Collection History (a suggestion)

I’m unsure how feasible this suggestion is, but here we go anyway. Very simple concept. One that would’ve been useful regarding the latest dust blunder.

I’d like an option added to collections where in your history can be seen. This includes cards added, cards removed, cards crafted, cards disenchanted, dust spent, dust added, and corresponding date and timestamps.

What do you all think?


it seems useless: I know what I craft and if I find a card in my collection that I didn’t remember, I don’t really care to know when I found it.

Something like this can be useful for the developers (maybe they have a tool to see the history of your collection), but for us is not necessary

I just think it’d be a nice quality of life addition. I know what I use my debit card on, but still am happy to have the ability to see my statement. This would be particularly useful for situations like the one we’re in now regarding the dust fiasco. Surely, this won’t be the last time players are given (or have taken away) dust and/or gold. Many players don’t keep track of their dust. Hence, so many players unsure if more dust than what should’ve been taken away was taken away. If this suggestion existed in reality, there’d be less confusion right now.

I mean, I’m not trying to say this is absolutely necessary. Again, it would simply be nice in order to better keep track of things.


I wouldn’t mind a log at all.


Perfectly sensible, reasonable, and good suggestion. I like it just fine.


Went ahead and put this on Reddit. It seems people are missing the usefulness of this suggestion if implemented. For example, it’d be immensely useful in situations like ‘dustgate,’ allowing players to confirm none of their hard-earned dust was taken away. It’d allow for players to look back and see what they crafted or disenchanted if memory doesn’t serve. Basically, anytime dust is removed or taken from players, this would be incredibly useful.

I don’t know how many resources this would require. I believe it’s probably worth it, again, especially after this fiasco.

seems completely useless
i dont think i ever needed to check at something like that in 5 years

You may should have most recently to confirm that none of the dust you earned honestly wasn’t taken away mistakenly. This log would hold value at any future date at which T5 gives or takes players’ dust. It’d lastly be useful for those that are forgetful and don’t remember on what exactly they spent their dust. And some people simply like keep records.

I’m surprised with the recent mess involving dust that people fail to see how this would be useful.