Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

This is such a great change, the classic and basic set are pretty outdated at this point, a good chunk of the cards aren’t really viable in todays hearthstone.
Another good thing is that this will really bolster the amount of cards we have to use which I always found was a problem
I am so damn happy with this change, good stuff Blizzard


I think this is some exciting changes, can’t wait to see the full set list for what will be the core set. Also rotating cards in and out of core set to fit each rotational period is also pretty cool, like how MTG Has a core set that gets some changes each year depending on what’s coming/already there.

Time to innervate, coin, Yeti on turn one for ez legend. :sunglasses:


Blizzard should really focus on making Hearthstone more affordable. I could simply not justify spending 600$ a year to keep my HS collection relevant enough to keep standard interesting. Dunno how the player base keeps up, but im assuming more ppl would play if it was more affordable, like myself.

Male 30
Above average income

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This change will probably make Hearthstone more affordable, New players will not have to collect the classic set to get in the game, Things that used to award Classic packs will award different awards, which will probably help your collection.


I understand that, I was only pointing out that it’s not entirely accurate to say we’re “getting” different cards to replace those we lose from Basic and Classic (in Standard, anyway). (You’ll also only be able to play with them in Wild, or what will be called Legacy by then I believe.)

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100%. I just don’t understand this community. They want the game to be cheaper. Blizzard makes this change, which makes it much easier to introduce new players, and cheaper for 90% of players as a whole. Instead of being happy, now they are mad about something else. Some people can never be pleased.


“made up negativity” Huh, by fiat then, is it?

Or how about this, I have 215 golden classic cards, obviously not near the most, but quite enough (it just could have been worse for me) for this point… that I’ve crafted those because I was promised they’d be in the format I cared about (and not some dinky format that seems almost custom made so apologists could make this exact point) FOR. EVER. and the first time that promise was broken, they at least decided to give full dust back, because of course they should.

Now they’re breaking that promise on a mass scale, and I have no use for those cards (again, dilligaf about “classic”?), and I’m meant to be happy I can get 1/4 of what I put in back? Yeah, nah, off with you and that dross :slight_smile:


I must second that, as a pay to play player (spent hundreds and hundreds of euros so far), that has all commons and rares and vast majority of epics and legendaries, I do feel bitter. My goal was the full collection of cards, I always count on extra dust to patch up the holes from before of my onboarding (I started constantly playing since old gods). Now, I do have more than 99% of the cards that I NEED for my games and I CAN make more, but that becomes harder as I do not want to disenchant any non duplicates. Before we were always granted with 3-7000 dust (depending on golden/collection) in the beginning of the year that we could use to fill in the gaps, thanks to the hall of fame. This year we can do something similar by DISENCHANTING the core cards… cards that we ACTUALLY LOSE after a year if they rotate out! I do not want that. Actually, I’m considering dropping the collection and going free to play, i have so many cards so far to disenchant I will be able to make any deck I need for years to come… If blizzard grants a HEFTY MULTI THOUSAND (e.g. 5000) dust pack to each player entering the new year, on top of the changes, we can call it even and no hard feelings. Otherwise, this is a back stab to the loyal customers and collectors.


Diablo 4 ultimate on MOBILE !

Lying, or incompetent? Doesn’t matter. You don’t own a single HS card. They are all property of Blizzard, and they can always take them away without giving a reason. Next time, read the fine print.

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Classic card is always outdated in meta
New card is more powerful than classic one

So copy MTGA to create core set to contol meta
But the number of MTGA card is greater than hearthstone many times. The compesation of update standard set is better Blizzard

Copy is the best solution but I don’t like it

Any of those cards rotating from Classic into Wild this year, may return into the Core set next year, and you can use your golden copies in standard then. Most the cards in classic aren’t even used anyway, and the ones that people actually use (except Edwin) are most likely to stick around.

If Blizz were truly greedy, the dust system wouldn’t exist at all, and cards could only be acquired though packs. Crafting golden cards is a choice like choosing to splurge on foil cards for MTG - when one of those cards gets banned BY WoTC, no one gets a refund at all. Sure they can still sell it on the collectors market because it’s a physical object but it no longer has gameplay value, and they often ban cards within weeks of release.

This meta shakeup has been needed for a long time. When the game first started and they said Classic would always be playable, they probably didn’t expect the game to still be running strong 7 years later.

Classic Format may take some time. I think once people finds out the current game is trash after playing classic (like me, after playing classic through the first 3 expansions, the game sucks now, the old HS was far better), more would want to keep playing classic.

But my concern is with miracle rogue and freeze mage, people will get frustrated with that without the first two expansions of the game. I feel like the first two expansions fixed a lot of the issues the base game had.

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If all of those core cards were brand new, then sure! But giving me shadowform for “free” when I own that card already without any dust refund seems like a scam Imo.


I’m super pumped about classic mode! I just wish we could do also classic arenas

classic mode will forever be my new main game mode. I feel like the first two expansions can be added too to it since they came out in the same year as the base game and one could argue if blizzard delayed the release of the game until late 2014 all the content from the first two expansions would of been in the game at release.

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I liked the news and I am happy with the future. : ) The game now has a lot of hero portraits and a lot of modes and it’s coming Classic Mode now and a freshy and new Standard Mode every year, with few wild cards returning again and same I stop to play eventually, Hearthstone already turned my life’s card game for sure.

P.S - It just seems correct to support him/her point, same if it isn’t my complaining journey.


twenty characters……


Very well, and if those cards come back in rotation, you will have to refund that dust. If you don’t have that dust available, random cards will be dusted to get that amount.

Because that’s the point of rotation. Cards go out, cards go in. Blizzard has been unable to put in cool cards because of interactions with in Classic. Now they can take those cards out, and when the next rotation comes around and those “problem cards” leave, they can put them back in.

And yes, you are no lawyer, you do not have a good case. They never omitted or hided information. When they released Hearthstone, they did intend to keep the Classic set permanent. When they decided to look into a core set, they did announce that.


twenty characters……