Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

What people are missing is - those of us that play standard and collected a full set of classic in gold lose out. Sure there is a free set - but everyone is getting it regardless. Jo Bloggs who had zero investment gets the same as us mugs who invested $$$/£££ so we could play our golden cards in Standard. If we don’t play Wild - we basically lose them all - and now have to run a whole bunch of in-game achievements to get the core set in golden… only to have them bumped out again a year on. As a ‘collector’ this absolutely sucks. For me it now takes away the desire to build my golden collection anymore. Absolute BS. Way to shaft the people who have played and invested the most into your ever greedier game Activision.


If you dont play wild you can dust them

It cost me 3200 to create a Golden Legendary. I dust it and get 400. Follow that for Epic , Rare and Common Golds. It is not - like for like.


you get 1600 for it.

hmm isnt nice to lie
you get 1600 for disenchanting a golden legendary

My bad. The point I am making still stands. I won’t get my dust back by disenchanting them. Nowhere near. How is that fair???


I bought something. One day while I was using it, the thing broke on me. Now, the company won’t get me a new one for free. How is that fair?

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It is fair because the overall change is positive and generous.

As I said in a previous reply, the refunds are just a courtesy. And in this case the context justifices not having a refund even more.


Playerbase for the classic format mode shouldn’t be an issue if they only have a ranked ladder, and not an unranked version as well.

They have to do something, the playerbase is already split amongst so many modes, they cant really have two separate ladders for the classic mode as well. I don’t mind if there is only ranked on it.

Pretty awful strawman. If the company said the item would last forever guaranteed, then I’d be entitled to another. We were told classic would be in standard permanently, I invested in making lots of classic legendaries golden, including having crafted milhouse, nat pagle, lorewalker cho and many other bad cards for the sake for having a full golden classic set. I feel robbed. I want refunds on all my classic golden cards.


It isn’t positive, nor generous for me, I already have the classic set, and a large amount golden. Just because it benefits you, does not mean it benefits us all. They promised that classic would be permanent, the hall of fame refunds being compensation for the fact they broke that promise.


And that wont go away, you still have your classic golden set.

Again, the refunds are a courtesy. And did they promised that? Can you quote it? Because in the other hand I remember they hinting the possibility of classic and basic to rotate, from a long time ago

and we have a compensation in the form of free cards


is old murk-eye and captain’s parrot included in the classic format

This would be genius if true.

“You’ll play Standard using a deck built solely from a pool of cards that were released in the current and previous calendar year, along with a core foundation of the Basic and Classic card sets (which will always be valid for Standard).”


Hmm, we can say that it was kind of a promise. But obviously a lot of standard cards have leave standard already, so the “promise” was already broken. And for those specific cases they had the courtesy of refunding the dust which is nice but we cant blame them for not doing it now, this is an special ocation, and is mostly good and generous.


27 Deck slots? Why not 30 instead?

That gives us players more to love, but seriously, would love to see 30 deck slots; not 27. After all, Blizzard, you guys added a new hero. So 30 deck slots works better, and gives each hero 3 decks per hero.

I like it better that way.

It’s nice to see some changes made. I’ve been asking for this for a long time. Can’t wait to use it.

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I know right? They’ve should just charged us for the new cards… KEKWait!

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I don’t feel that it’s greed. Instead, I feel that Blizzard’s trying way too hard to accommodate/welcome new players. To the level that those (like me) who spent an insane amount of time/money while playing Hearthstone to get the entire Classic set will feel cheated.

They’re giving players every card available instead of forcing players to play and purchase them. This is amazing news for new players or people who don’t play often but a slap in the face for people like me. That’s my issue with this announcement.


You can’t build Jade Druid with only Classic cards.