[Main Thread] Android 10 & Samsung A70/A80 - Cannot Login Android app

Same issue here Android 10 and Samsung A70. I’ve opened a ticket before finding this thread 4 days ago.

same problem here though my phone is s10lite with snapdragon855 . Got update 2 days ago and the game stopped working. Tried everything mentioned here though nothing fixed it for me

Same problem here, please fix this it has been more than a month and no fix or even at least a public information concerning this. Very disapointing Blizzard !

I do understand how big a problem this must be, surely on top of everything that’s going on right now this isn’t easy to fix I mean if it’s taking this long it’s either huge or the team working on it is so small, like a “do it when you have the time” sort of team hahaha!
What are the chance of some free stuff for all our missed quests, purchases, tavern brawls, heroic brawls etc? Like some card packs or something?
A lot of loyal HS fans waiting patiently for almost 2 months now :wink:
Just throwing it out there.


I got the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy A9 2018. The issue has happened for a few weeks ago. Could be fixed by clearing cache and re-enter the app for a few times, but since last week the app has kept responding “Spiteful sprites didadingadong” every time I tried to log into my account. I tried all the solutions but none worked. Please fix the issue as soon as possible. Frustrating to wait for a patch. Thank you.

Hello Caterpepi, thanks for your updates but I am getting tired of this issue so much that I am not even bothering to reply here anymore. You wrote that the issue was discovered days ago and still there is no solution? That’s kind of a really bad service, since I bought the last pre-release bundle pack and I’m not a F2P player who might even be asked to be patient (that’s not a right Customer line, too; but let’s assume it is for now). This is getting frustrated to the point that I’m considering dropping the game entirely. Hope you’ll get this addressed within the next few days. Cheers.

EDIT — Thank you Caterpepi, the patch of May 12th allowed my A70 to load the game again, as it was before the Android 10 patch came out. Thank you for your support, and apologies for my rude words of the previous post. Cheers.


Hello, I have the same issue (samsung a70). I tried the workaround and it does not work. I hope this issue will be fixed soon, because my phone is my main device for playing hearthstone.

Hey, all! The 17.2 patch should be pushed to Android some time today to fix up the login issues. Mobile platforms take a bit longer to update due to the approval process for the app stores.

I’m keeping a watch on my device and tracking this internally to keep everyone posted on the 17.2 patch update for Android. I’ll update here once we see that the approval process is completed and the patch is live on Android :slight_smile:

This cannot be stated enough, thank you for your cooperation, patience, and understanding with this issue! Once the update is pushed, please let us know if the login issues continue on A70, A80, Galaxy A9 devices.

[Update] The update should be live on Android! In the App Store, it should be showing the Version as 17.2.47374.


Hello, i just downloaded the patch update (on A70) and the issue is solved. Thank you very much for fixing this issue

Works for me ! Thank you

Happy to hear :slight_smile: We’ll continue to check back here for new reports if anyone else is still experiencing the issue.


Thank you very much, I thought that they won’t find the problem already, for a very long time we experienced inconvenience with the game, thanks for solving the problem and answering us

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20 posts were split to a new topic: [Main Thread] Hearthstone - Can’t connect/Login on Android

Hey! Successfully logged on twice now, so glad!
Thank you to the team.

Idk who you are or what you do but you need a raise!! Thanks worked perfect

Thank Caterpepi. Great job. Samsung A80 with Android v10 here. Login works now…

The patch has allowed me into the loading screen, but the game keeps crashing mid-match. It will disconnect and I’ll have to restart the app or it’ll disconnect me from the game entirely. Using galaxy A70

Moved a few threads over to a new thread as the devices reported were unrelated to this issue. We’re seeing positive reports with A70/A80 devices and the login issues. If you are experiencing other issues outside of the login issue, such as crashing, please start a new thread. This thread has been closed.

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