iPhone Issue: Game crash when trying to text friends

In my case i have removed every pendind quest (so now its 0) and i have 148 friends

Hi Caterpepi !

On my side, I have 29 friends in my friend list, no pending friend requests.
By the way, I noticed that I had a crash too when I click on « add contact » (or « add a new friend », something like that, my game is in french so I don’t have the exact wording). Does it help you ?


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I wanna say that mine is not a tipical crash, but when i tap to chat with a friend it stucks in keyboard and i cant see what im typing, then If i wanna play or do something else i have to reboot app

As not every user are experiencing this issue and its only related to the chat function of Hearthstone, could the “chat history” of these users bugged at some point in the past?

This question comes from the fact that [battle.net](http://battle.net) app (iOS) and software (PC) have access to previous chat history (which I guess through download).

  1. Could Hearthstone try to link the new chat session with the chat history and fails at the step of retrieving/linking it?
  2. Could Hearthstone manage to link sucessfully to the chat history, but would download a bug registered in it causing the game to crash?

Regarding the second possibility, could it be that such a bug have been triggered by Hearthstone simply crashing/disconnecting with the chat box opened and text entered in it? If that’s the case:

I. Could the server be “pre-storing” the text to send (as soon as it is entered in the chat box) and it would be recorded by it as “temporary data” so launching Hearthstone after “The crash” (which would create the bug) and trying to open the chat box might results in having Hearthstone trying to resume/link to chat history, but as “temporary data” would of been saved on the server and that maybe Hearthstone is not designed to link to “temporary data”, Hearthstone wouldn’t be able to resume the chat session and crash?

II. If the iDevice reached 0% battery while Hearthstone chat box is opened with text in it, could Hearthstone not consider this as a crash and thus create no log about premature shut down or the iOS would take over Hearthstone’s behaviour and freeze it from recording any data on the causes of “That shutdown” (which would create the bug)? Thus such shut down would leave no trace of the initial bug creation and again “temporary data” that could of been stored on the server would be unable to be retrieved when opening the chat box as again Hearthstone could not be designed to retrieve those kind of data from the chat history and would result in the game crashing? (As logs should rapidly point to the problem)

As a suggestion, maybe somehow reseting the chat history from Blizzard’s end would fix this “undetectable bug”?

Thank you

As there is a delay in updating Hearthstone on iOS devices^^ and that different Hearthstone versions can be online at the same time and considering that users cannot play matches against friends with different Hearthstone versions, but are still able to chat with friends using different Hearthstone versions,

What happens if: a user (A) having the old Hearthstone version logins and CHAT with a friend (user B) having the latest Hearthstone version, then user A tries to challenge user B (but cannot) and realize that its Hearthstone version is not up-to-date and prevent it from challenging a friend, user A would then logout and update Hearthstone then log back in and maybe notice that the new update has a bug preventing it from chatting?

What has actually changed in Hearthstone functionality between those two updates (around Oct 16)?

Could it be that the header file of the chat history (to download/retrieve when opening the chat box) has been updated? If yes, then that outdated header file may be present in the chat history of user A, as he would of chatted with an outdated Hearthstone version on a possible new version of chat system, which could maybe results after updating Hearthstone in having its chat services being unable to retrieve/read properly the outdated header file of chat history so opening the chat box would result in the game crashing (simply by having chat from an outdated Hearthstone version)?

I hope this helps

Is it possible that burialfaith is trying to fix the issue even more than blizzard? Is it a joke? Many thanks to him btw, bug is always here and not fixed yet. Blizzard is doing nothing.


I actually tried Burialfaith proposed Cloud clean up method on Nov. 20, as per my msg above. It failed to resolved the issue. It Worth trying. I have only 85 friends and no pending request.


I Believe you may be right on your assumption on the chat issue. I was chatting with a friend when a patch occured and my problems started. I Believe Blizzard should investigate your suggestion on Nov. 29.

I understand support is trying to resolve the issue and thank you for your assistance on this matter

Any news? I have also problem with friend request, when Someone send me quest i cant accept or remove

I have the same problem when trying to write to a friend. The game literally shuts down. I don’t have any friend requests.

IPad 6 gen., iOS 13.2.3, Heartstone ver. 15.6.36453

Thx blizzard really, almost 2 months for nothing, perfect.

Thanks everyone for your reports! The friend cap doesn’t seem to be the issue here as some concerns brought up from our team. Thank you very much appreciate your input, Burialfaith! We’ll get these suggestions over to our team in hopes that it will help pinpoint the issue and maybe be able to replicate this on our end :slight_smile:

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Is it almost 2 month that the only thing u are doing (blizzard not personally you) is coming here to say “we are trying to solve” but still nothing done. Are you seriously? I mean, is it too difficoult? Burial also showed that kind or issue was already appered and u cant fix it now??

Im here for saying that after last update bug is not gone, Always the same. Are you serios blizzard? LAST update and still this annoying bug? REALLY?

The problem hasn’t been repaired. I still can’t write to friends. I also noticed that sometimes randomly throws out of the game. If it is important: I play on European servers, Poland.

Is there an update ?

Its rather strange that devs cannot replicate an issue. It may be the reason why this is not yet fixed?

As another suggestion, could it be that user (B) having no issue with Hearthstone chat could of been using an outdated version of battle.net app on an outdated iOS device (ex: bnet v1.3.4 on iPhone 4S iOS 9.3.5) and that chatting from this outdated version of battle.net to user (A) who has the latest Hearthstone version (around oct 16) and the chat issue, would leave outdated header files in the chat history of user (A) and result in having the Hearthstone of user (A) being unable to read properly the header file of chat history? (Referring to post below).

Or that simply being logged onto battle.net v1.3.4 on same user (B)’s (not having the issue) iPhone 4S (while the battle.net app is not open, but credentials are entered and notifications are enabled) and chatting between user (A) and (B) each on iPad Air 1 would leave the possible new version of chat history header files onto the old version of battle.net (on user (B) iPhone) and that such version of bnet (1.3.4) wouldn’t be suited to handle the possible new code of chat history header file which could create a bug in the chat history of user (A) which would then be downloaded everytime the chat function of Hearthstone would be opened and cause Hearthstone to crash? (Referring to post below).

Thank you

Battle net app doesnt get Any problem, i mean its not linked in my case
There is something wrong into data files of app iOS i think and they are not even trying to fix it. its insane that anyone cant get the bug and fix, its 2 months already.

Build 16.0.37060
iOS 13.3
iPad Pro 2017
iPhone SE
None of my friends appear in my list and game is crashing when I try to add one.

I have temporary solution!!!
It was easy as hell. Just change your iDevice language to English. That’s it.

Settings->General->Language & Region->iDevice Language->English

Shame on you Blizz!