speak for yourself sir i play hearthstone only for mercs and wouldnt play it without it also f2p its super easy and getting people maxed is doable in a week w/o question. if your not willing to do that mayb the mode isnt for you…
Whoud be nice have more mercenery like diablo from difrend univers. But they coud work whit portraits so it not just like skins. Like Junkrat - goblin, Johana and Hanzo - blood elf. Arthanis - Draenei, Kerrigen - demon thx Hots. And same can do potraits for normal warcraft mercenery to be bigger flexibility. I think this HS mod have so big potencial and can be more used.
Just put Mercenary mode in the dust-filled drawer with Duels and pick some other cash grab scheme. Duels could have been fixed just by making it more like what spawned it: Adventure mode that was silly and over powered and FUN. But nope, into the dusty drawer it goes, time to unpack battlegrounds. What? BG’s is popular but not making enough cash? Send in the Mercenaries!
No but it needs a major overhaul if it is going to survive. It is insanely grinding even by Raid Shadow Legends standards and gives far less rewards (just logging to Raid gives you stuff each day and every 30 days for the first 6 months you get a reasonable legendary hero) than Raid.
many thanks for Mercenaries, I love this mode! It is a fresh air, specially looking at the “standard ladder” at the moment. However, there are at least 3 really frustrating things, which makes me very angry and disappointed of my time wasting in Mercenaries mode:
probability of getting legendary card is lowest possible (I have opened 50+ packs and received only a portrait of Malfurion, despite there are several legendaries still missing). I consider this like a robbery! Honestly, 50 packs should give you 2 legendary cards and you should not receive a useless picture until you get ALL cards of the same type in your collection. It is definitely a bug OR you simply want players to waste the gold/time for nothing;
useless coins for maxed characters. Really, this is so annoying to receive 3000+ coins for maxed Rokara! It should be fixed. You should have a chance to spend these coins on something really useful OR do not give me these coins, please!
unranked mode for mercenaries. It is a real pain to have a try for any “combo-wombo” team. I lost 500 pts within 1 hour by playing crazy things instead of boring Kern+Diablo+Ragna. I had a lot of fun for sure, but have to climb back…Testing it in PVE mode is absolutely useless. I am sure that there will be a lot of people, who would be testing their teams. As a result - we might will “shake” the mode with interesting stuff instead of stale “K+D+R” team.
All in all, I hope that these points will be fixed one day and we will enjoy the game more than ever!
As a big “thank you” to everyone for embracing this mode and making it so popular, we’re giving everyone 5 free Mercenaries packs! If you played Mercenaries in the 21.4 patch cycle, we’ll drop your appreciation gift into your collection on November 9.
Millhouse, Anduin and Krush are working fine. Used myself before getting geddon+Rag. Keep grinding tasks on Forest 5,6 boses. For task 16-18 you get free packs. Getting all epics and rares cards is not a problem. Getting legendaries is a bit another story. Very hard to get them from packs (obviously that Blizz reduced drop to minimum!), but possible to craft them. However, option 2 (crafting) requires to spend even more time for grinding to get equipment and skills to “workable” level. I am personally at the point, where I can craft all missing legendaries, however, I am still praying to get at least a 1 card from packs! (50+ packs opened and only 1 f*****g Malfurion picture received)…
Dude, I played RAID for almost a year, and had 25/300+ maxed characters by the end as a pay2play player (only 50$ but still). I played mercenaries completely F2P for 3 weeks and have all characters nearly maxed, and even made it to the top 200 EU leaderboard last week. Mercenaries is the most F2P-friendly gacha out there. The login rewards in RAID are a joke, and the grind is insane. It takes you at least a week to max a single character without the even counting equipment. Mercenaries is a paradise in comparison.
The problem is that portraits are depicted as cards before you turn them over implying that portraits are cards which creates perception problems when you still have locked rare portraits and get all coins when you open a pack.
Generally things like that drop in the afternoon of the day they are to appear. IIRC it is 10:00 AM PST (US) which thanks to Daylight Saving Time is now 11:00 AM PDT (US)
Yeah, I gotta agree here. Raid Shadow Legends is probably the worst example a person can come up with for a game better than Mercenaries, or Hearthstone. After ~10min of playing that alleged game, and a constant barrage of sales pop-up spam, I got annoyed and uninstalled it.
If I had to think of one game that would make me want to play Mercs more, it would be RSL. It’s even more low-budget looking than Mercs. It’s a mind-numbing auto-play game that will try to grab your wallet for all you got. It’s not fun. The animation is bad. The game runs like trash because of the constant pop-up ads and memory leaks created by them.
Putting Mercenaries next to RSL is the equivalent of putting an ugly duckling next to an even uglier duckling. Makes the ugly one attractive in comparison.
How do you like your coffee? Burnt or Really Burnt?
This game would be so much better without Samuro. This is the only character that doesn’t allow you to play whatever comp you want in PVP, as he can one shot your caster t1 (almost) alone, which is totally not right.
This game would be so much better without Samuro. This is the only character that doesn’t allow you to play whatever comp you want in PVP, as he can one shot your caster t1 (almost) alone, which is totally not right.
It’s well past noon by pst, no packs received. I’ve even restarted battlenet client - nope, still no free packs.
Hey blizz, was that an empty promise? Just like all those extra coins for maxed out mercs?