Matchmaking system rigged

O my , another one of my fans quoting every sentence and replying to it…

Fine, I will do a video after I come back from my holiday and just record the data with different decks and archetypes…Not that it’s not done by a lot of people already ( but without video), I will just post it with video…

So that idiots like this guy above can take a break …

Also implying that no one ever post proof is a little farfetched mister “cannot google it”…I did it for you, you are welcome.

Reddit — > hearthstone_is_rigged_and_how_to_fix_it_proof
Youtube — > Hearthstone Is Rigged! With Proof?
Youtube - Another LAWSUIT against Blizzard for RIGGED Hearthstone packs? by Zeddy (might not fit the profile, but if they can temper the odds of packs why wouldn’t they temper the matchmaking)

This are just three that I bothered looking, but ok, I will videotape it for you…To be honest I don’t think it’s worth the trouble, cuz I don’t really care if you or anyone else think it’s not rigged or rigged, but I might as well as put facts over numbers.

Also I wonder why you didn’t reply to my last sentence … RNG is defined as - Random number generating, but random doesn’t exist in coding…You think it does, but it doesn’t, it’s just an algoritm behind…The pc cannot chose between 1 and 0 based on nothing… So technically what you call RNG it’s just an algorithm determined by something…Something that it’s not yet known but people still call it random…Why is it so hard to understand that Blizzard will technically mettle with anything that doesn’t suite a format or a standard they see fit…It’s coded by them, you call it random, but it’s not…

I thought Thatos brought up some fair points to not resort to calling them an idiot.

Anyway, I can do the linking for you: - the reddit post. - is the video describing the the patent you refer to I believe?

Both of these go over the suggested patent and are not providing actual proof. I don’t think videotaping of a random session would do any good in convincing anybody either. This is not an attack on your post, I just don’t think it gives the effect you intend to. Rather it’s more insulting causing the opposite effect if phrasing it as follows

It offers nothing substantial to be an end all solution. is the Zeddy video you refer to. I don’t think you know the details of this case if you brought it up in this topic.

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As I said, the Zeddy’s video might not fit the profile of the discussion, but it is related to the fact that the kid that wasted a lot of money didn’t get “any powerful cards” whatever that means…And the guy is right, there is no transparency in the RNG behind card packs…This is why in China they went with a different approach cuz the law is different there. But again, I just put it the link there to be there, I know it doesn’t fit the discussion.

Yes, videotaping random sessions of games will not convince anybody, but it seems people are hanging over the fact that everyone is saying that the game is rigged , posting stats here and there without actually videos…So I believe in their feeble minds they think that people make up numbers without proof…This is why I want to give them proof.

Just on a side note, I should have just post the link and delete the hyperlink chain behind >.>…Good thing you did it.

No problem! Just hoping to save you some time. Regardless of stance it seems all of this has a limited effect other than causing people frustration.

The video title indeed does open up the thought that there could be a system where droprates of strong cards could be calculated to have their droprate lowered or upped based on purchases made on the account. Though with methods of gathering data through third party clients, I don’t think think it’s a risk worth taking as a business practice.

Lootbox law is still an active topic here in the Netherlands with a pending “motie” of June 2022 being discussed earlier this week.
The outcome of such decisions might be a more interesting topic if more countries follow suit resulting in changes having to be made for gamese such as Hearthstone.

The problem is not how card packs work, it’s the philosophy behind…They can rig somehow the packs to lower the drop rates ( don’t know how, don’t care how), and based on my data gathering ( might be a low pool of games) , every time I play a control deck I get a lot of combo breaker games, every time I play an aggro deck I play a lot of comps that have the tech to deal with aggro.

For the past few months ( because of Christian Hearthstone stupid advice, thanks for nothing by the way) I played a lot of quest priest. Imagine getting only mec mages, face hunters, mec paladins, and pirate warriors. Very very few armour warriors witch was a popular archetype then ( the kazhakushan one)

After losing like a lot of the games and getting mad, I switched to quest face hunter…Imagine getting only armour warriors, and control healing paladins… Since I switched to hunter I saw like 2% of my games mec mage and mec paladin ( probably cuz the hero power and the archetype can easily counter the board presence)…

Switched back to priest, again only mec paladins and mec mages.

So let’s say RNG is RNG…It really doesn’t seem like that judging on a month of data and average 10-12 games a day ( I usually don’t play that much garbagestone but since I keep losing game after game with priest cuz of the damn agro meta this is what it ended up to)…Call me delusional if you may, but when more people notice this same somehow rigged behaviour in different areas of the game means something is there.

So I will do the same experiment but this time I will only enter the game with a deck and conced. Shouldn’t take more than like 2-3 hours to gather enough data for 100 games or so…

P.S one think I need to add , I used to play a lot of arenas in the past, and you always get paird with people that have probably the same lose/win like you…If you go on a streak you get paired with people having better decks, better combos, better luck when they drafted the deck…If you lose 0-2 you usually get matched with people that have the same bad luck of crafting.

I might be delusional or just wanting to believe this rigged matchmaking is real, but sure seems like it…

It’s probably exactly like in Dota, only that in Dota you can prove that you are matched with players in the same toxic tier as you by using some commands in console and seeing the tier you are at based on reports.

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at least is good to know your defintion of " idiot " is anyone who doesnt blindly believes everything they are told without proof

im pretty sure thats your word of choice to define all critical thinkers you meet


Yup , it is…now that you understood it you can take a chill pill…

For the first time in a long time I am actually joking and being ironical…There is nothing that you do that makes you a critical thinker…You just bash ideas, there is no thinking in just saying the opposite of what people say and doesn’t fit your ideas.

So don’t get me wrong, don’t try to flatter yourself , you are just an idiot posing in a thinker. And it’s not in this posts particularly , half of what i’ve read coming from you states that. I gave enough credit anyway…Which I don’t usually do with people over the internet…

I answered the guy above cuz he was actually making sense and tried to be logical about it, while I just bash you cuz you are just an idiot…

Hope that somehow let’s you know why I react the way I do , if I will ever on your futher posts.

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I cannot claim the game is rigged or not rigged but my anecdotal opinion is the game does “something” to the opponent pool based on your deck. I have no clue what it’s intention is but I can’t say it’s to specifically make you win or lose. It could honestly be trying to help you and just failing at it. For instance blizzard could have a feature that puts high win rate popular decks in mirror matches more often. That feature would not be working against you but would change all players experiences by switching decks. A player playing a high win rate deck would still theoretically win more matches than losses and the mirror matches would work as a tool to push them to their true ranks since it takes skill to win.

It’s feels way more that if I see a prevalent deck and switch decks or deck composition, the prevalent decks tend to shift. It could be simple mean reversion.

I often take long breaks from the game and have to grind back up ranks. The change in types of decks I face (again can be all anecdotal) tended to be more aggressive when I copied popular decks. This effect also seemed to greatly reduce as I moved higher in rank and meta is more prevalent. To summarize what I felt happen was that when playing popular decks lower rank games felt harder compared to when I made my own random curve tuned deck. This could simply be the idea of weaker opponents knowing vs not knowing what’s in my deck.

All this is impossible to prove but the one thing I think is interesting is the part where as I move from gold to diamond the decks I face become way more consistent. If this effect were real it could be that one of the issues in the debate is that better players don’t see it as they occupy higher ranks. A lower dispersion of decks played would lower the ability of any deck based matchmaking to work and would be way to easy to prove.

End of the day I think no such deck based matchmaking occurs but if it were proven I would not be surprised. It just feels odd. Most times I’m able to grind up fairly easy to diamond if I put an effort in to making a deck so I don’t think there is any game breaking revelations to be found.

It is definitely true. I was playing as highlander mage in wild. Had a decent amount of battlecries in it. Had to take out cards like shivering sorceress and replace it with a spell or deathrattle because I kept getting matched against Nerub’ar Weblord. Then never saw it again. I’d say it was somewhere between 10-30% of my match ups.

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The game has a way to keep track of accounts and match accordingly.

Top rank: popular streamers. Bliz needs them for free advertisment and incite people to play more. Thus, their accounts are buffed to high heaven: perfect curve, never mulligan the same card, draw the most needed card at the perfect moment etc.

Bottom rank: free-to-play leeches. Bliz wants to break the ice for these people to start spending. If they pay once, they are most likely to keep spending more. Therefore, shady and unethical tactics such as reverse card draw, mulligan the same cards, and frequently match against direct counters are deployed as an attempt to irritate the players to a point that they start spending uncontrollably.

No rank: big spenders. These people are whales. Their spending habbit are constant enough for Bliz to do nothing. Therefore, their accounts will remain untempered. The system will match them against the despiteful free-loders to teach them the importance of spending money on video games.

Okay, I made all of the above up. None of what I have typed are true.


INDEED ME TOO! +20char


The only thing that’s true is that this is about big money! And we know what people will do for money…

He knows its happening, he works for bluzzard and comes here to commit perjury and fraud and gets paid for it.

Sounds like a violation BBB would like to know about if they weren’t already infiltrated and goblinized like bluzzard… oh well just wait for mad max times coming…

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