Is this game just garbage?

As someone coming back to the game after playing during season one it seems legitimately laughable how terrible the starting suggested deck they give you is compared to other players. I’m summing 3-4 damage characters with 4 mana, meanwhile the enemy summons multiple 10+ damage enemies with 4 mana, resets the board fully multiple times, has 10+ legendaries. It’s literally laughable how unbalanced this garbage feels.


What do you mean by this? Like if you go to the collection and have the game automatically complete a deck? Because, yeah, that will usually just make a garbage deck

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Are you actually laughing though?

The one that they suggest to new players. If you don’t have a viable deck, you pick one from a class to get for free to start playing

that meme gif of Pedro doing the laughing into crying is about right for this game.


Yes, but people should start uninstalling and not complaining in this useless forum. the only people that defend this game, are stupid people that spent thousands of dollars in this scam.


While there are many powerful, dare say it, unbalanced cards out there, most of them are not legendaries.

Having a look at top decks: most decks have 2-6 legendaries total

Spell Mage has only 2 epics and it’s one you get for free, the rest is commons and rares.


The game client is COMPLETE garbage.

It is full of so many code errors, you client will crash or race conditions will cause you to become disconnected. Usually the desync errors are things that happen on the opponent turn, but I just played a rush minion, attacked and hit end turn. The game desync’ed me and I had to restart while two streaming videos were playing in my browser.


cliend crash ?been months since i had the last one

must be something on your device i stopped having crashes after i got a new pc( my old one barely met the requeriements and it had windows 7)

Welp, moving onto another card game then. Too bad cause I love WC. I’m not looking for pay to win or playing the same top 10 decks as everyone else to even compete.


This is literally every ccg

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The positive thing about there being a “meta” is that you can create a build that counters the meta. Granted you then also risk adding to the problem if other players start playing your build and a popular streamer starts playing it.

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Yugioh wasn’t like that at first. Unfortunately, all TCG become meta trash at some point.

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No, literally every CCG is like that from the very beginning. It’s just that noobs can’t see it and everyone starts as a noob. People have the most fun with the genre before they get good.

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I can’t argue against that. Its extremely true.


To be honest I’ve been thinking about that a lot, by which I mean that people have the most fun before they get good. And it’s making me wonder if what I usually do here is even ethical. Like, I’m normally correcting people who are wrong about facts related to Hearthstone. I am not doubting that the facts are the facts, and I’m not doubting that knowing the truth increases one’s skill at the game. But I am starting to doubt whether or not it’s okay to increase other people’s skill at the game.

I mean, on the other hand it does feel like people only tend to come here when they’re either already getting salty or when they think they’re smart enough to assist others, so they’re usually pretty close to getting good anyway. If you can come here then you’ve probably already looked at meta stuffs somewhere. But getting good really is a kind of curse as far as fun goes. Why help that process along?

Maybe Sseth was right.

No, it is actually worse than garbage


How would you know? Do you play with literal garbage? Have you performed a direct one to one comparison between playing Hearthstone and making puppets out of items you find in dumpsters? Does Dumpster Puppeteering have a Metacritic score?

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Yes, in my recent law suit that I intended against Blizzard, still on the roll, I made a perfect and legit comparison between HS and garbage…Needless to say that taking everything into consideration, led to HS being worse than garbage ( because garbage has utility in some certain scenarios) and a little better than Cancer because while some forms of cancer might kill you, HS will definitely kill something in you, like fun or money or even your will to live if you play it in a state of depression…

So yea, thank me later for the explanation.

And no you cannot play hs with puppets made from trash from the dumpster, because even the dumpster has his moral code, and you cannot find things as worse as what is developed in HS in the dumpster…


Please tell me more about your lawsuit

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