iPhone Issue: Game crash when trying to text friends

Oh nice to hear, well bro thank you really!
Hope blizzard will get it easier now

BTW my language is Polish. Probably any different iOS system language crashed.

I think there is into hs device some files missed linked to other languages, or at least to some of them.
Its like when hs app reads another iOS languages chat doesn’t work fine

Awesome debugger :wink: I love ya
But don’t say that about Blizzard… that’s a tricky bug. Language issues are widespread and underestimated. They just need a better Unit Testing process.

Thank you Szaman, your solution worked for me.

My iPhone is running in French.

Blizz, our friend here resolved the problem, please fix your app now that the issue is known.

Ton topic aura été d’une grande utilité :blush:

Thank you, Szaman! We’ve sent this up to our team to check out! We’re still having some issues with replicating the issue, but this seems to be helping a ton of folks here :slight_smile:

Could those still experiencing the issue, try the workaround provided? Try changing the language to a different language and retry.

I did (change language back) and there is still bug.
Actually I have my iPhone on English, it’s not a problem honestly, but this bug has to be fixed asap

There’re several English variants. Did you selected the one that isn’t dedicated to a specific country ? (eg: UK, US, India, Australia, etc.)

Hi my game keeps crashing on ios before and after matches somtimes resulting in me losing stars or not earning them when i win.

Same for me, worked instantly, didnt even have to reboot ipad or reinstal the application.

Hi caterpepi

Changing in game language from French to English fixed the issue on my side.
On the other hand, the issue is still present when switching back to french.

Information provided on the same thread for my iPhone is still relevant, if you need some extra information to reproduce the issue on your side.

Hope this bug will be fixed soon. :slight_smile:

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Hi Caterpepi

Do you have any information about this issue reproduction from the dev team ? Is there anything we can do to help you or the team fixing this issue ?



We’re still aware that some languages are impacted by the bug. We appreciate the continued reports - we’re forwarding them along as the developers investigate/make tweaks on the back end.

Little head’s up on this issue : the problem disappear if you set the keyboard on “floating” (iOS last update).

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Hey there im sorry for my bad english, cause im from russia. The lust update has ruin hearthstone, it crashes when i try text someone it crushes when i play ranked, battlerounds i cant communicate with my friends cause ipad is only one devise i owned they take offense on me!!! Please help me

Big thanks to blizzard, Timur Rybkin, TRiba#2934

Hi Caterpepi !

The last update fixed the issue on my iPhone. I’m now able to communicate with my friends again, finally !

Thanks to every people here involved in the investigation process, especially the one who tried to change the game language :smiley:

Thank you for the update, Asfal! Glad to hear it’s working now :slight_smile: We’ve received confirmation this should have been resolved with the 16.2 update. Is anyone seeing this problem still?

Hey Caterpepi! Actually I am, it started on chatting with friends but it got a lot worse, now it just crashes probably a minute into the game. I know this was probably brought to your attention numerous times, but it’s really gotten bad. Hope you can find a way to fix it soon!