Is this game just garbage?

that’s mine and blizzards business when it will come to that…In my country it takes years before even a file get’s sent legally to the prosecuted.


What country is that?

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Why would that be of any concern to you ? Let’s say Singapore, since I have a lot of experience with trash.


10 decks? Think it’s more like 3 or 4. We’ve got thief priest, thief rogue, Brann warrior, and spell mage. I don’t think anything else is even competitive right now

It’s all solitaire anyway. Draw your win condition first and gg

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To be frankly honest, if you want to start winning and climbing the ladders; break out that credit card and start buying, buying, buying; otherwise, you’ll be stomped by the ridiculous decks.

Or option B: just uninstall and move to a better game like Magic or another card game 100x better than this p.o.s,

And complaining here won’t do any good. You’re surrounded by shills and their lil cronies who will falsely report your post and gain you a forum vacation.


This is the shortcut, yes, but Hearthstone is a fairly friendly F2P game if you are willing to put the time into grinding resources. You might not be able to play all meta decks, but with grinding, quests and good resource management you can get at least a few very good decks each expansion

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True…. If you want to be 3 metas behind. And want to play Hearthstone for months just to get the dust and gold to craft those meta decks….

That is, if you’re not falsely accused of being a bot for playing hours upon hours on the game.

Best solution: break out that credit card and go into financial debt in buying packs, passes and decks themselves.

Or have a job and an entertainment budget

Im go ahead and bet that…

The uh… “Dumpster Puppets” would crush the bluzzards in an all out meta"

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So first, I wrote “I’ll crush your dumpster puppets”

Then thought that sounded vaguely inappropriate

Then I posted it anyway

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I read that in the voice of Dwight Schrute lols

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I have a pretty good entertainment budget but this game is not worth spending it on. And as long as people continue to do so, nothing’s going to change around here. The only way these devs are getting replaced is if the bean counters say it needs to happen


I agree with this at the moment. I’ve spent in the past, but I haven’t been happy with a lot of recent decisions. The recent quest changes have got me playing again, but I’m going to need to see some more improvements before I start spending again

Agreed. This game is so utterly broken. There’s too many literally unstoppable combos that just instantly win the game that people can do by turn 4-5 that it’s ridiculous. They need to make some global changes to hearthstone, like a cap on cards you can play per turn (say 1 per turn number) to even start fixing the mess it is now.


Yes. It is this twenty yet…

the game is just one massive tavern brawl now. insane power level of cards. so many games won by complete random nonsense.

i stopped spending actual money on the game years ago.

i still play frequently but it is mostly just for laffs.


Think i’m going that route as well, Moksha.

No more spending real money in this game and not worry about my rank in rank mode and just play for fun.

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I wish team 5 sympathizers like you, Sc0tieMcB-1291, just go away.

Players like you is why Team 5 won’t do anything to make this game better.


Bro no one from Team 5 will ever read anything here. Nothing you say and nothing I say is ever going to do anything

If you do have any suggestions they will be seen on Reddit and Twitter by RidiculousHat, he replies to a lot of posts