It’s confirmed they are not taking away cards crafted

In response to accusing people of stealing, what about those that don’t regularly check the forums/ twitter or whatever and innocently assumed blizzard was doing something decent for their player base? I think it’s unfair to assume they’re all thieves or whatever else you want to call them.


They know now they have cards they didn’t earn…

You get the in-game notification when you receive something, dust, free packs, free cards, etc. When you get dust two times, you don’t find it strange, at least? Especially people who don’t check the forums and official channels, people that didn’t know that they are going to get the dust refund. I agree Blizzard should have handled this better. They have their own client, and they should have put some news or something. I would say, no one is innocent in this fiasco, both greedy players and greedy Blizzard.



Ignorance is not a defense.

Getting an unexpected windfall should have prompted more investigation if someone was truly honest.

I am glad they are banning people who crafted cards that they specifically knew would be nerfed as a way of laundering the dust.

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It is a slap on the wrist - the same kind they always give out when people take advantage of Blizzard’s mistakes like the quick leveling ‘exploit’ a while back in WoW that got a lot of streamers and random people suspended but they got to keep their ‘ill-gotten gains’ so really they still won.

I did spent just half of the dust that was gived to me. I thought that the scond notification was the bug and not all of it.

You are right and with saying that I incriminate myself. When I saw the dust I got a card I was saving up for. I probably should have done more research on the dust though.


I’m not mad about it.

I respect people owning it, though.


You know this is just a computer game right? Being an honest person has literally nothing to do it. I’ve received tons of free in game (not just Hearthstone) stuff over the years. I take it and go on living. I don’t stop what I’m doing to solve the ‘Mystery of the Free _____’.

If I didn’t receive something that I was suppose to AND other people did, then sure, I’ll try to get it. If I was never meant to have something in game and found out some other people got it by mistake, I don’t go around calling them dishonest for using it. It’s just a game and most people (I hope at least) treat them as such.


I do. I didn’t call for jail time or prosecution.

I did say that it is theft and I stand by that. I don’t draw a distinction between stealing a little and stealing a lot.

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(Assuming that you would have been benefited by using the free dust)
Would you have used it if you knew the final outcome?

I spent only half of the dust because I thought that the other half was a bug and they might have punished me if I spent it (like the negative dust stuff and that). At the end, all of it was a bug and they didnt punished those who spent it in anyway.

So to be honest I would have spent all of it, if I knew the final outcome.

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No, I wouldn’t have used it.

I assumed all of it was a bug because I know I did not have any of the cards that were supposed to be refunded.

Even if I knew I wouldn’t get in trouble I still don’t take things that don’t belong to me.


It is comprehensible. But as the other guy said “it’s just a game” there is no need to overthink the morals and the ethics behind this. Even they know that it wasnt our fault, thats why we were not punish in anyway.

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I’m with you. People could have at least waited a few days to realize it was not intended and a bug.

If an armoured car lost a bunch of cash are you going to keep it? The answer should be “no”. Those bills are tracked and monitored by the government and you’d be in hot water. Although a different situation the same logic should apply.

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I’m talking about people who may not have had any idea what the dust was even for. When I opened the game I got a notification that I had received dust but no explanation as to the reason behind it, I thought maybe a gift to the fans of the game, I Personally didn’t know until the next day that it was for the reward track minions, let alone that a glitch had occurred at all, and there’s probably a lot of players that check the forums / read hs news even less than I do. I think it’s unfair to paint them all as dishonest or spending the dust in bad faith when at the end of the day blizzard screwed up, and then when they tried to fix their screw up they screwed it up harder and did a disservice to the people who did hold the dust knowing it was a glitch. I think we should stop attacking other players for what could be an honest mistake (obviously some knew it was a glitch and took advantage, but with how blizzard has treated its fan base lately I say good on them honestly)


So? Why does that bother you so much. I honestly could care less if another player got some free cards, that doesn’t effect my game at all, and if I’m upset at anyone I’m upset at blizzard for handling this whole issue poorly, not at another player who got a few free cards


While I agree that the laundering is obvious abuse, I disagree that these players had to “launch an investigation” to figure out where the dust came from. And people comparing receiving free dust to receiving unidentified money in your bank account are making false equivalencies. Your bank account is your personal responsibility, whereas this is blizzards game and their responsibility to maintain. I don’t expect the average player to check the forums / twitter etc just because they play the game


This is a good point. Arguably most players don’t keep updated on Reddit and Twitter, nor this forum. We have to give players the benefit of the doubt. That is, unless these players clearly recognized this was unintended and so laundered their dust into soon-to-be nerfed cards.

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The same logic should not apply, because these are two vastly different scenarios. If you find an armored car on the side of the road and take the cash out you KNOW you’re stealing. Where as in this scenario blizzard poorly communicated what was going on, and on top of that not every player of the game actively goes on the forums or the HS Twitter, I personally don’t even have a Twitter so how would I ever know? I didn’t even know the dust was a bug until the next day because I didn’t go on the forums that day. So to attack the other players In the community for blizzard dropping the ball isn’t the right call, imo


It’s motivated reasoning to attack and argue against these truly innocent players. It’s derivative of jealousy. The feeling of having missed out. These players feel it’s unfair that some players were given more free dust than others. They’re also jealous that they didn’t spend the dust themselves while others did and are allowed to keep the cards.

For the record, I don’t believe I received any dust and also have no idea how much dust I had beforehand to determine I didn’t lose any. This is why we could really use the following.

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