mercs goes down, as you increase your collection

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Still not available in Europe? Why?

you’re saying some scary things. I hope those never come to pass. Sadly, I’m almost certain that such timed content will appear to exploit the FOMO of people to generate more income.

Forget it dude, they don’t really see the forum. Look at their stock price today. -15%, they are still troll there. that’s the response from customer, blizzard!


the trolls are pulling all their alts out

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mercs isnt bad, just not planning on grinding for another collection of cards and then grinding to level them up. October has a lot of halloween events, so I played a lot of other games after the merc launch (bad timing). I havent unlocked fighting pits bc I dont feel confident with the current mercs I do have. plus you want me to pay 100g to pvp against pay2win players… you’re not getting that 100 gold. didnt buy the pre bundle of 50 cards to compete. I did buy a merc pak, but got a portrait of a character I already have, so that was a demoralizing waste of gold. now with halloween events over, mercs is better then duels, just no time to grind to play. Ill stick with the traditional HS.

the modes we want are 2v2 or 1v1v1v1 … you know something fun.

@Mac @Grunwave Completely agree, I’ve been trying to give this mode a shot and pointlessness of excess coins for a small number of mercenaries is a huge frustration. I just keep getting Rokara coins (also at 3000+ now) that have no purpose at this time.


Ad arena mode for the players who prefer pvp over pve. Ad an entry price to grind pvp instead of borring pve and many players (like me) will go back to this game.

Dear Blizzard team! Thank You for all your projects! They are really great! I can say that Mercenaries is an excellent work! Thank You for present - free Mercenaries packs! It’s a really good chance to replenish collection!!!

I really enjoy to play with famous heroes from “World of Warcraft” and legendary Diablo. I also like to collect portraits of characters. It’s really interesting to see how characters looked when they were young and how they are looking now!

I wish You a good luck in work with Mercenaries and many creative ideas!!!

Read it aswell!

Here is the thing: You didn’t adress one of the biggest time wastes in the game! same like WoW. You let ppl do repetitive things, without giving them propper progress.

Cariel Roame: Task 7 equipment missing / 2284 coins
Samuro: Maxed out 1465 coins
Rokara: Maxed out 2461 coins
Guldan: Maxed out 205 coins (concidering you want 9.99 for 300 coins!!!)

Thats not ok, I am sure there are ppl with even more maxed out heroes. Already opened a thread with this Topic " Let’s talk about maxed out Mercs!". It already starts to effect my gameplay, lets see what will happen, if a few more will be maxed out soon.

Your games are delayed even further (diablo 4, overwatch 2) WoW is struggeling and all you can do is keep on doing the same s*** over and over again. stop it! its enough!

Here is what will happen:
You will rework the Mysterious Stranger, so he wont give us coins anymore, so ppl have to grind even longer and will get nothing in return, cause you guys are greedy as f***!!!
You will try to sell it as an improvment, while the i***** of us will think you listened, most of us will realize this mode starts to suck and feels like work. cause your only incetive is money for the lowest value in return!

14.99 for a specific Legendary Merc?!?!?!?!??! Everything ok in Activison Headquarter former Blizzard Headquarter? Have you turned of the ventilation system to save costs? Lower oxigen level may influence your cognitiv performance!

it’s not about earning money any more, it’s about getting greedier each day!

totally clear what the idea is:
make em a bad offer, maybe they will buy the actual offer we want to sell!

make a good game!!! hey former blizz, now acti-we-dont-give-a-s***!
do you know how to make good games, ppl are willing to pay for? i don’t think so!

0% creativity or love for games - 100% greed and love for the money. Its so sad to see, how you want money for a cosmetics you recycle in the game it self!
Imagine every company would act like you: You wouldn’t know what to spend your money on, cause everything would be crap!

Don’t know who is the worst publisher activision or ea…

p.s.: Nothing about task tracking… We still can’t see on what task our mercs are. Quality of life improvment my a**!

p.p.s: can’t buy several packs at once, have to buy it one by one, with gold!

p.p.p.s.: I don’t have dementia, so i don’t have to see a exclamation marks FOR THE SAME OFFERINGS, EVERY TIME,I log in!!! Feels like you want to force ppl to buy. Next time negotiate better, if you desperatly need the bonus!

Just because you want to hide your actions behind narratives, not everyone will fall for it! Be honest to yourself Activision, its obvious that you wont ever be to your customes!


I for one am glad I didn’t waste my time grinding in this boring mode. I bought the small welcome bundle and still regretted doing so, at least I didn’t waste my coins.

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Do the future plans include scrapping the mode and focusing your development into the actual game of Hearthstone? More respect goes out to those who admit fault.

Lots of people are playing Mercs. Just because you don’t enjoy it doesn’t meant it should be scrapped.

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True if I was the only one complaining about it.

Do you have got a list of the “introductory missions” ???
I would like to have more information about those 8 mercenaries pack to obtain .
I play mercenary since patch 21.4 but I didn’t complete all the bounty ( so all the story mission yet ) and I would like to know what i have to do to get those packs .

Thanks to everyone

To be fair, he does have a point. Mercenaries and Hearthstone would probably have benefited from Mercs being it’s own game rather than a new mode for HS. Considering they don’t really overlap at all.

“We’re excited to announce the Training Hall will be coming in a future patch, to let your Mercs passively gain XP throughout the day.”

It is insanely easy to level Mercs - you put them in a team that kick butt and they level up like crazy. I have gone from 1 to 30 in 4 days (3 if I grind). Leveling Merks is not the problem - getting desired Merks, tasks, and coins are the problems that need fixing.

Right now I have several level 30 mercs that haven’t even done their second task yet. Sure I am a little grind happy but it is the only way to get the tasks and coins I need to get my mercenaries to where they won’t get creamed when they get further into Blackrock Mountain.

No one would play mercs on it’s own If it wasn’t a taped on addition. I admit I play a bit, but only since it’s afkable and gives main mode xp rewards for the 10-11 gold a hr.

I don’t think I’d invest as much time into it for it’s own anti f2p skinner box that quickly runs out of rewards. To f2ps, grind is the game, to whales, Diablo carine coinflips are the game and it’s meaningless. The lack of ability to target specific coins or prismatic as well as the air ele nerf meant it’s only slower heroic or normal bounties and it lacks targeted progress yet still devolves towards farming one map over and over since the other is a 400 hp avalanchan with 2x the hp and 2x the map length with 0x more rewards for 15-30 minutes than the 5-10 min one.

Merc is balanced as a profit spreadsheet, not the premier f2p gaming experience, that’s fine, it’s also my Premier afking spreadsheet, not my premiere f2p gaming experience. Its good to afk during lecture, but with how sometimes random, unrewarding and repetitive the mode currently feels atm I’m only playing it for xp. It’s certainly possible with refinement it might have bg level popularity potential. But for now it just is a 50% f2p rates maxed, 50% p2w +1/5 maxxed epics and legends mode

I just crafted a 0 coin Anduin and a 0 coin geddon to do 2 vs 20+ masses coin dmg, so I got that going at least. No rag, unlikely other 1000/2000 coins to max after tasks, but hey, its a start at least.

But I wouldn’t play it for nothing if it gave no 11 gold a hr xp or such poor value for money or time vs other highly competitively rewarding or entirely free Pokemon clones + fun graphics.

It’s pretty much 1-3 move pokemon with a paywall to go above 1-2 competitive moves with also paywalled synergies. I spent 2 hrs on the almost disastrous 200 ice lance damage varden task since I had weeks grinding and had 143/500 jaina coins and leveled my characters out of range to attack ice elemental faster than speed 4 so xyrella could heal them, but less than 10 attack so the elemental ai wouldn’t immediately die the next turn after.

My mercs leveled up out of range and I thought I’d use Samuel until he crit, it took 2 hrs between my options of spending 10-20 minutes to hunt a encounter for a 3 turn completey useless cool down to self damage a merchant without ending the game. all my characters leveled out of range to safely do the attack ice shard glitch (the shard attack is 7 speed, and garden ice lance is 5 and only works second.)

It was awful and I could have gotten all the rare coins in 5 mins vs 2 hrs. But the task would have been bugged forever. Not enjoying the bugs really, please dear god critical or happy or not, rehire the q/a team and or listen to them to make a better game too plz blizz. We just want to play the game unbugged at least without hellish ‘workarounds’


It’s nice to see an article like this so quickly and I’m looking forward to most of these changes (happy to see the daily and weekly thing considered; I actually already forced myself to accept that it wasn’t worth hoping for so it’s a pleasant surprise for me).

The one thing that bothers me is this section:

Heroic Bounties are an integral part of Mercenaries–they give a breadth of Mercenaries an opportunity to shine, and are an exciting challenge, especially for players who prefer to focus on the PVE aspects of the mode. We’ll continue to invest in late-game content by adding additional challenging Bounties as part of our regular content updates.

While written as if to assuage my fear, this actually makes me nervous. It seemed obvious that Mercenaries would keep getting more challenging content. My fear is that it is all it will get, because that’s the trend in these sort of PvE modes, like Pet Battles.

I’ve met the challenges I’ve faced in Mercenaries so far, but it’s not what I like about the mode. I like the mode because it’s fun to pair up lore characters in strange or memorable ways and wreck with them.

Obviously this quote was specifically talking about Heroic Bounties, which very much are intended to be the challenge mode and isn’t a problem. I’d just like some assuaging that future content updates will also have not-explicitly-challenging content and this might sound like overreacting but I just want to make sure that this concern is expressed early.

There’s been a stigma against PvE modes in a lot of games because “everyone knows” that PvP will always be harder because people will always be smarter and more adaptive than AI. It seems like there’s been overcompensation for that by selling PvE modes around “no really, it’s a serious challenge!” but challenge isn’t why I like PvE. I like PvE for things like roleplaying and exploration and flavor. Too much challenge can actually ruin that, because it’s not fun to pair Diablo and Arthas and a Murloc anymore when that team literally can’t complete that challenge.

I hope there will be more content in the future that will allow me to play any characters I want and still have a reasonable chance at it. I want to know that if we get a true storyline in the future, that I can see the whole story without pulling my hair out by the end.

Note: While the quote says “a breadth of Mercenaries an opportunity to shine”, from my experience that doesn’t mean “you really can use any characters to complete the challenges”, but is a way of saying “each challenge is only reasonably met by specific characters, but there is probably a challenge for any given character” which doesn’t solve my problem.