Matchmaking system rigged

Donimbatron is troll


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Maybe I should simply copy-paste how the matchmaking works in these rigged threads and go on to the next topic.

True about so many issues in society.


like people who literally deny the patent exists, and basically play the gollum “master would never hurts us” line and literally handwaves all criticism in their blind faith that the greedy, sleazy megacorp with a track record of not only making poor decisions that negatively impacts everyone (including their own shareholders), but go so far as to have a toxic and abusive workplace environment that not only abused employees for decades, but punished and retaliated against whistleblowers… to think that same company somehow is looking out for your best interests requires a level of faith that makes flat earthers look rational.

Actually works, or the “faith and anecdote” of the pro company byline that says they aren’t using a patent that maximizes their profits…oh wait, I already know the answer to that.

Especially where people will continually defend a company that refuses to divest itself of a company that is based in a country running literal concentration camps, and refuses to acknowledge or condemn the practice, in spite of it going on for over a decade.


I’m with you on all of that. The company has a history of deceitful and dishonest conduct, not to mention the horrifying workplace environment they fostered. But as for the matchmaking system, I’m just relaying how Blizzard has said that the system is set up to work. And I’ve seen no substantive evidence to show otherwise.

I assume the country you are talking about is China. What is the company that they are tied to? Because I absolutely think corporations ought to consider where their investments are going and divest from those with such profound human rights abuses. I was involved in a few “Divest Now” marches in the mid-80s when we were trying to get our school to divest from South Africa and it’s Apartheid governing system.

I believe that’s Tencent.

The patent exists, for sure.

But does it work as intended?

My cousin has a patent for a robotic hand that he designed in the 1990s. The technology to actually make it work didn’t exist at that time and likely still doesn’t. None of that is relevant in the process of securing a patent.

Second, that patent is not applicable to hearthstone. At all.

You: That guy committed X crime so the must also do Y.

That’s false logic.

It’s also overly dramatic and poorly worded, suggesting it’s a gross exageration intended to obfuscate the false logic.

You’re a troll. That’s all you are.

Believe whatever makes you happy as you’re gratefully no concern of mine.

Be well.



Yes. You can make one too.

You just need to read all these threads that describe how the matching is rigged by your deck, take all of their suggstions, and you will never lose again because you can’t be matched to your counter to force you to 50%.

Like if you have viper you will never face weapon decks, etc.

Last time I published the list I got a ban.


That is a bold but interesting claim.
I asume you are OK with me testing that deck to confirm your claim?
It should be easy to finally prove, that the game is rigged, right?

You may not be able to post the List here, but there are other ways to share it. I am flexible here. Friend request? Discord? Send it in an E-Mail?

Nice try, but you’re obviously a Blizzard employee fishing for accounts to ban. The decklist is out there, you should be able to look it up.

Edit: Obviously there’s a little bit of mockery going on, as to be expected in this thread.

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That was my first thought. They hunt us on the forums and on reddit.

It is out there. There’s an image of the list out there in google if you have the right key words in your search, but it includes some and/not logic queues to get it right.

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Oh no, the guy that tells everyone he can proof the game is rigged does not provide the proof he claims he has.
Who could have seen that coming? Everyone, the answer is everyone.

If you got banned, the last time you posteted your decklist, than Blizzard already has that List…, because you postet it… and they banned you for it…

There is no deck, there is no proof, and there is no Easter Bunny.

It is a little bit sad, that sometime you can not differentiate between trolls and people, who really belive what they are posting. With some, like Bobafett, it is easy.
You would think “nobody would be that dumb to believe the fake storys, right? Everyone would see, that if people claim they have proof but refuse to show it, that they are lying, right?”

And jet, more and more people come here. “Ah yes the game must be rigged”
Maybe it is easier to claim the game is rigged instead of improving themselfs?

Well it was fun, if someone wants to provide proof, i will listen, if not, have a great day and do not forgett:
If you are bad at the game, that is OK. Do not feel bad about yourself, you do not need to find a reason “why it is not your fault”. It is just a game after all :slight_smile:

Is this Al gore rhythm in same room with you? Is he trying to communicate with you?
Maybe if you stop losing it will go away!

I’m sorry you ever thought I was serious.

It’s the difference between anecdote and data. It’s also confirmation bias.

If there was something suspicious in the way decks were matched (like they account for what list you have) it would be obvious in the aggregate data collected by the various number crunchers like HSreplay and VS. Obvious even if it was a small effect because of the large sample size.

No, it will never go away unless you spend teh monies on teh gamezez!


I agree that there is a long and disturbing history of dishonesty from Blizzard. But I still don’t see any substantive evidence to support the notion that the matchmaking system works differently than the way Blizzard has explained.

I’m with you on the company’s atrocious conduct. And thanks for that timeline. And I had no idea about the Governor’s efforts to influence the investigation and lawsuit. So disappointing to hear.

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This is a fallacy put forth by people who do not understand statistics, randomization or programming. They glanced at a wiki page, had an “intro-to-something” class or they’re repeating something cool they heard someone else regurgitate.

Using your proposed solution, I played 1,000 games of an online CATAN game. Each game, the randomizer code executed a seed (bet you have NO clue what that is) for the dice rolls. Here’s 2 cases:

Case 1: in each of the 1,000 games the first dice roll is 2, the second is 3, the third is 4 … all the way up to 12, then the cycle repeats.

Case 2: in the first game the only number rolled is 2, in the second game the only number rolled is 3, in the third game the only number rolled is 4 … all the way up to 12, then the cycle repeats.

When you look at the aggregated data (go google that one too) for 1,000 games you will say "WOW! looks like the randomizer is PERFECT!! The distribution doesn’t show any discrepancies. BUT, if you’ve played in any of those games you would have noticed that something is seriously, SERIOUSLY wrong!

That’s the power of intuition, the power of the human mind. You can make leaps of logic, you can jump from A, B, C, . . . . . to I, J, K. This is even more evident to people who are experienced or trained to observe these patterns. The simple-minded will just reply “confirmation bias!” but that’s not what happened.

I remain skeptical of most of the claims I see on the internet, but when you play 100’s of games you CAN begin to see certain patterns forming. When you play 1,000’s and tens of thousands of games over many years certain patterns DO emerge.

As to programming complexity I reply “Ha!” it’s easy. Simple example: getting a quest in your opening hand. Complex example: Zephrys the Great. Isn’t there a card that puts a specific card on top of the deck? Isn’t there a card that orders your deck by cost (Lorekeeper Polkelt)? I’m not saying anything IS or ISN’T happening. I’m claiming it’s easy to do if & when a company decides they want to do it. That fact is irrefutable.

I had no intention of writing a book, but this topic is dominated by fanboys & corporate shills spouting the same old nonsense. I felt a detailed example of a counter point needed to be presented.

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Oh… so you’ve decided to start with petty insults right out of the gate. Nice.

I do. But perhaps this was simply an opportunity to toss out another petty insult. Your credibility is falling quickly.

Ok. In those crafted examples, you’ve shown how the large scale result doesn’t necessarily reflect the small window events. But you’re also suggesting this all would have happened randomly.

Ok. So show me. Show me the patterns on that large a scale and show how they prove or even suggest that it’s anything more than random.

I certainly think they are capable of programming the matchmaking system to include deck composition. I just don’t see evidence that it’s happening.

And more petty insults. Do you think this makes your intellectual points more valid? Do you think it makes your argument more persuasive? Do you think it makes people more inclined to read your next post or less inclined?

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Unless you have tracked and filed every single game, yea it is what happened.

You don’t remember every game. If you were shown a recording of every game you have ever played, I doubt you would even remember half. The ones you do remember are different from the ones you don’t. For whatever reason, you remember them while forgetting the others. After thousands of games, any patterns you think you are seeing are a result of incomplete information.

This doesn’t mean they don’t/can’t exist of course. But even if the game is rigged AND is rigged in a fashion similar to how you think it is, you still wouldn’t be 100% correct. You think it’s working one way when it’s actually working a different way, despite thousands of games played and observing the pattern. Why? Because of confirmation bias.

Again, there could absolutely be a pattern of rigged gameplay, but without complete information and objectivity, confirmation bias is happening. It just is. If that bias leads you to think the game is rigged, so be it. My experience has led me to believe the game isn’t rigged. Buggy and poorly coded, but not rigged.


As i said, it is hard to know who is trolling and who is serious.

And this patterns in HS are? People ask for big sample sizes, because the law of large numbers will make it easier to know if there is a pattern or not.

Yes and nobody here has said “it is impossible for Blizzard to rig the game” So what is your Point here?

And that counter point is? You only “countered” the claim, that it is impossible to rig the game. A claim, that nobody here has made.

The question nobody answers is "Why would Blizzard rig the game, so that a single person (see OP) loses 90% of his games?
And if is rigged, can you show us the data that proof that? You know the patterns you know are there.

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wow! that really brought out the white-knights.


Too bad you didn’t give one and your example is absolutely wrong.

Your example requires that I look at a complete set of the cycle you describe to miss the sequence (the average of the complete cycle looks like it’s normal), but if I parse any smaller or larger set or don’t start at the beginning, my results will clearly show that it isn’t random when the first two or three sets repeat or the final two or three are absent.

And that’s why I apologized. I have seen no evidence of the game being altered in the ways people here have alleged. I won’t believe fantastic claims without evidence.

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