Is this game just garbage?

If hearthstone is to be a competitive game, MMR and win ratio is a thing.

I don’t play for a rank and i don’t really try to win when i get paired with a death knight of something like that, but i try to play all my games. Silver 10 forever. It sortof works for me.

But some people care about ranking higher. And it’s a thing.

“Worthy opponent” would imply a tie. And that involves a 50% win/loss rate. How does that work towards ranking higher.

Heck, what’s a rank mean? Ranked isn’t quick match right? There’s a difference?

I’m not going to make up a fix. Because i can’t do it for them.

You do have to play a lot to get to Legend. Not make any game-losing mistakes and be consistent, finding those edge cases where you are predicting what your opponent will do. (From someone who hit Legend 15 times in Standard)

Sadly since cards like Reno and Zilliax came out, they just win the game on the spot and make it nigh on difficult to win from then on.

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Not making any game losing mistake? you mean like Playing Yogg to steal a minion in which it then deletes your board and discards your best card. Or playing against a Rogue that generates every single answer to what you try and do. This game has little to no skill expression left at this point. Reno is the least of the problems Hearthstone has at the moment.


Yes, if Ravic doesn’t win every game, then it’s just garbage.

Is this game just garbage?



I been on a losing streak all morning and been trying a different decks. Yea this game is trash.


The game suffers from bloat. A lot of fatty build up in the last couple of years.

The hardcore nerded enjoy it a bit, but most of that type are dating the hand and have an excess of time to create a great deck. If you’re looking for a simpler game to play, this is no longer the place. Play casual and don’t sweat the ladders. How badly to you really want to be king of the geeks, anyway?

Then why do you respond to every post? :thinking:


The core suggestions are absolutely terrible, but the ones you get on the apprentice track and loaner decks are good enough, since you came back you likely would only be able to get the loaner deck, so you should focus on maining that until you get resources to build a deck you want

Yeah, my thoughts on handbuff paladin is that while in the higher tiers of play it is said to have counters and have weak early game due to having to set up, when you’re consistently going against it in the lower tiers due to how cheap and powerful it is compared to the resources you have to counter it, it just doesn’t feel good and the truth of it being amazing or not doesn’t matter when you never feel good to play against one

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