Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Will Odd paladin still be playable in wild? I love odd paladin.

Can you play legacy without facing an opponent that has wild cards?

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It seems that Blizzard does not want to change the current nine-slot user interface, so until such time as that occurs (if ever), we will probably only have deck slots in multiples of nine.

That said, we would need 29 deck slots to have just one deck per class per mode. Consequently, 36 deck slots to enable this and offer a few extra slots would have been extremely convenient and appreciated.

I hope they will reconsider the number and provide 36 instead!

I honestly could not give a rats bum. Anyone who claims that they are “outraged” at a computer game needs to relax.

These are great changes and the only people who are mad are nerds who spend hundreds of dollars to get all the Classic set or outrage junkies trying to make everyone else mad. This is a great change for Hearthstone!


A slap in the face of drama queens. Christ guys we get all the cards for free. The argument of “well I payed money and now it feels wasted because now everyone gets the cards” is extremely selfish. I’m glad this change makes you miserable, you deserve it.

For the rest of the players who are trying to have fun, this sounds very fun and I think we’re all going to enjoy this.

… and that isn’t at all childish…

… nerds who invested a lot of money which helped the company to thrive… and as for outraged junkies… I’m not sure having a pop at drug users is right or proper for a forum like this. Grow up.

Ok - picture this. You’re playing WOW. You’ve grinded away - put hours of time into acquiring a certain mount or gear set. Blizz then come along and say - we don’t want you playing on this realm now (e.g. standard in HS) and the only way you get to keep and play your mount is on a different server (e.g. Wild/Classic) where none of your friends or you actually want to play!!! - but hey!!! it’s all good - because you still get to keep your mount (golden collection) so its fine (not!!!). And here - we will give you (and everyone else on your realm) all this new free stuff. So now everyone on the server has the same mount (golden collection).

The whole point of building a gold collection is because they’re rare and more difficult to get - and you do it because a) they look cool and b) you want to show off your collection.

Yes we all get a free core set but as I said earlier - you’re missing the point. So before you start pointing the finger and calling us drama queens, selfish, nerds etc - please think on this (and stop attacking us). The points I have raised are both valid and backed by quotes from the game’s creators that the classic set would remain in Standard. In addition - if it hadn’t been for those of us that invested a lot of money into this game - do you think it would have actually grown as big as it is today? No it wouldn’t. If it was solely free to play, it wouldn’t be anywhere near as big because they wouldn’t have the capital to reinvest back into the game.


Majority of the players don’t care about Wild. People seem to forget that. When crafting a new card (especially epic or legendary) people decide on how long they will be able to use that card, right? Does anyone craft a legendary from Saviors of Uldum??? Absolutely not, because it will rotate to wild very soon. Standard is the real deal here. Wild is only there so that you still have the chance to play your old cards. That’s it. There’s a reason streamers and tournaments are only played on Standard. Standard is the competitive place. Forget about Wild.

So when people buy packs or craft cards, they do so within the newest expansions or classic set because they will see the longest play. Many people wouldn’t buy classic packs or craft classic cards should Blizz announce this change is a possibilty! See?

I don’t think these changes are bad in any way. I find them healthy for the game. New players are always better and possibly mean easier ladder for us lol. But you having crafted your classic cards thinking (according to promises) you will be able to use them forever was a mistake now according to Blizz, so they should give people their refunds. Then everyone will be happier. As I said many people don’t even care about Wild so don’t even start with that. Not being able to use a card in Standard should be assessed same as a nerf. I like the Core set and Legacy set idea but players should get their well-deserved dust refunds for any Classic cards rotating out of Standard. THIS IS THE WAY.


Make the changes, evolve the game - fine. But treat your fanbase with respect and be transparent in future with your intentions - or at least don’t make promises you don’t think you can keep.

I think compensating players with the same amount of dust they invested into their golden collection (which they can no longer play in the format promised) seems fair and valid. Of course - this would then mean we would have enough dust to craft an entire expansion - and Activision/Blizzard would lose out on a lot of money.

Go watch some videos on YouTube from Hearthstone Mathematics. They work out what the cost of getting an entire expansion would cost you (e.g. how many packs you would have to buy/money you would spend) in order to get a complete set. It goes beyond the cost of the bundles - and that is for a non-golden set.

So will Activision/Blizzard give a full dust refund to all of those players who have invested all of that money into their game to get a golden collection - at the expense of losing all that money those players would have spent on an expansion? No. I don’t think they will.

The irony is - the players who probably do buy the biggest bundles, and then buy extra packs - the ones Activision/Blizz make the most money from - are the very same players they are now shafting.

The only sure way to tell will be if all of those players withdraw their financial interest and input in the game - and watch the profit margins tumble. That is what I will be doing - and will be encouraging others who feel the same to do as well. Let’s all go free to play - and see how long the game stays at the top.


So i will say that this change is mainly positive, and there is only one change that makes me annoyed, even if it makes sense to happen this way.

So i will start with the positives.

  • They are making the game more friendly towrads newcommers, in therms of standard and possibly classic, as fewer things are required to be bought if you want a competetive deck (depending fn how/if they decide to change classic mode to feature more expansions)

  • As Blizzard will change the core set each rotation, they will have an easier time to control problem cards, as well as making powercreep less of a thing in standard, (almost everything from classic has been powercrept in classic as far as im aware (i mainly play wild so i’m not completely sure of, and it won’t fix the wild powercreep, which is something they cant really do anyhow))

  • As far as i can tell (though it is a bit optimistic) you will likely keep the cards you earn through leveling, even when the core sets rotate each year (though what they said might also just mean that you will get the “card slot” of whatever core set card will be at a given level, and the card in that slot changes, without letting you keep the card for wild).

Now to my one minor complaint about what was done here (or more precisely not done here, as now would be a good opotunity to make it easier for new people to enjoy the game, without having to fork out a lot of money).

  • Whisbang will not be added to the core set. I would even be fine, if they at least made (at least one) wild deck(s) for him to pull for each class (which does not seem to be the case), since he propably won’t be able to serve as a very good entrance for new people to try the game, when he only plays standard cards, in wild format.

I will admit that the complaint is pretty petty, and I know i should not have expected anything to change with him. Now just seemed like the perfect time to bring him back, so people would be able to have an easier time enjoying the game. (Also i have no idea what they will do with the classic deck recipes for each class, though i guess they could make it a wild or classic mode slot, which I would personally really enjoy, as it would either make whisbang feel better to use, or would make new people haveing a easier time making a classic mode deck).

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Except they don’t have the golden mount, you do. If you read the FAQ, you’ll see a line that says “Classic cards that aren’t part of the Core Set will not be usable in Standard.” which would imply that Classic cards that are part of the Core Set will be useable. This includes golden cards. The way I see it, you can still rock your golden cards while the others have to get their achievements for it.


Im happy to see changes made. But im unsure if these changes are the correct ones. Having 2 different versions of the same card, in a “new” gamemode, is unnecessarily convoluted.

I actually liked the Hall of Fame idea. Kind of, “look at these cards we made a mess of/made to strong/broke the meta”. And having them playable in wild.

You should have just made a “new” mode, same as wild, just without Hall of Fame.

And you could have removed the classic pack, and granted the set on leveling, or class completion, to give newcomers a big boost into the game.

But what do i know. Im eager to see if these new changes catch on. I hope so. I hope its good. But im very skeptical.

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Good point SuddenReal. I would still expect a full dust refund on those cards that aren’t kept in the core set and are moved to wild. And if in a year’s time they rotate out remaining classic cards - I would expect those to be refunded too.

As per a previous quote - Classic cards were created/advertised as cards that would remain in Standard. Therefore - if game creators are now going back on their word - they are effectively in breach of trade’s description surely…?

They sold a product on the understanding it would remain part of play in Standard. Players bought their product and built a collection. They are now making a number of those cards defunct. Therefore we have been mis-sold a product and should be entitled to a full refund.

If there are any lawyers involved in ‘Trade Law’ that play HS I would be interested in their take on this?


Ok so I have done some digging around in Consumer Law:

The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 made it an offence for businesses or salespeople to sell a product or service based on misinformation. The Act forced them to be more truthful about their service or product and not deliberately mislead consumers into spending their money on a false claim.

The Trade’s Description Act has largely been replaced by ‘The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008’. This was introduced to prevent traders in all sectors from engaging in unfair commercial practices against consumers, with a primary focus on marketing and selling.

Under this law - misleading actions and omissions are covered. A misleading action may be 'not including the benefits or risk of a product’. It goes on to state, ’ a trader is in breach of the regulations if they omit or hide information from the consumer as they are considering a purchase. Another breach would be if the trader offers information that is unclear, ambiguous or intelligible. These omissions may lead the consumer to make a misinformed decision’.

Now I am no lawyer - but I would say we have a pretty good case there. Had I known what I know now - I would not have invested money in purchasing all of those packs to obtain a golden collection.

So before people start hating on us for complaining - this is actually potentially pretty serious - and possibly even backed by law. And before people cry out ‘it’s just a game’… It happens to be a game I have invested £1000s in over the years - and I am prepared to defend that investment.


The point is the game is being improved. Despite your anger that other people get the same things that you have even though you spent money, the game is improving.
So… you’re mad about no longer having more cards than other people, and therefore you no longer feel special. Maybe YOU should grow up good sir, and realize that no-one cares whether you feel special or not, and this change is for the good of the game as a whole/the majority of people are happy about it.


Also… major lolz that you quoted the Trade Regulations act. About your Hearthstone golden card collection. And you tell other people to grow up. It’s… quite something m8

Honestly, if it’s something you spent money on, I’d say that’s fair game. Whether it’s a golden virtual card collection or a physical product doesn’t matter much. See the final paragraph in Winter’s last comment.

That’s not the point though. The point is that you spent the money under certain assumptions, i.e. that you would be able to use those cards in standard in perpetuity. It’s not about wanting other people to have less if they spent less (which could be considered selfish); it’s about wanting to get the value you were promised when you spent the money.

(Also you don’t really “get the cards” for free. You just get access to them while they are in the core set. They’re not actually copies that you get to keep, as far as I understand.)


Welcome back to classic :heart:

Blizzard is a company that sells products and since the creation of Standard and Wild modes they have been selling Classic packs saying that they will always be part of the Standard set. When that was not the case, the cards being removed were Hall of Famed and owners of these cards were compensated with a full dust refund. With the upcoming changes the entirety of the Classic set is compromised, some cards will be available for Standard this year and others in the years to come. It is only logical and fair to compensate owners of these cards for breaking their side of the trade, after purchases have occurred, as they have been doing already. Either being acquired with money or gold, they are both currencies the company accepts payments with and they are both currencies that require time to be obtained, time that cannot be returned to the players. The current playerbase investments must be respected. The free cards are not permanently added to our collection, they are loaned copies that will rotate in and out each year, so we do not get to disenchant these extra copies even for the 1:4 dust ratio. The Core set, as introduced at the moment, is great for new players (and I am happy they are giving free cards to new players because they are absolutely necessary to the game) but for all kind of old players (f2p, budget, whales) it is a violation to their Classic packs purchases and makes the game more expensive since there will be no more Hall of Fame dust at the start of each Hearthstone year.


Thank you Warpunk and Phagocytosis for your constructive comments, and for clarifying the points I was trying to make. I’m glad it’s not just me that can see it in this way.


And if you have the cards as part of their original sets, you’ll still get to play with them after they leave Core. But if they use the same tech as they did for Doom in the Tomb, the Core version of a card will be a distinct copy and the original version of that card will not be usable in Standard.

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