Is this game just garbage?

Even if they did read it, why would they care? We don’t pay their salary.

Eh, I think at least a couple people here actually spend money. But yeah, if someone is so salty that they clearly wouldn’t become a paying customer no matter what Blizzard did at this point, then it is kinda silly for Blizzard to care about what such a person thinks.

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Yes, it is garbage my friend. I normally play it to pass the time while trading stock options.

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And what will you get in return from this lawsuit?

Absolute garbage designed to try and extort money. Play twist and BG on the toilet and enjoy the games collapse.


Remember when they were going to “fix” the game. Released a patch 2 months ago then did absolutely nothing. They need to just pull the plug already and just have the HS white knights here Venmo them cash.


hopefully the firing of the person who made the injustice and the ones who encouraged him to do that, he is not on his first strike, found evidence of people complaining on the same person on reddit so it’s a pretty easy win…The else I don’t care, I despise Blizzard with all my bones flesh soul and living cell.

And do you have any guarantee that the person who is going to get fired won’t be replaced by someone equal or worse than him/her/it?

That’s not my problem…From experience I know worse follows…But again not my problem…Justice is about solving an injustice, not close your eyes because other people might be worse than the one making the injustice. Choosing a lesser evil what makes people not stand up and take attitude against injustice, which is why they can do whatever they want and all you can do is suck your thumb while he threats you like anything except a customer , which they have totally forgot in their roids rage to get money…

Either way, that’s not the point, this so called GM answered poorly and put his fist in the mouth wrongly before, but probably on the other side he got a child that just was subdued by his almighty “Blizzard employee” tag…But I am not a child and I do not really fear his Blizzard employee tag in any way…There is always the saying, he cannot actually kick me out of the country, all he can do is ban my pixels which in all honesty is not a superpower to begin with.

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Legendaries does not autowin. Even back at launch, the “all legendary deck” was known for being awful. You did not mention mode played. You did not mention class played, or opponents played. You did not mention the specifics of each class as well as where you got your deck from.

Too much missing info to respond properly lol
(and yes i read the replies, still not enough)

I’m starting to hate this game a lot.

It used to be fun, i’d be making my own decks. Most of the time very playable. But lately nothing works. Either they hand me a game or i get demolished without being able to hold on to a single minion. Playing in casual.

I understand my MMR would be low. I’m still tweaking the deck. But come on… Unless i actually get a worthy opponent there is no valuable gameplay testing i can use for updating the deck. Shuffler is garbage too.

You know what the funny part is? I actually dip in my wallet for this game on occasion. I guess that’s not valuable to them. No way i’m doing this now.

The cake is a lie. And i just lost the game.
Carriage return - Page break.

EDIT: I ended up dropping the deck. Not because it didn’t win, but because of deckbuilding reasons. The cards to make it work just aren’t there.

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Starting to really hate this game as well.

Gold tier, can’t win, regardless of deck I use.

battlegrounds , loss after loss after loss at 6000mmr.

Feels more like a game for esports tryouts rather than a gave to have fun.

Hate elite players.


You don’t need to win in order to have fun.

getting wreck by Hand buff Pally is not fun.

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This month I am ranked up in Wild more than Standard, which feels like a slog. Painlock is supposed to still be good but I’d have these games where I’d lose…

But then again I haven’t been playing nearly as much as usual, occupied with other games. Currently playing Nomifactory CEu (Modded Minecraft)

This game, Andrei, you do as that’s how the clueless dev’s built the game around MMR and shoving it in your face every chance they get.

Believe me, when you see stars disappearing in standard/twist and your MMR # going down or staying at 6000, it’s very dis-heartening and discouraging.

This game is built around you buying their overpriced garbage to get the false sense that you will start winning.

Phill Spencer needs to shut these devs down and totally re-work the game.


No real wonder all the OG streamers left this pile of trash game. Lifecoach was right when he said the game is just coin flips on card effect RNG now. Almost zero skill expression is left in the game now.


Why? Those stars don’t mean anything in real life. They simply mean you played the game and that’s it.

But when everyone get’s to legendary status and brags about it and you can’t get higher than bleeping gold tier. You feel like you suck in this game.

Which is what blizzard wants so you buy their overpriced garbage.

And? Let them brag. Some people are bragging they made the world a better a place to live in, others brag about getting legendary in a card game that has absolutely no impact on humanity. I’m bragging about being the tallest kid during kindergarten.

So what? I suck at chemistry or physics. As you can see, I’m alive and doing great, so… :person_shrugging:

And you can politely tell them no and they can’t do anything about it…yet.

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