[Main Thread] iOS Device Crashes after Latest Patch

I am too, on IPad, getting disconnected before the game opens on the loading screen in the arena, where I relaunch right into many successive disconnects. I’m losing all my gold this way and my network is definitely fine.

I’m on iPad Pro and am having the same issues. Random disconnects, and about a 50% “able to reconnect to game” success rate. This has only been an issue since the latest patch. Please fix!

Thanks for your help here, but this is not a network issue. The game is disconnecting at random times and causes ranked ladder and BG losses for players. Most recently, I was able to reconnect after a disconnect, but the game counted as a loss and all of my gold was missing until I loaded up the store, at which point the gold “magically” reappeared.

Please push a hot fix for this disconnection issue on mobile. Thanks!


Absolutely NOT a network issue. I have been experiencing this for at least a month. My computer was recently upgraded and is screaming fast otherwise. I am able to connect to ANY other site, game, app, etc. during my disconnect issues with Hearthstone. I was just now DC’d from a ranked game. HELP, please. Fix this!! Kartera

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Your rate of reconnect is better than mine… because I have 0% reconnect when I am disconnect.

Been having these randoms crashes at any time aswell since the shaman animation hotfix.

It went from random disconnects during queue or getting stuck on queue forever (theory since I left one queue that had found a match for over 20 minutes and it just left me there waiting). Now since the latest patch I either get “disconnected” on queue and sent to main screen as “offline” or may get disconnected/reconnected for doing pretty much anything or seeing the other player do anything:

  • Hover/Draw/Play a card.
  • Attack with a minion/hero.
  • Emotes.
  • End turn.

Same issues occuring on Battlegrounds, may get disconnected/reconnected while:

  • Buying minions.
  • Getting triples.
  • Freezing tavern.
  • Hovering another player game “stats” (hitpoints, win streak, etc).
  • Transition to battle.
  • Effects during battle.

I’ve never experienced ANY of these issues before the hotfix.

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In my line of work, if a problem similar like this isn’t fixed within a day or two, I would be out of a job… How do you expect to compensate people for their time/losses. I bought every pre-order for the last couple of years… and this is what I get? 100 bucks every 3 months for an unplayable game?


Same phenomenon of gold being set to 0 (zero) after miraculous reconnecting. Then after shutting down the iPad and reloading, all the gold is back. Followed by disconnecting the very first game I queue into and not being lucky enough to reconnect this time. Noticed this trend for at least 3 days now…


Same issue. Will not be playing but more importantly not spending money till this bug is fixed. Unbelievably frustrating to try and queue into a match only to disconnect during matchmaking with no ability to reconnect for several minutes resulting in a loss in which I didn’t even get to choose my opening hand.

iPad Pro 10.5
iOS 13.3


iPad seventh generation: there are a lot of crashes in EVERY mode! Often It tries ti reconnect and crashes again and again! I canplay with NO mobile device!
Please fix It!

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I won’t repeat all the above posts suffice to ask will we get any of our missing stars/wins back from crashes?

It surely can’t be that my 6 month old iPad Air can’t run Hearthstone? So 3 days in with the problem still ongoing why should paying customers have to tolerate this?


I am getting crashes on iPad 5th generation, and they are getting counted as losses. Frustrating when it happens at ranks 2 and 1.


My iPad has 10gb of spare ram and is crashing in solo adventures.

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The thing is: i have a Lenovo tablet, 2 years old. Ok, maybe too old, the game doesn’t start (even if It should). I buy and iPad seventh generation two weeks ago. The game crashes always! I bought the bundle and can’t play during my Christmas holidays! I am disgusted!

I have lost two arena due to crashes. Any compensation??

iPad Pro 1st gen. Crashing after a winning match. Have lost 2-3 stars so far due to crashes. Attempting to restart the game to reconnect seems futile. Please fix. I cannot advance rank.

iPad Pro 11inch - constantly crashes when i start games and doesnt let me reconnect so I lose the game. So annoying.

I have lost an arena run due to the “glitch” and also a rank or two in play mode and it’s honestly making the game feel unplayable. iPad Air 2 btw

And don’t mind my name it was randomised on Xbox and yeah carried over

Same problem, new ipad mini 2019, just got it as a present for birthday and now i cant play(