It's card generation going too far?

First i need to tell that this isn’t about powerlevel but about the fun we actually have playing.

When you play against someone there should be some hand reading involved based on the fact that you can track what cards your opponent played and have some sense on what the rest of his cards are based on it.

Effects like card generation you break this concept and it is fun to in fact not know every single card your opponent can play but i did reach the point today were i played around 45 generated cards in an game(decks have 30 cards).

It just turned into an clownfiesta and while this isn’t an common situation i think that it oppened my eyes to the fact that in those last years random card generation effects turned into the biggest offender when talking about RNG.

Even above the extreme highrolls of cards like puzzlebox of yogg saron because card generation is consistently increasing the amount of RNG in every match while puzzlebox is just a big swing turn.

I not saying there should be no card generation anymore but in my personal opnion we need to both reduce the amount of card generating effects while also revisiting the rules of what cards can be generated or not.
Because it isn’t fun.


I agree with you the problem with too much card generation is that the skil of resource management is lost.
Arena is the closest mode to resource management that we have.


Haha yes. Amazing how much randomness there is in this game.

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So what, we can only generate garbage cards?

You are more than welcomed to ask the devs to change the direction of the game towards less card generation.

But every other possible strategy for defeating removal dense control decks has been lamented as being bad for the game. From OTK, to generating specific cards rather than random ones (remember Jades and Crystal Rogue), to milling the deck.

So what exactly is it that’s supposed to beat control that we won’t complain about next year?

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I think the game is a lot more fun because of radom generated cards. Except when the enemy priest gets 4 madam lazul in a game and steals 2 zeph from me, that’s bs and gay.

But I love clownfiestas!

What we need are custom game modes. People like you can make one with less Discover/RNG and people like me one with even more Discover/RNG. Perfect.


I agree there is too much card generation. I wish Blizzard would limit or narrow discover effects and stay closer to class identities.

They have so many possibilities but continue to push inferior methods for making this game interesting or fun.


Yes. (20 bloody char)

I not remember people complaining about deathrattle effects defeating control decks if you ask.

And I personally think that minions are just too easy to remove nowadays too.
Control is just too easy to play in the sense that even if an minion had an “overpowered” statline it would still struggle to be even played since it would be considered too slow thanks to all the removal possibilities.

That to not talk about the lack of interaction with the opponent turns this game always had that while impossible to solve could be mitigated by decisions like make all classes be able to play secrets for example.

I not telling to build secret as a theme for all classes. Just that having good standalone secrets for all classes would result in more interactive gameplay.


If people are complaining about card generation, they are either complaining about RNG clutching the game or too much value.

RNG from card generation won’t stop RNG, so card generation isn’t the problem in that topic.

Value can simply be solved by adding late game cards. That’s also not a card generation problem.

The card generation could be good or bad. It’s good because it gives new people access to legendaries they haven’t crafted or collected yet. It’s bad for people who have all the cards and want this to be a competitive game. I’ll agree that more custom rules modes would be nice.


Not really. As I said in another thread, card generation is fine in moderation.

The amount of card generation currently removes so much player agency and, as such, reduces the skill factor of the game.

Example: If my opponent has 6 randomly generated cards, that were generated from another card, there is no way I can play around his hand. Instead I play my own hand, which makes the game little more than solitaire,

Card generation is fine, in moderation. Currently there is just far too much of it.


This game saw massive card generation from classes like Priest and Mage way before Dragons and Ashes were a thing. Mage saw double Cabalist Tome for massive spell generated during the Old Gods.

Priest commonly had 3-5 Drakonid Operatives self generating cards from opponent’s deck. Netherspite Historian and mirror Priest Matches had discover after discover.

The most objectively oppressing decks this game has ever seen were never card generation oriented. They all have been hyper aggro or no skill combo. You could argue isolated cases like Stonehill Defender and Ice Block generators were a problem, but those cards were incidents of isolated and/or tutored cards that rotated out or was adjusted from mechanic fixes. Card generation as a whole, however, has not been a problem.


Now all classes are doing that. Like I said, moderation.

There was NEVER as much card generation as ther is in todays meta. Moot point. Its literally impossible to play around most of todays (standard) decks, because you simply cant! I cant play around every single card in the game and, while a bit of an exaggeration, that is pretty much what you HAVE to do today.

That reduces player agency significantly. My agency as a player, once a handful of cards have been generated by my opponent, is non-existent. I cant play around a board clear, or ST removal, or face damage 'cos you have half a dozen cards that could be any of those things, so I start playing solitaire instead and hope that my pyramid gets out before yours does.

EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. The amount of card generation in the game atm, is not moderate, its excessive. To the point where my decisions are far less impactful than they should be.


for example i never seen a rogue generating a stunner
they need lackeys to generate rogue class spells

some classes are better at generating than the rest and what can generate or not changes depending on the cards they use

as far as i know the best decks right now barely use any card
or do you know of any version of the top tier warrior hunter and demon hunter decks using as much card generation as the ones you had in mind ?


5/8 of the tier 1 & 2 decks on the latest VS report are running card generation, in the D4-1 bracket. Thats 63% of T1 & 2 decks…

Try again.

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try what ?? :thinking:

what type of card generation are you talking about ?

something like evocation or hanar ? or the pirate that equips a weapon or the hunter prime( it is card genration even if isnt random)


Card generation is very clear. 5/8 of the t1-2 decks are using it. Anything that adds a card to your hand or deck, that was not included in your deck, is card generation.

Not a hard concept bud.


i get it

im more used to people talking about rng generation
thats the type i think it fits more to your complaint about how hard it to play around it
not stuff like the hunters prime it is generation but you know what was generated


Im not upset about rng generation. I am annoyed by the amount of CARD generation in the game currently. There is simply too much of it. It reduces player agency with the amount currently in the game, to the point where a pvp ccg turns into solitaire as you simply cant play around your opponents 5 card hand when they are all GENERATED cards.

Everything in moderation. There is nothing moderate about the amount of CARD GENERATION in the game right now. Its almost just a solitaire simulator after the first 5 or so turns. I am not playing against my opponent, I cant. I am playing against my deck!

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