People (at least 1) have posted what Selwynn did and were completely serious about it. Claiming to have beaten the algorithm with a home brew deck and wouldn’t post it. So I think it’s reasonable to have believed him lol. Unless they were also trolling…which means I fell for it
My posts were absolutely in line with the lunacy of the rigged morons who call everyone who asks for proof or even logical, plausible descriptions “white knights” and “fanbois” so it’s very easy to see where someone who doesn’t know where I stand to take it seriously.
My intent was never to decieve only to satirize the idiots.
I mean, the patent is on record. If they make claims that run counter to this, it’s clear they aren’t being honest. The company has done this even where people can’t try to make the laughable claim “there’s no way it’s applicable here!”
The irony of those who “believes their position based on faith and anecdote.”
Also, guy admits he’s been trolling everyone the entire thread:
And coc violating flaming. It’s safe to say he’s just here to poison the well, like all pro company posters are. But note the mods won’t do anything about it, as people like this are allowed to violate coc with impunity, up to and including hate speech and threats, as long as it’s done in support of the company.
Stay classy, mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!
No need to apologize. You did not lash out and did not personal attack me. I am all for discussion, even in topics like this one. I’m on vacation right know, so i have time to mess around a little bit.
It helps me to improve my lackluster english and is a fun exercise for the mind.
No i am not. But i know the discussion about “is it rigged or not” will not lead anywhere. It never does. Nobody will change their mind, despite what other says, but that is ok. After all we a talking about a video game.
It matters, because people who think they are playing a fair game and see something that seems fishy need to know about the patent, and the company’s track record of underhanded and outright criminal practices.
“Oh, it’s just a game” doesn’t fly when there are potential criminal acts involved (if the company has mislead people about the fairness of the game, that is fraud) and considering the company’s track record in regard with misconduct, illegal acts, and tampering with investigations and lawsuits involving their actions, it’s clear that giving them the benefit of the doubt is pure lunacy.
I’m not sure they need to know the entire history of a company because maybe Mutanus keeps taking their favorite minion, but they 100% should have the right to voice their concerns/questions and speak with like minded individuals. I have no objections to people continuously mentioning the patent either. My only concern is when people mention the patent as proof that the game is rigged. It’s not proof just because it exists. Evidence of a greedy and shady company, but not proof of rigging in hearthstone (yet). And I agree it’s not wise to just blindly trust them too. I don’t. I trust my experience in the game, which in this case lines up with what we have been told about MM.
For others, it hasn’t lined up and I completely understand why they believe something else is going on. When someone makes a post about why they think the game is rigged, I try to use logic and ask them a question that’s specific for that persons theory. Or say something like “The game might be rigged in some way, but here are some reasons why it’s very unlikely to be rigged as you are suggesting it is.”
If people see something that seems fishy, they don’t need an echo chamber and they don’t need to be dismissed. What they saw can either be easily explained (like someone claiming a druid cheated for having 20 mana) or discussed and debated when no immediate answer is available. After all, even if the game is rigged there is virtually no chance that’s it’s rigged as every single suggests it is. A lot of people have made wildly different, often contrary claims on how they feel the game is rigged and it seems unlikely they could all be right.
Still craving proof?
Play agro deck and 90% your opponent have Prince Renathal, switch to Control deck and your enemy have Prince Renathal in 10% games…
(For sure: You must play well and win min. 60% matchs…)
This isn’t proof. This is telling others to provide their own.
Now if you were to show the statistics what made you come up with these numbers and makes you think this is proof enough. That would be a talking point.
The added : For sure, only 100% chance to be wrong if you don’t win enough games really sells it.
Ask Bli$$ard NOT me!
I’ll ask more direct then:
What is your source data to state 90% of the decks you face are a Prince Renathal when playing aggro yourself.
Similarly what is your source data for the second claim of facing 10% Renathal when playing a control deck.
Are either of these in your favour where you can come up with a creative reason why it would work in this proposed fashion?
Lastly: Where did you come up with the influence of specifically a 60%+ winrate.
Either you can explain these findings or they’re without value. The same still goes for Horatio’s mountain of evidence.
My 2 cents sooner go to the theory that Blizzard purposefully messes with the tinfoil hatted.
Yet these numbers seemingly got pulled out of where the sun doesn’t shine.
but …
you are the one making the claim
Just testet it. played 50 games. 25 aggro (Hunter) and 25 Control (Warrior)
25 aggro decks faced 13 Prince Renathal
25 control decks faced 17 Prince Renathal
What does that proof?
and your winrate? if you lost matchmaking does not must “cheat” you forced to counter deck only for 50% winrate
Seems like a silly question. Either you believe in a forced 50% win rate or you don’t.
It seems like you don’t.
16 wins with aggro
11 with control
From the 9 lost games (aggro) only 4 were against decks with Renathal.
If i get matched against Renathal to counter me, i should have lost more often against Renathal right?
Before i was like everybody else, thinking it’s rigged! But then, after i saw an apple and fell from tall tree, i like this game now. Cards are nice, you can move them around and sometimes some card disappear and you can play another.
Why people write bad things about cool game! It’s Free too. Imagine thinking there are systems, logic n stuff, there aren’t!
It is…But people around this forums will not confirm you that. Mostly because they need to think it’s not, so that it does not ruin their perception of Hearthstone actually being a fair game.
Matchmaking being rigged it’s part of blizzard strategy of keeping win rate in check. In return they get people to buy more packs so that they can make other decks and have diversity.
It’s easy. Whoever says it’s otherwise it’s delusional, and probably never tried to reach or reached legend…They played casual.
I might be be old fashioned, but could you please link a proof?
What would that do ? You would just say it’s RNG…Faced with facts people will just say it’s RNG, cuz that’s what this kind of games try to do…
If I give you a video proof of 100 games with stats that literally show the game is matchmaking rigged…What would that win me ?
Cuz you won’t change your opinion, you would be the same narrow minded , horse on a track idi@t and I would waste my time proving you wrong…
The conclusion is, even if someone tries to prove the system is rigged, the opinions will always be divided…But one thing I know for sure is that the board never loses…That’s why gambling games still exist…It’s a delusional thought to think that games aren’t rigged , just because you defied the rule a few times… But it’s hard to explain that to people with lesser IQ
Also I am a developer, so I know that random doesn’t actually exist in coding…If you think it exists good luck proving AI exists.
Most people in this forum think that the game is unfair. That has nothing to do with rigged or not rigged. More with the strength of cards or decks.
What do people gain from “their perception of Hearthstone actually being a fair game”?
The other way around does make more sense. The “perception of Hearthstone actually being rigged” let people believe every lost is not their fault and they are better at the game as their rank shows.
This argument was always the big problem in that discussion. “Keeping the winrate in check” does not make you buy more packs. The psychologie behind that is complex. In short: You need positive reinforcement not negativ reinforcement
Of course it also has the Problem that people claim (like OP) that they lose 90% of games, because the game is rigged. 10% wins does not look like a “win rate in check” does it?
If it is easy, than you can provide proof or at leat evidence for others to look at.
But you never showed that video. Nobody ever does. That is the whole reason, why people do not belive the “This game is rigged” crowd. Because everytime someone asked for more than an anecdote, nothing is provided.
If you have to censor a word, you know you should not use it. Being polite does not cost you anything.
We could talk about how IQ relate to the ability to understand explanations, or i could just repeat what i said. Being polite does not cost you anything.
That is true, nobody will change the mind of another in this discussion. Because nobody provides solid proof. The “game is not rigged” people cant provide proof and the “game is rigged” people do not want to provide proof. Nothing changes.
In the end, have fun with the game and if you do not. Play something else.
So, vacation is over, less replys from me in the future.