You realized what it means: Card value going down fast. They aren’t worth as much as in HS, and they aren’t as impactful, and from my understanding it just lets you get the value of what you have done, which clearly isn’t much.
Umm… I’m not sure what you mean? One card being impactful in one game, doesn’t equate to being impactful in another? And what value are we talking?
In physical MtG, a land might be worth 5 cents. Does that land have more value or impact than every ccg card, because they’re free?
A specific card in LoR is valued against its competition, i.e. other LoR cards. So the ‘best’ card there is surely just as good as the ‘best’ card in any other game, where in other games they are valued against their own competion.
It sounds like you’re comparing apples to oranges, unless I’m misunderstanding. Which is possible xD
This is what I mean, since there is not much work needed for the cards, their distribution increased, which means many people have them. And as the number of cards are increasing faster and faster, the value will increase since some cards see less play. And when a commonly used card (some champions never see play though) become useless (if a wild mode is added to LoR, probably) and not impactful in a normal game. And cards owned by less can be less powerful or more powerful, if a card is not “valuable”, I mean you cannot guess it by just guessing your opponent’s deck.
I honestly still don’t understand - but, that surely doesn’t change the fact that LoR is exceedingly more generous?
What I don’t get is, is that you’re saying if Blizz somehow became REALLY generous and gave every player every card - then somehow the card’s values would change?
Yeah, it won’t happen because the value if totally different. The thing I am trying to say is: what you earn in HS has the same value in terms of impact as LoR, but in HS you spend a long time to do something big, while in LoR it splits in to segments. The best you can praise it is it is structured better.
The value of single cards is different across card games for a variety of reasons, deck building being a primary driver.
Because Hearthstone decks are smaller each individual card is more significant and valuable than each individual card in LOR and MTG.
MTG is a particularly crazy outlier in that on paper it’s known that they print less copies of meta defining cards as well as jacking up the power based on rarity to a much greater extent than LOR and HS to force players to buy more “draft chaff”.
LOR has a very different feel psychologically than HS and MTG because you don’t bank your rewards since they don’t produce capsules based on expansions (this will become an issue later on for established players since they won’t be able to guarantee opening new cards after all 10 regions have released).
Oh I see! Thank you for explaining that - yeah that does make complete sense.
So what CardMaster is saying, is that even though LoR is handing us out more cards - because they have inherently less value, it’s more or less the same as Hearthstone handing out less cards, but at a higher value?
IF that’s the argument then yes that definitely makes sense, although I think I’d argue that LoR hands out so many more than Hearthstone, that it more than makes up for their lesser value.
Now you are understanding. Here we see MTG is much more cruel and harsh as the ancestor of HS and LoR, the first battle CCG. It made many mistakes such as underestimate the draw value of three cards to one Mana, and many companies learned from this and made better, but without MTG, there might be very different games now than HS and LoR. And LoR has its own way, remember 1 times 8 equals 8 times one. And there is one thing I hate as a established player of MTG and HS, and a newer player if LoR, is bulks and masses of bulks (or pack fillers). I don’t see the difference between 1 Mana +1/+1 and 2 Mana +2/+2 without innovations, cards like this is filled in your collection in LoR right, like no creativity or fun mechanics, like a strict chess piece sitting on a table with strict rules. Bulks can help new players but not as much as older players, that’s how you can dust them for new cards in HS and get wildcards to fill your gaps in LoR, they are pretty much equivalent in value, one impactful cards can be offered as 3 OK cards and 1 somewhat impactful card. And always remember, no matter how much a game offers you, don’t praise it for the bulk cards. In MTG buying singles is much better than searching through bulk cards from boosters. The same for HS and LoR, do not praise bulks
That’s a really interesting post about how impactful things actually feel affect the willingness to play a game. If LoR had anything nearly as satisfying as a fully loading Blastmaster Boom on curve, or anything one tenth as satisfying to play as Nibiru from YGO, I’d play it in a heartbeat.
Let’s prove this to the OP once again, HS is equivalent in terms of card value compared to LoR!
I think that after you aggregate everything LOR does provide more value for the grind.
But on top of that you are opening rewards almost every day whereas in Hearthstone you might not open anything other than TB packs for a whole month. It’s all fine and dandy now, but what happens when you can’t bank rewards for new expansion day? You probably want to spend money on Wild Cards.
If you buy roughly 80 packs each expansion then you have enough dust and cards to get all or most of the meta decks.
I average roughly 80-100 packs each expansion depending on how much arena i feel like playing. I have roughly 15k dust atm and am able to pick from more then 10 different competetive decks to play without crafting cards.
I have spent no real money on cards for HS. All it takes is dust and gold management and atleast completing quest roughly every third day. My strategy for managing my collection does however require a year of taking it cool and not getting that many decks.
I have played the game since the beta but that is not rly the reason I have soo much dust as I still havn’t dusted my old wild cards and adventure cards which is prolly like 100k in dust.
Soo any statement saying ”You have to grind for weeks just to get a budget deck playing hearthstone” for a person playing since release is just ludacris. The initial hurdle is still a problem but with a little thinking Anyone playing 1-2 hours a week will get enough free dust and gold from the game to have atleast 5 competetive decks for the current expansion. This also depends on how many classes has viable decks. Sometimes just 1-2 classes have playable decks and If Thats the case you Will regardless of playing or being F2p have few good decks.
Don’t know how hard or easy it is in LoR as I havn’t played it but with how easy it has been for me with getting decks in HS I have a hard time seeing it could be much easier in LoR unless you are given all the cards or most of them straight away. Which for me feels rly boring for a TCG. One of the reasons I play TCG is the fun in collecting the cards.
How fun would it be to play WoW and be handed the highest lvl character with all the best gear?
The OP laments that Hearthstone has more content than in 2015 and therefore isn’t able to obtain a greater share of the overall content.
There’s quite a few completionists that feel the same way as the OP.
LOR is in a similar lower content schedule as HS was in 2015 as it ramps up from 6 to 10 regions so completionists can rejoice until they’re upset they can’t get everything in LOR.
I agree with you. But that still isn’t the same thing as HS being F2P unfriendly or how some ppl try to make it out to be impossible to play HS and not spend money and have a variety of decks without grinding.
It is not that hard Tbh which is the summary of my post. Soo sure, other games could be more F2p friendly but thats not rly a worthy argument as this game also has that capability. If anyone thinks LoR is more fun or whatever that is totally fine but sitting and painting HS as P2p and not even P2w is just ludacris.
I mean I wasn’t making stuff up - just going by what I remember.
If you start at 0 dust, I could have sworn that doing all dailies between expansions gives you around 80 packs, which, after dusting duplicates, gives you around 3-6k dust.
Hey I might be completely wrong, as I said, it’s been ages since I’ve done it.
But heck, assuming you have 0 dust and want two epics, that’s around two weeks of dailys is it not?
50g per day, so one pack every two days. Packs give you around 100 dust. So 16 days? And that’s assuming you dust everything. That’s not crazy math is it?
Also I neeever said “You have to grind for weeks just to get a budget deck playing hearthstone”. I know that Hearthstone gives you a fair amount now when you start. I’m a free to play player also, and I’ve never said that this game is pay to win.
My argument was that really LoR just gives you a lot more.
yeah ok sure thing buddy…
If you havn’t played for a while you don’t rly know what your talking about. Recent changes with ranking rewards, duplicate protection and so on gives you a lot more value then before.
With all the nerfs and patches players (who think ahead) get a lot more dust as well. Soo as i stated If you have a little dust and gold management skills and think a little a head none of your statements are True. For example a nerfed golden card gives you 800 dust. Buying 50-80 packs at the release of an expansion and not dusting golden/duplicates right away but waiting for nerfs you get a lot more dust. And that is not a far fetched thing to do.
If you buy 50-80 packs you get pretty much all common and rare cards for that expansion and maybe something like 50% of the epics. Which means all your dust can be put in crafting extra epics and Legendaries.
Ok - that’s completely fair. Granted, I may have looked a little harshly on Hearthstone here.
I think my point still stand though. That LoR is really leaps and bounds - on a whole other level - more generous. And that’s completely accepting everything you’re saying about Hearthstone (which I am).
But as I said above somewhere, I’m really not trying to make out like I love LoR and hate Hearthstone or anything like that. Honestly the only thing I’m trying to say is that I believe LoR to be considerably more generous.
Havn’t played LoR so got no opinion on that part. Guess i missunderstood your statements earlier but just got the feeling you were painting HS up to be rly difficult for F2p players which you now said you didn’t soo. No harm no foul
I guess you can call giving a couple of extra popular bulk pack fillers is generous? I played it and since there are limited cards, many bulks do see play now, but probably not in the future as the cards in game are getting bigger and bigger, eventually like Hearthstone and they will add a wild mode.